Monday, September 19, 2022

1 Timothy "Wartime Living" (1Tim 6:11-21)

Announcements for Monday, September 19th

Bible Reading Plan This Week - Join us on #bible_reading_plan to discuss our daily Bible reading. This week we're finishing up Genesis and starting Exodus. The PDF is available on Slack and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel here on Slack.

Fall Kick-off BBQ on Sunday, September 25th - This coming Sunday is RVC's Fall Kick-Off on Sunday, September 25th at 3pm. Join us for a BBQ, a Bounce House, kids games and time together. If you’re interested in helping out with set-up, welcoming, cooking or kids games, please talk with Pastor Kyle or Ben Johnson
RVC Men's Fit Pit Night on Friday, September 30th 7-9pm - The men of RVC are invited to Jason Lischke
's house on the last Friday of the month for this special fire pit night to reconnect with other guys after a busy Summer and follow-up/check-in after the RVC Man Camp in August. This will be great time of food and fellowship and all guys are welcome.

RVC Monday Morning Prayer on Mondays at 7am - Join us online on Mondays at 7am-8am for RVC's Monday morning prayer time. We read a psalm, share prayer requests and pray together each week. If you have a prayer request or would like to pray with us, grab your coffee and your Bible, and join us on Zoom! If you have questions, contact Patti Lozano for more information on RVC's Monday morning prayer group.

“Living in Wartime” (1 Timothy 6:11-21) Sunday, September 18, 2022
Final Sunday of 1 Timothy: The Blueprints for Life Together as God's Family
Discussion Questions for Community Groups, Family Devotionals and Personal Discipleship

Ice Breaker Questions
This wee we finished up our Summer series in the book of 1 Timothy. What have been some of the most helpful and/or challenging passages and truths you've learned in 1 Timothy?

Wartime Mentality: Fighting the Good Fight (1 Tim 6:11-16) - Paul calls Timothy to fight the good fight by fleeing from wickedness and pursuing righteousness. Repentance isn't just feeling bad but turning from sin. The theologians often called the process of change mortifying sin and vivifying righteousness. When we apply these truths to our own life, what do we need to flee from and what do we need to pursue? What do we need to feed and what do we need to starve? What do I need to run from and what do I need to run to? John Owen's famously wrote that Christians need to be killing sin or sin will kill us. How does your sin kill you? What's at stake in avoiding the spiritual fight in your life? What are you fighting and what are you not fighting?

Wartime Simplicity: Be Rich in the Right Way  (1 Tim 6:17-19) - Do you think of yourself as being rich? Why or why not? How can wealth make us haughty, arrogant and proud? In what ways can we put our hope in the uncertainty of riches? What blessings has God given to you in your life and how can you share them with others? Who will you share something with this week? How can you cultivate a heart of generosity towards others? 

Wartime Endurance: Guard the Truth that Leads to Life (1 Tim 6:20-21) - What blessings, opportunities, resources, and relationships has God entrusted to you and how do you need to guard these things?  What's at stake in not guarding the things we've been entrusted with? What irreverent babble and false knowledge do we need to avoid? How does irreverent babble and false knowledge cause some to swerve away from the Christian faith? How can we guard against false knowledge and avoid irreverent babble in our own lives? What ways can we be praying for each other this week to apply what we've learned in godly obedience and love. 

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