Monday, April 25, 2022

Post-Christian Culture (Joe Rogan, Douglas Murray, and G. K. Chesterton)

In a recent episode of "The Joe Rogan Experience," Joe Rogan and Douglas Murray discussed humanity's need for religion. When people (or societies) reject Christianity, they have to replace it with something else. We see the results all around us, from the new atheism to the cult of wokeness. This reminds me of something G. K. Chesterton said more than a century ago in "Orthodoxy." To watch the video I cited ("Douglas Murray on People's Need for Religion"), click here: Patreon: SubscribeStar: #JoeRogan #DouglasMurray #Chesterton

Friday, April 22, 2022

Douglas Murray on People's Need for Religion

Gospel Integrity - Michael Reeves

We conclude this Master Class with a look at the apostle Paul’s description of what it looks like to have integrity to the gospel. We also seek to diagnose ourselves with the lessons learned in this Master Class. This is part 6 of a 6-part series on Gospel People - A Call for Evangelical Integrity. Find more great talks like this at Don't forget to like and subscribe! Michael is President and Professor of Theology at Union School of Theology in the UK. Previously he has been Head of Theology for UCCF and an associate minister at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London. He is the author of Introducing Major Theologians, Why the Reformation Still Matters, The Unquenchable Flame, The Good God, and Christ our Life, co-editor of Adam, the Fall and Original Sin, and holds a doctorate in systematic theology from King’s College, London. He is married to Bethan, and together they have two daughters, Lucy and Mia.

Is Rumble WORSE Than YouTube?

Get Atlas VPN: Rumble claims to be the "free speech alternative" to YouTube. However, after using both Rumble and YouTube, I have some concerns. #Rumble #YouTube #AtlasVPN

The religion of the non-religious // Unbelievable 2022

We’re all believers deep down says Justin Brierley. But religion without Jesus won’t sustain us. Learn how to speak with truth and grace at Unbelievable 2022 on Sat 14 May.

Young Earth Creationist? | Doug Wilson

Be Generous

Why Can't People Stop Blaspheming Muhammad?

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Mark Dever — Only Use Authority in the Fear of God — T4G22

Ligon Duncan — Preach Christ From the Whole Bible — T4G22

Panel: Good Authority: The Alternative to Abuse?

Bet on God? | Doug Wilson

Sinclair Ferguson — Shepherd in View of Heaven

Panel Discussion: Protecting Christian Freedom When Everything is Politi...

Christian Lwanda — Submit to the Bible In Your Pastoral Ministry

Afshin Ziafat — Morning Devotional at T4G22

Mark Dever Interviews John Piper on Five Decades of Ministry

John Piper — He Bore Our Sins That We Might Live to Righteousness. What ...

Shai Linne — Remember Jesus Christ — T4G22

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

David Platt | Come Together For the Sake of Those Without the Gospel

Panel: Why We Should be Critical of Critical Race Theory (CRT)

Greg Gilbert — Philippians 2

Bobby Scott — Keep the Gospel First

Juan Sanchez — Morning Devotional at T4G22

Alistair Begg — Preach Christ and Him Crucified, Nothing More or Less — ...

Interview: Sinclair Ferguson on Five Decades of Ministry

H.B. Charles Jr. — Don’t Forget the Significance of Your Salvation — T4G22

Kevin DeYoung — Preach the Good News of Guilt and Justification — T4G22

Addressing the Elephant in the Room: What Does Together for the Gospel M...

#31 Mark 16:1-8 "Jesus, The Risen Lord! " (Easter Sunday 2022)

#30 Mark 15:21-47 "Jesus Crucified" (Good Friday 2022)

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Eternal Life

Jesus offered people eternal life. But what does that mean? Explore the meaning of a phrase that invites us into God’s life now and in the age to come. #BibleProject #EternalLife For more information on Eternal Life, check out the following resources: -Eternal Life Script References: -Eternal Life Blog post:

Monday, April 11, 2022

How to Be a Man: Do it Myself | Toby Sumpter

#29 Mark 15:1-20 "Jesus Our Substitute"

Palm Sunday Announcements 4.10.17

Good Friday - Join us on Friday, April 15th as we remember and meditate on Jesus' crucifixion on Good Friday for our sins. Rainier Valley Church will be hosting a Good Friday worship service from 6:30pm-7:30pm.

