Tuesday, December 6, 2022

"Christmas Worship Fulfilled in Revelation" (Rev 4-5)

Announcements from Sunday, December 4th 2022 Bible Reading Plan - Join us on #bible_reading_plan channel on RVC's Slack to discuss our daily Bible reading. We will be finishing up 1 Samuel and starting 2 Samuel. If you haven't joined us yet, jump into the same page Bible reading challenge and read the scriptures with us each day. The PDF is attached and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel on Slack. Nursery Help Needed - Thank you to all those who have done such a great job helping to serve our church family, visiting families, and our kids by caring for babies in the nursery and teaching children in the kids ministry. By God's grace and your willingness to serve, we have teams for each week. There is one spot currently needing coverage and that's help in the nursery on the third week of the month. If you're able to help out, please contact @Steve Pratt. Thanks so much! Ladies Craft Night - Shelly Lischke and Lauren Soini are hosting a ladies craft night this coming Thursday, December 8th at 6:45pm at the Soinis house near the church. You can bring a Christmas craft you are working on, Shelly will bring materials for a craft if you don't have anything and you're more than welcome to come and enjoy fellowship even if you don't like crafts. Kids are welcome but please RSVP in advance so Lauren Soini knows how many kids to expect. We're excited for the ladies to get together for fellowship and fun this Thursday night at the Soinis. Joy’s Birthday Party - Join us at Rainier Valley Church after our worship service on Sunday, December 11 for a very special birthday party for Joy Mipalar. The Birthday party will have an English Tea Party theme and ladies are encourage to bring a fancy hat if they would like. Joy will be provided some incredible food. Please plan to celebrate Joy's birthday with us on Sunday, December 11th. Christmas Eve Saturday - Please plan to invite friends and family to join us for a beautiful Christmas Eve Candlelight service on Saturday, December 24th at 4pm. Christmas Day Service - Pastor Ken Sabalza is planning a special Christmas Day worship service for Sunday, November 25th at 4pm. If you're in town, please plan to join us to celebrate the incarnation of Jesus Christ, the first and greatest of all Christmas gifts ever given. Christmas in the Revelation #2 "Christmas Worship Fulfilled in the Revelation" (Revelation 4-5) Topic(s): Christmas, Advent, Hope, Nativity, Revelation, Worship, Praise, Holiness, Sacrifice, Worthiness, Promise. Big Idea of the Message: We Worship God as the Holy Creator and Gracious Redeemer of the World Application Point: Beholding his wonder in creation, praising his grace in redemption and trusting his hand in providence. Discussion Questions: Worshiping God as the Holy Creator - Beholding His Wonder in Creation (Revelation 4:1-11) What sorts of things does the Apostle John see in his Heavenly vision around God's throne (Rev 4:1-8)? How does seeing God in his exulted state impact our understanding of the Christmas story? God throne is surrounded by thunder and lighting, signifying his power, reflecting the story of mount Sinai in Exodus. What are times in your life when you have experienced the raw power of nature and how did that experience change you? The Angelic throne guardians cry out that God is Holy (Rev 4:8) What is God's holiness, why does it matter and how does it contrast with us? The 24 elders cast their crowns before God as an act of worship (Rev 4:10) What things in our own lives do we need to lay before the throne of God as an act of worship? The Elders worship God as the Holy Creator of the universe. What do the elders say in their song in Revelation 4:11? How can we cultivate a heart of worship as we consider God as the creator? What aspect of God's creation amazes you right now? Worshiping God as the Gracious Redeemer - Raising His Grace in Redemption (Revelation 5:1-14) The scroll (God's ultimate purposes of judgement, mercy and the renewal of the world) is unable to be opened by anyone (Rev 5:1-4). What would it mean for the world if Jesus never came as our redeemer and savior? John weeps because no one is worthy to open the scroll (Rev 4:4) According to the elders, angels, and all creation, what makes Jesus worthy in Revelation Rev 5:5,9b-10,12,13? According to the elders song in Rev 5:9-10, what does Jesus' redemption save us FROM and what does Jesus' redemption save us FOR? In the final song of Revelation 5:13 all of creation joins in the worship of Jesus as the redeemer of the world. How will Jesus redeem not just individual souls but the whole cosmos? How can we be praying for and encouraging one another this week?

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