Monday, March 21, 2022

#26 Mark 14:1-11 "Jesus and Radical Worship"

Announcement 3.21.22 Easter Sunday - Mark your calendars as we celebrate victory in Jesus this coming Easter Sunday on Sunday, April 17th at Rainier Valley Church. Please invite family and friends to celebrate with us at 10am at Rainier Valley Church. We will be doing baptisms and a kids Easter egg hunt after the service. Good Friday - Join us on Friday, April 15th as we remember and meditate on Jesus' crucifixion on Good Friday for our sins. Rainier Valley Church will be hosting a Good Friday worship service from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Baptisms - It's time to celebrate baptisms! We believe that baptism is for those who have chosen to put their faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ—a public declaration of an inward decision to follow Christ. We believe that baptizing by immersion in water is a faithful representation of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. If you’re interested in being baptized, please talk with Pastor Steve Pratt or Pastor Ken Sabalza. Kids Easter Egg Hunt - This Easter Sunday we will be doing a Kids Easter egg hunt after the service and we need your help. Here are some ways you can contribute or serve to bless the children of our community.
Ways You Can Help: *Community Groups fill and provide plastic eggs *Donate Cash to Shelly Lischke or Crystal Van Tine for eggs/fillers *Drop off Sundays - March 27th or April 3rd *Turn into Shelly or Crystal by April 10th (Palm Sunday) Directly After Easter Service: *Hands for Hiding *Pick Up an Egg Hunt Handout for creative ways to fill eggs Gospel of Mark: Discipleship, Servanthood, and Following After Jesus Week #26 "Jesus and the Radical Worship" Mark 14:1-11 Sunday, March 20th Opening Questions What was the best and worst part of your last week and how can we be praying for you? Why is it true that we always praise what we deeply prize? What is the connection between sacrifice and worship? Active Hostility (14:1-2) - The sitting for this story is Jerusalem right before the Passover, the biggest holiday celebration on the Jewish calendar. What is the value of celebrating feasts and festivals? What are the most important celebrations for Christians? The religious leaders absolutely hate Jesus and begin plotting to kill him by stealth. How does hostility towards Jesus manifest in our times? (Pastor Kyle talked about 1. Anger towards Jesus and his people 2. Indifference towards Christianity all together 3. Modifying Christian beliefs) Extravagant Worship (14:3-9) - What are some examples of radical worship you have experienced in your life? The woman in the story did not care about social taboos or personal embarrassment when she worshiped Jesus. How can we follow her example in our own lives? What was the costliest offering you have ever made to Jesus? The disciples were critical of the woman saying that the value of her gift exceeded the limit of what should be spent to honor Jesus. How might this criticism be leveled at Christians today? Compromised Devotion (14:10-11) - Why is Judas so deeply offended by Jesus' response that he is willing to betray Jesus to the religious leaders? What Biblical truths does our wider cultural largely object to and how does that affect our belief and obedience? Judas was a disciple of Jesus for 3 years, hearing all Jesus' sermons, seeing all of Jesus miracles and being personally trained by Jesus himself. How can we avoid going the way of Judas?

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