1 Timothy: The Blueprints for Life Together as God's Family
Sunday, September 11 2022
"My Relationship with My Pastor, My Boss and Myself "
(1 Tim 5:17-6:10)
Announcements for Monday, September 12th
Bible Reading Plan This Week - Join us on #bible_reading_plan to discuss our daily Bible reading. This week we're reading Genesis 25-48 and Psalm 7-12. The PDF is attached and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel here on Slack.
Fall Kick-off BBQ on Sunday, September 25th - Put on a note on your calendar that we’re planning our official Fall Kick-Off on Sunday, September 25th. We’re planning to have a BBQ, renting a Bounce House and inviting the surrounding community. If you’re interested in helping out with set-up, welcoming, cooking or kids games, please talk with Pastor @Kyle Van Tine or @Ben Johnson.
RVC Men's Fit Pit Night on Friday, September 30th 7-9pm - The men of RVC are invited to
@Jason Lischke's house on the last Friday of the month for this special fire pit night to reconnect with other guys after a busy Summer and follow-up/check-in after the RVC Man Camp in August. This will be great time of food and fellowship and all guys are welcome.
RVC Monday Morning Prayer on Mondays at 7am - Join us online on Mondays at 7am-8am for RVC's Monday morning prayer time. We read a psalm, share prayer requests and pray together each week. If you have a prayer request or would like to pray with us, grab your coffee and your Bible, and join us on Zoom! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/320725690?p... If you have questions, contact
@Patti Lozano for more information on RVC's Monday morning prayer group.
Ice Breaker Questions
This Sunday's message was on our relationships with our Pastors, our Bosses and Ourselves. What is one way you've been deeply changed by a relationship with someone else? What do you think of the statement, "We Are Our Relationships" as a summery of the importance of the relationships in our lives?
My Relationship with My Pastor (1 Tim 5:17-24) - Paul encourages Timothy and the church in Ephesus to honor their elders, especially the teaching elders. Specifically this honor is shown in giving towards the church to support the pastors and obeying the preaching of the word of God. How are we doing in showing honor to our pastors? Paul outlines instructions for disciplining pastors with two important ideas. When a Pastor is criticized, give them the benefit of the doubt and when the pastor messes up, don't cover it up. How can we practice encouragement and contentment with the pastors that God has given us instead of consumeristic criticism and discontentedness. Paul's final instruction and warning to Timothy is to not be hasty in ordaining new pastors but to test them over time first. How does time ultimately reveal our true character? Why is it important for leaders to be tested first?
My Relationship with My Boss (1 Tim 6:1-2) - Paul didn’t call for the slaves to revolt but to show honor to their masters. It's interesting historical fact that Paul didn’t denounce but did end up destroying the wicked system of slavery by elevating the dignity of all people (human rights came from Christianity). How does the Christian worldview lead towards the ending of slavery in the Western world? The principles in the this passage can be applied to our current workplace as well. What work has God called you to do? What attitude do you have to that work? What attitude do you have towards your boss? How can we practice Christian excellence in the workplace? What "Testimony" are you giving to your co-workers who might not be Christians? How can you approach your work, not as the source of your significance but as an opportunity to serve others?
My Relationship with Myself (1 Tim 6:3-10) - Your Pastor teaches you and your Boss pays you. What will do you with the DOCTRINE you been taught and the POSSESSION that you’ve bought? Are we living in the doctrine that we have been taught so that we're able to discern truth from error, right from wrong, righteousness from wickedness? Paul reminds and warns Christians that living to get rich can ruin our lives. Do you tend to hoard your money? Are you trying to appear wealthy? Is your desire to accumulate harming others? Is your hope in "your" money? Are you basing your security on money? Are you able to give generously? How can we pray for each other this week?
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