Friday, September 30, 2022


Why do Christians call Jesus the Son of God? Is it because we're imitating polytheists (as the Quran claims), or is it because Jesus was identified as the Son of God by the Father, the Holy Spirit, Jesus himself, the Angel Gabriel, John the Baptist, the Apostles, and many others? David Wood examines the evidence.

#Jesus #SonOfGod

Monday, September 26, 2022

The Disaster and Delight of Social Media — Sarah Zylstra

RVC Fall Launch Sunday

Rainier Valley Church celebrating the Fall Launch and the new season at our new location at St. Mark's Lutheran Church in Seattle's Beacon Hill neighborhood.

Announcements from Sunday, September 25th

RVC Men's Fit Pit Night on Friday, September 30th 7-9pm POSTPONED - RVC's Men's Fire Pit Night is being postponed since there is currently a fire-ban in effect in the city of Seattle.

Rainier Valley Church's Worship Collective's New Album - "We Gather Together" Volume #2 is RVC's new album which is out now on all major streaming platforms including Spotify. Apple Music, Sound Cloud and YouTube. Check it out and enjoy the incredible worship!

“RVC's Fall Launch Party & BBQ”
(Various Bible Passages)
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Discussion Questions for Community Groups, Family Devotionals and Personal Discipleship.

Ice Breaker Questions
For those of you who were able to make it to the Fall launch party & BBQ, how did it go? Did you meet some of the new visitors? What was your favorite parts of the party on Sunday? What are you most looking forward to as we begin this Fall?

“Because God loves us, Rainier Valley Church exists to glorify God, to love one another, and to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we serve our neighbors and the nations.”

Because God loves us...(1 John 4:9-10)
Why is it essential that the Christian life starts with God's love for us and not our commitment to do better and try harder? How would you explain God's initiating love show in the Gospel to someone who thinks the Christianity is only about being religious? How do you experience the love of God in the Christian life? Why is it important for others to understand the love of God in Christ Jesus?

...Rainier Valley Church exists to glorify God...(1 Cor 10:31)
How would you explain to someone who isn't from a church background what it means to glorify God and why it's significant for someone to build their life around this goal?  If someone isn't glorifying God, what or who are they glorifying with their life? What ways of thinking, feeling, and acting might not be in alignment with your whole life glorifying God? love one another...(John 10:34-35)
Meditate on a few of these "one another" passages in scripture and consider how your life aligns with these commands.
1. “Be devoted to one another in brotherly love…” (Romans 12:10) Are you devoted to others with brotherly affection?
2. “…Serve one another in love.” (Galatians 5:13)Are you serving others? Are you motivated by love?
3. “Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.” (Galatians 5:26) Is there envy in you?
4. “…Be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2) Who do you need to be patient with?
5. “Be kind and compassionate to one another…” (Ephesians 4:32) How can you demonstrate compassion?
6. “…Forgiving each other…” (Ephesians 4:32) Who do you need to forgive and why?
7. “…In humility consider others better than yourselves.” (Philippians 2:3) How can you grow in humility?
8. “Do not lie to each other…” (Colossians 3:9) What ways might you be tempted to lie to others?
9. “…Encourage each other…” I Thessalonians 5:11) How can you be encouraging those around you?
10. “…Pray for each other.” (James 5:16) Who do you need to be praying for regularly and why should you pray?

..and to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ... (2 Timothy 4:1-2)
Think of two or three people in your life that don't know, love, and follow Jesus right now. How is the Gospel good news to each of them and how would you explain it as good news to them given their situation and personality? Why is it important to preach the Gospel and not just simply show it through our actions? How do you regularly preach the Gospel to yourself when you are wrestling with unbelief?

...As we serve our neighbors and the nations. (Acts 1:8)
How does Jesus call the disciples to local, regional, and global ministry and why does this matter to us as well? What ways are we personally helping to minister locally, regionally, and globally? Why is it essential that we minister in the power of the Spirit and not the flesh? How do you tell the difference between when you're ministering in the Spirit and in the flesh? What are some ways you've seen the power of the Spirit in your life lately?

