Saturday, December 23, 2017

How Christmas Answers the Biblical Story of Light and Darkness

You may have never thought about it like this but the story of the Bible is the story of light and darkness.
God creates a beautiful cosmos, a world of harmony, with mankind as his vice regents, deeply connect to him and building his kingdom on the earth…The Light of beauty, balance, and peace abounds…but darkness is coming
The darkness of the serpent’s deception causes a fracturing, a divide so all-consuming that the entirety of human history can be traced into two distinct groups, the children of light and the children of darkness.
The darkness of the Snake’s lies sways mankind’s allegiance, the darkness of Cain’s sinful jealousy brings death, the darkness of humanity’s arrogance in building a society apart from God leads towards their scattering over the whole earth, and mankind’s idolatry confirms their allegiance as children of darkness     

But God’s light of rescue and redemption is seen in a burning bush, in fire on the mountain, in a hand writing on the wall, and in visions of a coming king…

Yet even God’s chosen people abandon the light of redemption for the pleasures of darkness..
….Israel wanted to go back to Egypt
….Israel wanted a King like all the other nations
….Israel worshiped other Gods
….Israel is absorbed into the pagan nations around them
….Israel was taken into the darkness of exile

Darkness reigns, Heaven seems silent…and mankind languishes, Israel has failed and only a faithful few wait with eager expectation for the hope of a light that will shine even in the darkness. 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

5 Questions to Ask your Family on Christmas Morning

As a Dad with two little girls, I can tell you firsthand that Christmas morning is an exciting time with our little kiddos bouncing off the walls, anxious to open their Christmas presents and eat lots of special Christmas treats.

Everyone loves the celebration and, so we should, but it's crucial to give a context by which we understand why we celebrate.

Gifts received, and food enjoyed can be acts of worship if we understand everything is a gift ultimately from God.

If we want our celebrations to rich, significant, and full of deep meaning, we must enter into our Christmas celebration through the glorious gates of Holy Scripture.

Here are five questions to ask your family this Christmas morning… 

Questions for Christmas Morning

  1. As we reflect on the birth of Jesus this Christmas morning, what does Christmas tell us about the character of God (John 3:16)
  2. You may have heard that Jesus is the reason for the season, but how exactly is Jesus a gift to us? (John 1:1-13)
  3. What other gifts has God blessed us with throughout this year? (1 Tim 6:17)
  4. Whenever God blesses his people He always calls them to be a blessing to others. (Gen 12:1-3 and Zech 8:13). What ways can we be a blessing to our family members, extended family, friends and neighbors today?
  5. Let’s go around in a circle and each one of us pray about one think we’re thankful for and praise God for one way he is amazing. 

Word Study: Agape - "Love"

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Word Study: Chara - "Joy"

Rest in Peace Dr. R.C. Sproul

Heart-broken to hear the news that Dr. R.C. Sproul has died this morning in Florida. He has been a theological mentor, a heavy-weight of clear biblical teaching and doctrinal faithfulness, spreading a passion for the holiness of God to the modern church.
In a world of mega church blow ups and celebrity pastor scandals, this old-saint stayed faithful to his wife, stayed fruitful in his calling and left an rich legacy for the church. Well done Dr. Sproul, enter into the joy your Master.
We await the day we will see you again at the resurrection, you will be healthy and whole, in the arms of the savior you proclaimed for all these years. In that day, we will worship, feast, and laugh with you again in a world without end, Amen!
Come Lord Jesus, come....
#RCSproul #Ligionier #Reformed #Teacher #Saint #Legacy #RIP