Monday, April 4, 2022

#28 Mark 14:26-72 "Jesus Betrayed"

Announcement 4.3.22Resurrection Sunday :sunrise: - Mark your calendars as we celebrate victory in Jesus this coming Easter Sunday on Sunday, April 17th at Rainier Valley Church. Please invite family and friends to celebrate with us at 10am at Rainier Valley Church. We will be doing baptisms and a kids Easter egg hunt after the service.Good Friday :latin_cross: - Join us on Friday, April 15th as we remember and meditate on Jesus' crucifixion on Good Friday for our sins. Rainier Valley Church will be hosting a Good Friday worship service from 6:30pm-7:30pm.Baptisms :swimmer: - It's time to celebrate baptisms! We believe that baptism is for those who have chosen to put their faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ—a public declaration of an inward decision to follow Christ. We believe that baptizing by immersion in water is a faithful representation of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.
If you’re interested in being baptized, please talk with  or .Kids Easter Egg Hunt :egg:- This Easter Sunday we will be doing a Kids Easter egg hunt after the service and we need your help.
Here are some ways you can contribute or serve to bless the children of our community.
Ways You Can Help:
*Community Groups fill and provide plastic eggs
*Donate to  or 
*Drop off  Sundays - Last Sunday is April 10th (Palm Sunday)
Directly After Easter Service:
*Hands for Hiding
*Pick Up an Egg Hunt Handout for creative ways to fill eggsWorldview Apologetics Conference :books: - Pastor  is organizing a group from RVC to go to the upcoming Worldview Apologetics Conference on April 29-30th at Westminster Chapel with speakers like J.Warner Wallace and Dr. Phil Fernandes. For more information, please follow up with Pastor .Gospel of Mark: Discipleship, Servanthood, and Following After Jesus
Week #27 "Jesus Betrayed"
Mark 14:26-72
Sunday, April 3rdOpening Questions
What was the best and worst part of your last week and how can we be praying for you?
What comes to mind when you hear the word failure? How was failure understand and handled in your family growing up?
How do you tend to respond to failures in your life and in the life others? Why is it so important to figure out what to do with failure?
  1. Failure To Listen Carefully - Prediction (14:26-31) - Peter responds to Jesus prediction by radically overestimating his own strengths. What ways have you overestimated your strengths? Instead of listening carefully, Peter simply overrides Jesus words with his own thoughts and ideas. How can we learn from Peter's failure to listen carefully? Pastor Kyle talked about how we either learn by light (information) or heat (pain). Which of these areas do you need to work on to cultivate a humble and teachable spirit.
  • Having an Open Mind
  • Checking Your Pride
  • Asking for Feedback from Others
  • Being Respectful to Others
  • Ingesting and Implementing what you are taught? 
  1. Failure to Stay Awake - Struggle (14:32-42) - Jesus asks his disciples to stay awake and stay watchful with him in the garden three times and they fail and fall asleep three times.  Why is it important to learn from the disciples failure and cultivate the practice of staying watchful spiritually? What's at stake when we "fall asleep" spiritually? Pastor Kyle gave 3 ways to stay awake. Which of these ways do you need to practice over the next few weeks?
  • Get up and move around to feel awake (Practicing Christian service to others)
  • Eat a healthy snack to boost energy (Being in the Word to renew our minds)
  • Start a conversation to wake up your mind (Being in Christian community to stay active, honest, etc.)
  1. Failure to be Courageous - Betrayal (14:43-52) - All the disciples, who promised to be with Jesus no matter what, abandon him and ran away in the Garden. Mark even includes the story of running away naked rather than being identified as one of Jesus' disciples. The disciples talked a good game but when there was something at stake, they ran away like cowards. How do we learn from the disciples failure to be courageous? We see in the story of the disciples that they went from cowardly to courage and we can to. Which of these areas do you need to grow in to be more courageous and what opportunities do you have to practice courage in your life right now? 
  • Remember the Resurrection - Death isn’t the end, what can man do?
  • Be filled with the Spirit - Same power that rose Christ is at work in us!
  • Pray for Boldness - It’s not a matter of knowledge but dependence, we need more Holy Ghost in our lives.
  • Consider Pushback a Joy - The Disciples began to consider it a joy to suffer for the sake of the name.
  1. Failure to be Loyal - Denial (14:53-72) - Peter denies Jesus 3 times. How is it true that failure doesn’t exclude you, but actual qualifies you in Christianity?  Why is an awareness of personal failure not an option, but a necessity to come to Jesus as Savior? How can we learn from Peter's life that failure is an EVENT not YOUR identity? How can we be careful to not internalize our failures but to learn from them? How can we pray for one another to apply and practice these important truths in our lives this week?

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