RVC's Fall Launch Party & BBQ Worship Service video on YouTube.
We experienced some technical issues in the beginning of the video but the position of the camera is righted at 23:35. Thank you for your patience as we fine-tune the new our technical issues in the new location.

Keith & Kristyn Getty, Rend Collective - Rejoice

The Supernatural is UNAVOIDABLE in the Ancient World

The Divine Design of Discipleship

How to Combat Hedonism | Dr. Peter Kreeft | #291

Adam Levine vs CHRISTIAN MONOGAMY?? (w/ @Ruslan KD)

7 Principles For Raising Kids In A P0rnified World | Toby Sumpter

The End of Citizenship and Our Current Cultural Crisis — A Conversation ...

Friday, September 23, 2022

Should This CHRISTIAN LEADER Tell His Wife He's GAY?? (Reaction)

An anonymous church leader was recently on Jubilee as he was presented with the dilemma of whether or not he should come out and tell his wife that he's gay. In this video, I give my reaction to it. Original video: Support our videos! Patreon (thank you!): One time donations on Paypal (thank you!): Subscribe Star: YouTube Channel Membership: Be in Our Videos! If you want to be in one of our videos, record a clip of you saying “Whaddo You Memeeeee?” and send it to Try to get creative. If using a cellphone to record, hold it sideways to be sure it fits the screen dimensions. On the email, please list your name, your youtube handle name, and where are recording from if you want that information put on the video as well. Subscribe by clicking here: Translate our Videos! We love to connect with YOU, no matter what language you speak. Help Whaddo You Meme?? create captions in your language and reach more people by clicking here: Find us on Other Platforms! #apologetics #christianity #jubilee

Is God a Vindictive Bully? (with Paul Copan)

Church abuse, scandals & RZIM: Rachael Denhollander, Amy Orr-Ewing, Mike...

How should Christians today approach fasting?

Gospel-Shaped Leaders - Stefan Gustavsson

Reacting to the Full NBC Segment on Moscow | Doug Wilson

Delano Squires | County Before Country 2022

Did Jesus sin? Supposed Bible Contradiction #31

Oprah Winfrey, He Lied to You

We Raised the Mountain: Quran and Rabbinic Tradition

A situation where you should NOT give to your church.

What's the difference between Sunni and Shia Islam?

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Episode 527: Does God Want Public Christian Symbols? & Non-Anxious Leade...

Tim Keller on Communicating the Gospel in Preaching, Teaching and Writing

Doctrine and Devotion - You Can Change (BOT Exclusive)

Am I Called to Ministry? Five Tests

REBUILDERS: The royal funeral & the grey zone between religion and secul...

HILARIOUS Anti-Porn Ad by Covenant Eyes

Complementarianism, Feminism, & Marxism

The Fear of the Lord (Biblical Marriage Basics #1) | Toby Sumpter

NSA Lectureship: Dr. Cole Jeffrey - The Aesthetics of Sin - Part 1

Highlight: Forgiveness and Growth after the New Age

Don Lemon Shut Down, A Promising Young Evangelical, & Mohler Goes Christ...

Jon examines a recent segment on CNN where Don Lemon is taken to task over reparations comment. It's brilliant. Then, it's white-pill Wednesday as Jon shows segments from William Wolfe's nationalism talk and Al Mohler's recent pivot.

Monday, September 19, 2022

1 Timothy "Wartime Living" (1Tim 6:11-21)

Announcements for Monday, September 19th

Bible Reading Plan This Week - Join us on #bible_reading_plan to discuss our daily Bible reading. This week we're finishing up Genesis and starting Exodus. The PDF is available on Slack and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel here on Slack.

Fall Kick-off BBQ on Sunday, September 25th - This coming Sunday is RVC's Fall Kick-Off on Sunday, September 25th at 3pm. Join us for a BBQ, a Bounce House, kids games and time together. If you’re interested in helping out with set-up, welcoming, cooking or kids games, please talk with Pastor Kyle or Ben Johnson
RVC Men's Fit Pit Night on Friday, September 30th 7-9pm - The men of RVC are invited to Jason Lischke
's house on the last Friday of the month for this special fire pit night to reconnect with other guys after a busy Summer and follow-up/check-in after the RVC Man Camp in August. This will be great time of food and fellowship and all guys are welcome.

