Monday, November 16, 2015

"Transforming Prayer" Series - Week #9 "Amen!" (Matthew 6:9-13)

Sunday, November 8th sermon by Pastor Kyle Van Tine 

Transforming Prayer Week #9 "Amen!" - Matthew 6:9-13

Summit View Church Announcements 11/15/15

CG Coaching for Transforming Prayer  
Sunday, November 15th  - Pastor Kyle Van Tine - Transforming Prayer "Amen!"   
Growing deeper
Ice Breaker Questions
What are your plans for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s this year?
What are you most looking forward to in the Christmas season?
Questions for Study
Transforming prayer transforms our prayers
How has your view of prayer changed throughout this series?
What has been the most important biblical insight you received throughout the eight weeks of Transforming Prayer?
How do the biblical prayers we examined each week compare to your own personal prayers?
Transforming prayer transforms our character 
How has God used prayer to transform your heart, mind and will?
Which of these categories (praise, confession, request, intercession) do you need to grow in and why?   
How have you experienced the presence, guidance and love of God through prayer?
Transforming prayer transforms our future 
How will you begin to apply what you’ve learned throughout this series? What insights, techniques, or approaches will you use?
What people, decisions, situations and issues will you pray about and how will you pray about them?   
If, in the future you have the opportunity to teach someone about prayer, what you would you teach them?