Resurrection Sunday - Mark your calendars as we celebrate victory in Jesus this coming Easter Sunday on Sunday, April 17th at Rainier Valley Church. Please invite family and friends to celebrate with us at 10am at Rainier Valley Church. We will be doing baptisms and a kids Easter egg hunt after the service.

Baptisms - It's time to celebrate baptisms! We believe that baptism is for those who have chosen to put their faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ—a public declaration of an inward decision to follow Christ. We believe that baptizing by immersion in water is a faithful representation of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. If you’re interested in being baptized, please talk with Steve Pratt or Ken Sabalza.

Worldview Apologetics Conference - Pastor Ken Sabalza is organizing a group from RVC to go to the upcoming Worldview Apologetics Conference on April 29-30th at Westminster Chapel with speakers like J.Warner Wallace and Dr. Phil Fernandes. For more information, please follow up with Pastor Ken Sabalza.

Guest Speaker James Rayment - We're excited to welcome James Rayment from the Al-Ma'idah Initiative on Sunday, May 1st. James will be sharing a message on how Christians can engage family, friends, neighbors and coworkers from other religions.

Gospel of Mark #29 - "Jesus Our Substitute"
Sunday, April 10 (Mark 15:1-20)

Discussion/Study Questions
Our King’s Silence (15:1-5) - If Jesus had been primarily interested in avoiding execution, what defense might he have offered before Pilate? Why did Jesus remain silent? How does Jesus' silence ultimately save us? What areas in our life can you practice "passive obedience" like Jesus by not justifying ourselves and not lashing out at others?

Our King’s Substitution (15:6-14) - "Substitutionary Atonement" sounds complicated. How would you explain it to a children's Sunday school class and what would you call it? How does the story of Jesus taking the place of the criminal Barabbas show the powerful truth of substitutionary atonement?

Our King’s Suffering (15:15-20) - What ironies does the Gospel of Mark highlight between the way the soldiers mock Jesus and who he actually is? Jesus was (1) psychologically ridiculed, (2) physically beaten, (3) spiritually abandoned by God, and (4) mortally executed. How do these torments compare? How can we prepare our hearts for this coming Holy Week, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday? What is God teaching you specifically this Easter season? How can we be praying and serving one another this coming week?

Churches Need to STAND UP: Why Church Attendance is Dropping | Louder Wi...

Friday, April 8, 2022

It's the Resurrection Extravaganza!

On April 9th, 2022, Dr. Mike Licona and Dr. Bart Ehrman will debate the topic, "Did the Resurrection of Jesus Really Happen?" After the debate, David Wood, InspiringPhilosophy, the Apostate Prophet, and MythVision will discuss their thoughts on the debate. To register to watch the debate between Dr. Mike Licona and Dr. Bart Ehrman, click here:

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Things God Doesn't Care About? | Doug Wilson

Just Thinking about Just Thinking - A Conversation | 2022 G3 Regional

Christ-Centered Exposition Workshop - Morning Session

Exalting Jesus in Revelation After a two year break, the Center for Preaching and Pastoral Leadership is hosting the third annual Christ-Centered Exposition Workshop. The workshop will be held at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary on Thursday, April 7th, 2022. Each year, a specific volume from the Christ-Centered Exposition commentary series is featured. This year, we will be featuring the volume on Revelation by Dr. Daniel Akin. This day-long workshop will feature teaching, preaching, and Q&A regarding the book of Revelation. -Schedule- 9:00 am | Welcome 9:15 am | Session 1 with Dr. Benjamin Merkle 10:30 am | Chapel 12:30 pm | Session 2 with Prof. Ronjour Locke 1:45 pm | Session 3 with Dr. Daniel Akin 2:45 pm | Q&A Session with all speakers and hosts-- To learn more about Southeastern visit: - Southeastern Seminary: - The College at Southeastern: -- Social Media -- Southeastern Seminary - Twitter: - Facebook: - Instagram The College at Southeastern - Twitter: - Facebook: - Instagram:

From Supernatural Enemies to Triumphant Standing: Ephesians 6:10–13, Part 1

Global Impact: ‘Providence’ in Arabic

Dave Rubin vs Edmund Burke

YouTube Age-Restricts Images of Burn Victims

This morning, I posted a short video about a family in Uganda that had been sprayed with acid for converting to Christianity. YouTube age-restricted the video because it contained an image of a girl with burned skin. Why do Susan Wojcicki and the YouTube Trust and Safety Team believe that children should never see the faces of burn victims?

