Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Beauty of Humble, Kind and Compassionate Godliness

When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him-Proverbs 16:7 

Perhaps you wouldn't define yourself as an enemy of Christianity or an enemy of anything or anyone for that matter but you are certainly not a big fan of the organized church, televangelists or particular, seemingly outdated doctrines of the Christian faith.
But would you not agree that there is a self-authenticating beauty to the genuine Christian life?
A life lived for the glory of God and the good of others is a life that brings human flourishing in relationships, marriages, families, workplaces and neighbors. When someone is walking with the Lord, humbling caring for the poor, needy and broken, praying for God's favor, blessing and forgiveness over others as well as just kindly serving you with gentleness and compassion, it's morally beautiful.

Perhaps you say you respect this way of life even if you don't completely disagree with the Christian view of God, sin, salvation, and eternal life. You have enjoyed having Christian family members, coworkers or friends.

But let me ask you this, if you believe that Jesus left an example that is morally beautiful and worthy of emulation and you would applaud those who would give their lives, like Jesus, to serve, teach and care for others, could it be that Jesus' actual teachings, which infused his lifestyle and informed his ministry might also be true and helpful?  I have found that it becomes increasingly difficult to live appreciatively among Christians in your family, your workplace or your school while denying their beliefs.

The challenge comes in having to simultaneously deny the truth of Jesus life, death and resurrection while at the same time witnessing the self-authenticating beauty of the lives of service and compassion that those beliefs about Jesus create.

Christian doctrine shapes Christian service.

If you say you love our actions but dislike our beliefs you cut us in half. All we do is informed, shaped and influenced by what we believe about God.
We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19)
We serve because he served us (John 13:15)
We forgive because we have been forgiven. (Matt 6:14)

Jesus isn't just a good example, he is a great savior and it is because we have been chosen, loved, forgiven and adopted that we can serve others selflessly because we're not living for the perfect spouse, the next iphone or even being a "good person." Christians our people of eternal hope that live for the life to come when every longing for adventure, every craving for pleasure, every desire to be known, understood, accepted and loved will be fully and finally fulfilled in the God who created us, loves us and saves us in Jesus!

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