Monday, January 3, 2022

#15 Mark 9:1-29 "Seeing Jesus in 2022"

Gospel of Mark: Discipleship, Servanthood, and Following After Jesus
Mark 9:1-29 “Seeing Jesus in 2022”
Sunday, January 2ndDiscussion Questions
What is one thing you are thankful to God for as we look back on 2021? 
What are some things you are looking forward to in 2022? Seeing, Savoring, and Worshiping Jesus (9:1-6)
Jesus gets alone with his disciples. How will you regularly get alone with Jesus this coming year? Is your spiritual life mostly private, public or a healthy balance of both? How does your schedule need to be open to time with God?  
God meets with his people on the mountain top from Moses and Israel to Jesus and the Disciples. Where do you meet with God? Do you have a special place set aside for communion with God? (e.g. a special room, a local park, nearby trail, traveling in your car, etc)  Trusting, Obeying, and Following Jesus (9:7-8)
God the Father calls us to listen to Jesus. If there is one theme, keystone habit, word of the year or new year’s resolution that would be most beneficial to us, it would be to listen to Jesus. How are we growing in listening and obeying Jesus? Humbly Receiving Correction and Coaching by Jesus (9:9-13)
Jesus corrects the disciples' understanding of the scriptures as they come down the mountain.  How can 2022 be different from last year? The way to be sure that this year will be different than last year is to be open to correction and coaching. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. How are you cultivating humility and allowing yourself to be correctable this year?  Learning from Past Failures with Jesus (9:14-19) 
Jesus rebukes the disciples for trying to cast out a demon in their own self-sufficiency by calling them a faithless generation, a term used for pagans. There is a tendency in us to become self-reliant, especially in things we’ve done for years. Are there areas in your life you function as though you’re self-sufficient and don’t need God? (e.g. Marriage? Parenting? Ministry? Evangelism?) God often gives us struggles so that we recognize we aren’t sufficient within ourselves. How has God used problems, difficulties, and hardships in your life as a gift to drag you out of yourself to rely on Him? Broken and Burdened Like Jesus (9:20-27)
Jesus is burdened for the suffering of the young boy who was brought to him because he was tormented and tortured by a demon. Over the last two years, we’ve developed some bad habits, become spiritually lazy, self-focused, and comfort-driven. What habits have developed in your life that are unhelpful, selfish, and or lazy? How can we cultivate a broken and burdened heart like Jesus for our family, friends, community, city, and world?  Praying with Passion and Dependence to Jesus (9:28-29) 
Jesus explains the importance of prayer. It’s been said that prayer is faith TURNED to God. Use the following prompts to seek after the Lord in prayer. 
  • Seeing, Savoring, and Worshiping Jesus (9:1-6)
Lord, open my eyes to see Jesus for who he truly is, help me to savor and treasure Him for he is worthy!
  • Trusting, Obeying, and Following Jesus (9:7-8)
Lord, help me to follow you closely in 2022. Help me to obey you with a joyful heart. 
  • Humbly Receiving Correction and Coaching by Jesus (9:9-13)
Lord, help me to receive your correction and to put to death my pride.
  • Learning from Past Failures with Jesus (9:14-19) 
Lord, forgive me for my sins and help me to learn from my past mistakes. Use my past failures for your glory!
  • Broken and Burdened Like Jesus (9:20-27)
Lord, give me your heart for this broken world. Forgive my laziness and spiritual indifference. Help me to feel what you feel.
  • Praying with Passion and Dependence to Jesus (9:28-29) Lord, forgiven my self-sufficiency and reignite my prayer life. Give me a renewed passion and help me to humbly come before you in prayer.

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