Monday, August 24, 2015

Summit View "Compelled by Weakness" 2 Corinthians 11:1-12:10

CG Coaching for Week #12 of 2 Corinthians: A Church Compelled 
Sunday, August 23rd sermon by Pastor Kyle Van Tine  
"Compelled by Weakness" - (2 Cor 11:1-12:10)
Growing deeper
The biblical picture of the Church in the Bible is a bride. We are the Bride of Christ. Paul sees himself as the father of the Bride, protecting and preparing her to be presented to her Bridegroom, Christ Himself, when He returns to claim His Church. As a father, Paul is ready to defend his daughter the Church from the false doctrine that has threatened to turn her from the path to the altar before the Lord. Satan is always ready to lure the Church away with false promises that our sinful human hearts seek – health, prosperity, power, autonomy, heaven in the here and now. It’s easy for us, the waiting betrothed, to get anxious and seduced by the promises of a different “gospel” as our Bridegroom prepares a place for us. Satan’s seductive and beautiful light distracts the Church from the truth of the Gospel. We must not be tempted to follow artificial light. Beware of messages that claim we can have it all now. Our home is not the here and now. Christ’s life is our example. Paul’s boasting is in his weakness and sufferings for the Gospel. His sufferings were aimed at pointing to Christ’s work reconciling sinners with God. There is nothing else to authenticate the truth of the Gospel. The Christian life is a life that embraces everything counter culturally – weakness, suffering and a sacrificial love for others, so they might be saved. The Church is a place for the weak and lowly and broken - that is its strength.
Read 2 Corinthians 11- 12:10, John 3:16-36, 2 Peter 2 
The Gospel is strange and out of step with the world. When we try to twist the Gospel into the world’s idea of power it becomes useless. The Gospel is not elitist. The end goal of the Gospel is the reconciliation of people with God and with each other. Any message that changes that is false. 
Discuss how the Gospel message is one of reconciliation.
How do counterfeit gospels seek to distort that message?
Evaluate what are some possible counterfeit gospels you might be following in your life. Test those messages against what God’s Word says. 
How are you preparing for the coming of your Bridegroom, Christ?

Summit View "Compelled by Obedience" 2 Corinthians 10:1-18

CG Coaching for Week #11 of 2 Corinthians: A Church Compelled 
Sunday, August 16th sermon by Pastor Kyle Van Tine  
"Compelled by Obedience" - (2 Cor 10:1-18) 
Questions for Discussion "Growing deeper"
Jesus didn’t strut onto the world stage like a Hollywood star. He came meekly into the world as a baby born in a barn, lived his childhood in obscurity, ministered while homeless and died a humiliating death on a cross. Yet His divine power was unimaginable. He contained His power to become the sacrificial Lamb that saved us. Meekness is strength submitted to the proper authority. Paul writes strong words against those who want their showiness to be interpreted as authority and power. Their super-apostle strength was all show with no real power. Their authority was devoid of God’s truth, and Paul outlines ways to not be deceived by their error. Paul wasn’t looking for man’s approval; he knew he wasn’t impressive by man’s standards. Paul wasn’t willing to compromise the gospel because he sought God’s approval only. He did not want the false elitism and improper boasting of the few to stop the many in the Corinthian church from growing in faith and maturity. Like the Tower of Babel, some had built citadels to their own works, believing in their own power to save rather than God’s. They were measuring themselves by the world’s standards, looking to impress. We must be careful not to muddy the gospel for approval. The only criteria we should measure ourselves, and others who claim truth, is Christ - His character, His meekness, His deeds, His words, His suffering, His resurrection. Our boast is in Christ alone. 
Read 2 Corinthians 10:1-8, Galatians 1:6-12, Philippians 2:1-11.
Biblical meekness is a submissiveness towards God. Our pride is laid at the feet of Jesus. We must test true gospel messages to see if they are submitted and pointing towards the Gospel.  No matter how impressive a speaker, a vision or a miracle is, if it doesn’t point to Christ it is useless. We need to become people of The Book. 
Who are you seeking approval from?
How does what you are impressed by line up with God and His character? 
What are some points of pride in your life you need to surrender to God?
Who in your life do you need to humble yourself and serve?

Thursday, August 13, 2015

CG Coaching Week #11 "Compelled by Obedience" (2 Cor 10:1-18)

CG Coaching for Week #11 of 2 Corinthians: A Church Compelled 
Sunday, August 16th sermon by Pastor Kyle Van Tine  
"Compelled by Obedience" - (2 Cor 10:1-18) 
Growing deeper
Jesus didn’t strut onto the world stage like a Hollywood star. He came meekly into the world as a baby born in a barn, lived his childhood in obscurity, ministered while homeless and died a humiliating death on a cross. Yet His divine power was unimaginable. He contained His power to become the sacrificial Lamb that saved us. Meekness is strength submitted to the proper authority. Paul writes strong words against those who want their showiness to be interpreted as authority and power. Their super-apostle strength was all show with no real power. Their authority was devoid of God’s truth, and Paul outlines ways to not be deceived by their error. Paul wasn’t looking for man’s approval; he knew he wasn’t impressive by man’s standards. Paul wasn’t willing to compromise the gospel because he sought God’s approval only. He did not want the false elitism and improper boasting of the few to stop the many in the Corinthian church from growing in faith and maturity. Like the Tower of Babel, some had built citadels to their own works, believing in their own power to save rather than God’s. They were measuring themselves by the world’s standards, looking to impress. We must be careful not to muddy the gospel for approval. The only criteria we should measure ourselves, and others who claim truth, is Christ - His character, His meekness, His deeds, His words, His suffering, His resurrection. Our boast is in Christ alone. 
Read 2 Corinthians 10:1-8, Galatians 1:6-12, Philippians 2:1-11.
Biblical meekness is a submissiveness towards God. Our pride is laid at the feet of Jesus. We must test true gospel messages to see if they are submitted and pointing towards the Gospel.  No matter how impressive a speaker, a vision or a miracle is, if it doesn’t point to Christ it is useless. We need to become people of The Book. 
Who are you seeking approval from?
How does what you are impressed by line up with God and His character? 
What are some points of pride in your life you need to surrender to God?
Who in your life do you need to humble yourself and serve?

Is Jesus God? (Feat. Craig, Strobel, Habermas, Licona, Qureshi...)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Matt Chandler on abortion

A compelling 6-minute argument against abortion by Matt Chandler. This has gone viral for good reason.