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Bart Ehrman AGREES with Glen Scrivener: How Christianity made us more co...

Bart Ehrman & Glen Scrivener discuss the question of whether today's assumptions about what it means to be compassionate are shaped by Christianity. Watch the full discussion: • For our live events: • Support us in the USA: • Rest of the world: • Get our 'Confident Christianity' course: • Newsletter: • Blog: • For the podcast: • Facebook

Ex-Muslim Christian Family Burned with Acid for Leaving Islam

On February 17, 2022, a Muslim family in Uganda converted to Christianity. Three weeks later, the rest of their family gathered together, accused them of apostasy, beat them, and burned them with acid, while shouting "Allahu Akbar." The worst injuries were inflicted on a 13-year-old girl. Please pray for this ex-Muslim Christian family. For the Morning Star News articled quoted in this video ("Family Sprayed with Acid for Leaving Islam"), click here: #Uganda #ExMuslims #Persecution

Four Reasons Why the Resurrection Matters to Christians

For more information, read Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels ( Read: Why The Resurrection Matters To Christians Why is the easter season so important to Christians? What value does the Resurrection have to Christians, and why does it really matter? J. Warner and Jimmy Wallace discuss recent news articles in this episode of the NRBtv Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast.

A Lifetime of Preaching: A Conversation with Alistair Begg

The MacArthur Center equips a generation of preachers, through education, modeling and mentorship, in the art of expository preaching.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Challenge to Origin of Life: Cell Membranes (Long Story Short, Ep. 6)

#28 Mark 14:26-72 "Jesus Betrayed"