RVC Monday Morning Prayer on Mondays at 7am - Join us online on Mondays at 7am-8am for RVC's Monday morning prayer time. We read a psalm, share prayer requests and pray together each week. If you have a prayer request or would like to pray with us, grab your coffee and your Bible, and join us on Zoom! If you have questions, contact Patti Lozano for more information on RVC's Monday morning prayer group.

“Living in Wartime” (1 Timothy 6:11-21) Sunday, September 18, 2022
Final Sunday of 1 Timothy: The Blueprints for Life Together as God's Family
Discussion Questions for Community Groups, Family Devotionals and Personal Discipleship

Ice Breaker Questions
This wee we finished up our Summer series in the book of 1 Timothy. What have been some of the most helpful and/or challenging passages and truths you've learned in 1 Timothy?

Wartime Mentality: Fighting the Good Fight (1 Tim 6:11-16) - Paul calls Timothy to fight the good fight by fleeing from wickedness and pursuing righteousness. Repentance isn't just feeling bad but turning from sin. The theologians often called the process of change mortifying sin and vivifying righteousness. When we apply these truths to our own life, what do we need to flee from and what do we need to pursue? What do we need to feed and what do we need to starve? What do I need to run from and what do I need to run to? John Owen's famously wrote that Christians need to be killing sin or sin will kill us. How does your sin kill you? What's at stake in avoiding the spiritual fight in your life? What are you fighting and what are you not fighting?

Wartime Simplicity: Be Rich in the Right Way  (1 Tim 6:17-19) - Do you think of yourself as being rich? Why or why not? How can wealth make us haughty, arrogant and proud? In what ways can we put our hope in the uncertainty of riches? What blessings has God given to you in your life and how can you share them with others? Who will you share something with this week? How can you cultivate a heart of generosity towards others? 

Wartime Endurance: Guard the Truth that Leads to Life (1 Tim 6:20-21) - What blessings, opportunities, resources, and relationships has God entrusted to you and how do you need to guard these things?  What's at stake in not guarding the things we've been entrusted with? What irreverent babble and false knowledge do we need to avoid? How does irreverent babble and false knowledge cause some to swerve away from the Christian faith? How can we guard against false knowledge and avoid irreverent babble in our own lives? What ways can we be praying for each other this week to apply what we've learned in godly obedience and love. 

Deuteronomy, taught by Daniel I. Block

How to Love With Your Whole Heart - Jimmy Evans | Part 1

John Crist on Millennials Going to War

The Jesus Stuff: Radical Obedience - Jon Tyson

How Can I Be Sure I'm Saved? book by Jeremy Pierre

Does God Exist?

Sunday, September 18, 2022

1 Timothy 6:11-21

Join us at Rainier Valley Church at 4pm tonight for worship! 
Excited to close up the book of 1 Timothy this evening!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

G3 Regional Conference: The Bible Is Sufficient | Day 2 - Friday, Sep. 1...

Expert Talks About Post-Dobbs Prolife Legislation | Dr. Michael New on t...

Dr. Michael J. New is an Assistant Professor of Social Research at the Busch School of Business at The Catholic University of America. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate from Dartmouth College, Dr. New received a master’s degree in statistics and a doctorate in political science from Stanford University in 2002.

Before coming to the Washington, DC area, Dr. New worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Harvard-MIT Data Center. He later taught at The University of Alabama, the University of Michigan -- Dearborn, and Ave Maria University.

Dr. New researches and writes about the social science of pro-life issues. He gives presentations on both the positive impact of pro-life laws and the gains in public support for the pro-life position. He is a frequent blogger on National Review Online "The Corner".

Dr. New has had two studies on pro-life legislation published by the academic journal State Politics and Policy Quarterly. Four of his other studies on the effects of pro-life legislation have been published by the Heritage Foundation and another study was published by Family Research Council in 2008.

Dr. New has given multiple presentations at the annual convention of the National Right to Life Committee. He has also spoken at Harvard University, Notre Dame University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Pennsylvania, the College of the Holy Cross, and The University of Alabama Law School.  His writings have appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, National Review Online, Catholic Social Science Review, State Politics, and Policy Quarterly, The Weekly Standard, National Review, and the New York Post.

