Monday, February 7, 2022

#20 Mark 10:32-52 "Jesus The Ultimate Servant"

Gospel of Mark: Discipleship, Servanthood, and Following After Jesus
Mark 10:32-52 “Jesus The Ultimate Servant”
Sunday, February 6thOpening Questions
What was the best and worst part of your last week and how can we be praying for you?
This week we're going to talk about the topic of serving. Why is serving an important aspect of the Christian life?
As you think about your life, what are some of the biggest ways you've personally been served by others?Discussion Questions on Mark 10:32-52
Big Idea: Serving isn’t just something WE DO but it's an aspect of Who WE ARE 
  • Prediction - You Must Consider The Cost of Being a Servant (Mark 10:32-34)
Jesus boldly, heroically, and courageously moved towards Jerusalem and towards his own death. The Disciples were both terrified and amazed at Jesus' resolve to go towards his enemies and towards the conflict. How might fear hinder our walk with Jesus? What would are Christian life look like if fear wasn't a constant enemy? What would you do if you weren't afraid?
The Christian life is both privilege and responsibility, blessing and suffering, joy and sorrow. What aspect of the Christian life do you find yourself fearful of or avoiding because of the potential pain? What does it look like for you to be courageous like Jesus in the face of difficulty?  How can we encourage one another to do hard, yet worthy things for Jesus?
  • Ambition - You Must Consider The Challenge of Being A Servant (Mark 10:35-40)
James and John respond to Jesus' prophecy about his own death by asking for positions of power in Jesus' Kingdom. This is the third time that Jesus has predicted his death and the third time that the disciples didn't get it and approached Jesus with selective hearing and preconceived ideas.
How can we be careful to pick-up on what God is doing in our lives instead of simply bringing him our own agenda?
How can we model Jesus' patience with those who are consistently difficult in our lives?
Jesus warns the disciples that they will drink of the cup of His suffering and persecutions. How have you had to drink of this cup in your own life?
How can we prepare one another to drink of the cup and have right expectations about the blessings and the difficulties of the Christian life?
Jesus taught his disciples a third time that true greatness is in serving others. How does Jesus contrast the Gentiles with his Followers? What the difference in the way we are to lead others?
How have you seen servant leadership demonstrated in your life? What opportunities do you have to embody and practice servant leadership in your life?
  • Submission - You Must Consider The Opportunity for Being A Servant (10:45-52)
Blind Bartimaeus was overlooked and cast aside by the crowds but Jesus heard and responded to him. What sort of opportunities do you have to serve those who are in need around you?
Bartimaeus' cry was that Jesus would have mercy on him. Mercy recognizes that we need God to treat us better than we deserve. What ways do you need God's mercy and in what ways do you need to extend God's mercy to others (Forgiveness, Resentment, Bitterness, Generosity, etc)  Bartimaeus keeps calling for Jesus despite the crowds telling him to shut up. How can we cultivate a holy stubbornness to keep seeking after God in our own lives and what factors distract or embarrass us out of this holy pursuit?
How can we be praying for one another and serving one another this coming week?

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