Announcement 4.3.22Resurrection Sunday :sunrise: - Mark your calendars as we celebrate victory in Jesus this coming Easter Sunday on Sunday, April 17th at Rainier Valley Church. Please invite family and friends to celebrate with us at 10am at Rainier Valley Church. We will be doing baptisms and a kids Easter egg hunt after the service.Good Friday :latin_cross: - Join us on Friday, April 15th as we remember and meditate on Jesus' crucifixion on Good Friday for our sins. Rainier Valley Church will be hosting a Good Friday worship service from 6:30pm-7:30pm.Baptisms :swimmer: - It's time to celebrate baptisms! We believe that baptism is for those who have chosen to put their faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ—a public declaration of an inward decision to follow Christ. We believe that baptizing by immersion in water is a faithful representation of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.
If you’re interested in being baptized, please talk with  or .Kids Easter Egg Hunt :egg:- This Easter Sunday we will be doing a Kids Easter egg hunt after the service and we need your help.
Here are some ways you can contribute or serve to bless the children of our community.
Ways You Can Help:
*Community Groups fill and provide plastic eggs
*Donate to  or 
*Drop off  Sundays - Last Sunday is April 10th (Palm Sunday)
Directly After Easter Service:
*Hands for Hiding
*Pick Up an Egg Hunt Handout for creative ways to fill eggsWorldview Apologetics Conference :books: - Pastor  is organizing a group from RVC to go to the upcoming Worldview Apologetics Conference on April 29-30th at Westminster Chapel with speakers like J.Warner Wallace and Dr. Phil Fernandes. For more information, please follow up with Pastor .Gospel of Mark: Discipleship, Servanthood, and Following After Jesus
Week #27 "Jesus Betrayed"
Mark 14:26-72
Sunday, April 3rdOpening Questions
What was the best and worst part of your last week and how can we be praying for you?
What comes to mind when you hear the word failure? How was failure understand and handled in your family growing up?
How do you tend to respond to failures in your life and in the life others? Why is it so important to figure out what to do with failure?
  1. Failure To Listen Carefully - Prediction (14:26-31) - Peter responds to Jesus prediction by radically overestimating his own strengths. What ways have you overestimated your strengths? Instead of listening carefully, Peter simply overrides Jesus words with his own thoughts and ideas. How can we learn from Peter's failure to listen carefully? Pastor Kyle talked about how we either learn by light (information) or heat (pain). Which of these areas do you need to work on to cultivate a humble and teachable spirit.
  • Having an Open Mind
  • Checking Your Pride
  • Asking for Feedback from Others
  • Being Respectful to Others
  • Ingesting and Implementing what you are taught? 
  1. Failure to Stay Awake - Struggle (14:32-42) - Jesus asks his disciples to stay awake and stay watchful with him in the garden three times and they fail and fall asleep three times.  Why is it important to learn from the disciples failure and cultivate the practice of staying watchful spiritually? What's at stake when we "fall asleep" spiritually? Pastor Kyle gave 3 ways to stay awake. Which of these ways do you need to practice over the next few weeks?
  • Get up and move around to feel awake (Practicing Christian service to others)
  • Eat a healthy snack to boost energy (Being in the Word to renew our minds)
  • Start a conversation to wake up your mind (Being in Christian community to stay active, honest, etc.)
  1. Failure to be Courageous - Betrayal (14:43-52) - All the disciples, who promised to be with Jesus no matter what, abandon him and ran away in the Garden. Mark even includes the story of running away naked rather than being identified as one of Jesus' disciples. The disciples talked a good game but when there was something at stake, they ran away like cowards. How do we learn from the disciples failure to be courageous? We see in the story of the disciples that they went from cowardly to courage and we can to. Which of these areas do you need to grow in to be more courageous and what opportunities do you have to practice courage in your life right now? 
  • Remember the Resurrection - Death isn’t the end, what can man do?
  • Be filled with the Spirit - Same power that rose Christ is at work in us!
  • Pray for Boldness - It’s not a matter of knowledge but dependence, we need more Holy Ghost in our lives.
  • Consider Pushback a Joy - The Disciples began to consider it a joy to suffer for the sake of the name.
  1. Failure to be Loyal - Denial (14:53-72) - Peter denies Jesus 3 times. How is it true that failure doesn’t exclude you, but actual qualifies you in Christianity?  Why is an awareness of personal failure not an option, but a necessity to come to Jesus as Savior? How can we learn from Peter's life that failure is an EVENT not YOUR identity? How can we be careful to not internalize our failures but to learn from them? How can we pray for one another to apply and practice these important truths in our lives this week?

What's Happening To Evangelicalism? (Michael Reeves)

In today's episode, Michael Reeves discusses the term “evangelical” and the different ways it’s often used in our culture today, how we should respond to the cultural baggage often associated with the term, and the crucial theological underpinnings of a truly evangelical worldview. The Crossway Podcast Episode 169 April 4, 2022 ★ Additional episodes: 0:00 Intro 0:52 What Does It Mean to Be an Evangelical? 13:19 Does Evangelicalism Have a Theological Foundation? 16:09 Global Evangelicalism vs. American Evangelicalism 18:11 3 Theological Distinctives of Evangelicalism 22:04 Does Belief in the Supremacy of Scripture Result in Shallow Theology and Disunity? 28:25 How Central Is the Doctrine of Inerrancy to Evangelicalism? 31:26 The Heart of Evangelical Integrity

Friday, April 1, 2022

Bart Ehrman v Glen Scrivener: Did Christianity give us our belief in equ...

Glen Scrivener's book 'The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress & Equality' makes the case that our belief in modern human rights & values are a direct product of the Christian story that shaped the West. New Testament critic Bart Ehrman, whose own book 'The Triumph of Christianity' tells the story of how the faith swept the world, responds to Glen's view that our embrace of equality, compassion and sexual consent are uniquely Christian. For 'The Air We Breathe': For Bart's live April 9th event with Mike Licona: • For Conference & live events: • Support us in the USA: • Rest of the world: • Newsletter: • Get our 'Confident Christianity' course: • Blog: • For the podcast: • Facebook

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...