The Charlotte Lozier Institute:

Article on the 2021 National Abortion Federation Violence and Disruption Report:

Twitter handle:

Live Action News article about the NAF Violence and Disruption Report:

The Federalist article about the Kansas amendment vote:

Lozier Institute policy paper summarizing the positive effect of pro-life laws:

Other Michael New articles:

Rev. Walter Hoye on The Dr J Show:

This episode may also be seen of the following platforms:

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4 Ways to Fight Lust (From Aquinas!)

Monday, September 12, 2022

Invite to RVC at 4pm

We Gather Together

Did Paul corrupt Christianity?

"My Relationships with my Pastor, Boss & Myself" (1 Tim 5:17-6:10)

1 Timothy: The Blueprints for Life Together as God's Family Sunday, September 11 2022 "My Relationship with My Pastor, My Boss and Myself " (1 Tim 5:17-6:10) Announcements for Monday, September 12th Bible Reading Plan This Week - Join us on #bible_reading_plan to discuss our daily Bible reading. This week we're reading Genesis 25-48 and Psalm 7-12. The PDF is attached and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel here on Slack. Fall Kick-off BBQ on Sunday, September 25th - Put on a note on your calendar that we’re planning our official Fall Kick-Off on Sunday, September 25th. We’re planning to have a BBQ, renting a Bounce House and inviting the surrounding community. If you’re interested in helping out with set-up, welcoming, cooking or kids games, please talk with Pastor @Kyle Van Tine or @Ben Johnson. RVC Men's Fit Pit Night on Friday, September 30th 7-9pm - The men of RVC are invited to @Jason Lischke's house on the last Friday of the month for this special fire pit night to reconnect with other guys after a busy Summer and follow-up/check-in after the RVC Man Camp in August. This will be great time of food and fellowship and all guys are welcome. RVC Monday Morning Prayer on Mondays at 7am - Join us online on Mondays at 7am-8am for RVC's Monday morning prayer time. We read a psalm, share prayer requests and pray together each week. If you have a prayer request or would like to pray with us, grab your coffee and your Bible, and join us on Zoom! If you have questions, contact @Patti Lozano for more information on RVC's Monday morning prayer group. Ice Breaker Questions This Sunday's message was on our relationships with our Pastors, our Bosses and Ourselves. What is one way you've been deeply changed by a relationship with someone else? What do you think of the statement, "We Are Our Relationships" as a summery of the importance of the relationships in our lives? My Relationship with My Pastor (1 Tim 5:17-24) - Paul encourages Timothy and the church in Ephesus to honor their elders, especially the teaching elders. Specifically this honor is shown in giving towards the church to support the pastors and obeying the preaching of the word of God. How are we doing in showing honor to our pastors? Paul outlines instructions for disciplining pastors with two important ideas. When a Pastor is criticized, give them the benefit of the doubt and when the pastor messes up, don't cover it up. How can we practice encouragement and contentment with the pastors that God has given us instead of consumeristic criticism and discontentedness. Paul's final instruction and warning to Timothy is to not be hasty in ordaining new pastors but to test them over time first. How does time ultimately reveal our true character? Why is it important for leaders to be tested first? My Relationship with My Boss (1 Tim 6:1-2) - Paul didn’t call for the slaves to revolt but to show honor to their masters. It's interesting historical fact that Paul didn’t denounce but did end up destroying the wicked system of slavery by elevating the dignity of all people (human rights came from Christianity). How does the Christian worldview lead towards the ending of slavery in the Western world? The principles in the this passage can be applied to our current workplace as well. What work has God called you to do? What attitude do you have to that work? What attitude do you have towards your boss? How can we practice Christian excellence in the workplace? What "Testimony" are you giving to your co-workers who might not be Christians? How can you approach your work, not as the source of your significance but as an opportunity to serve others? My Relationship with Myself (1 Tim 6:3-10) - Your Pastor teaches you and your Boss pays you. What will do you with the DOCTRINE you been taught and the POSSESSION that you’ve bought? Are we living in the doctrine that we have been taught so that we're able to discern truth from error, right from wrong, righteousness from wickedness? Paul reminds and warns Christians that living to get rich can ruin our lives. Do you tend to hoard your money? Are you trying to appear wealthy? Is your desire to accumulate harming others? Is your hope in "your" money? Are you basing your security on money? Are you able to give generously? How can we pray for each other this week?

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Christianity is the Greatest Story - Tom Holland and Paul Vanderklay

Glen Scrivener hosts a panel with historian Tom Holland (author of Dominion and co-presenter of The Rest is History podcast) and pastor Paul Vanderklay (YouTuber known as the pastor to the intellectual dark web). They discuss mission in the meaning crisis. Recorded on 3rd September at Oak Hill College. Speak Life is a UK based charity that resources the church to reach the world. Learn more about us here: Join our internship programme here: Subscribe to Speak Life and get our regular videos: Social Media

Friday, September 2, 2022

The Making Of The Western Mind | Tom Holland

Dark Night of the Soul (2/4): Establishing Memorials of God's Presence |...

How to Delight in the Law of the Lord | Jen Wilkin

Is The Quran a Book of Peace? | David Wood & Robert Spencer Vs Sh Hussai...

Tim Smith on Mars Hill, Worship, and Why the Church Still Matters (Part 2)

Tim Smith on Mars Hill, Worship, and Why the Church Still Matters (Part 1)

How Do I Address My Spouse’s Ongoing Sin?

Protecting and Cultivating Your Marriage | Pastor Well - EP 38

Salman Rushdie and the Satanic Verses: Crowdsourced

Why John Locke’s Conception Of “Natural Law” Is Horribly Unbiblical

What is the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant?

Is There Evidence for God? Lessons from the First Lady of Apologetics wi...

What are the rules in Christianity?

Matt Chandler: My Pastor Breaks it Down!

Live Q&A with Lane Tipton on The Trinitarian Theology of Cornelius Van Til

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Should We Cut the Toxic People Out of Our Lives?

Responding to Kaitlyn Tiffany's recent article in The Atlantic about toxic people title 'That's It. You're Dead to Me.' What is a toxic person? Are we all toxic? Is there ever a place for distancing ourselves from people? How should this happen within the church? Nate Morgan Locke, Glen Scrivener and Paul Feesey from Speak Life discuss. Read the article: -------------------------------------------LINKS-------------------------------------------- Listen to this conversation via The Speak Life Podcast (Episode SLP423) iTunes: Spotify: Other platforms: https://speaklifepodcast.buzzsprout.c... Speak Life is a UK based charity that resources the church to reach the world. Learn more about us here: ----------------------------------------CONNECT----------------------------------------- Join our internship programme here: Subscribe to Speak Life and get our regular videos: Social Media -------------------------------------TIMESTAMPS------------------------------------- 0:00 Intro 1:27 The article 3:25 When did we start referring to people as 'toxic'? 5:47 Commonly asked questions on Google about toxic people 7:41 The role of social media 13:07 Am I the toxic one? 15:26 Right times to cut people off 22:07 What are healthy relationships? 26:29 Is it conflict or abuse? 28:12 God hasn't cut the toxic people out of his life 30:43 Original sin (or universal toxicity) 33:52 How can we be anti-toxic? 38:48 Not blowing things out of proportion 42:07 Outro

The Coddling of the American Mind: Greg Lukianoff

Law and Gospel with Nick Batzig

Reformed Baptists Accusing James White Of Heresy

Justice: Divine, Imputed, Imparted, Public, and Ultimate | Andy Naselli,...

Exclusive Scene From The Rings Of Power

Spiritual Formation, Virtue Ethics, and Christian Anthropology | J. P. M...

Smith Lecture 2021 | Live Stream

A Rebel's Manifesto [Think Biblically Podcast]

5 Principles for Effective Bible Study - Allen Hutchison

Leading Yourself, Leading Others - Mike Betts

When Peter Kreeft ROASTED Matt w/ Bill Donaghy

Ep.6: Note how early Muslims Desecrated the early Qur'an!

The Party Started Right | Toby Sumpter

REBUILDERS: Five things the Western Church can learn from the Iranian pe...

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...