Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Purgatory: A Protestant Perspective

Roman Catholic apologists often appeal to church history to support Catholic teaching concerning purgatory. Many Protestants are less familiar with church history on this question, and tend to focus on making biblical arguments. In this video I offer an overview of a Protestant perspective on purgatory, putting special focus on the development of this doctrine throughout church history. Truth Unites is a mixture of apologetics and theology, with an irenic focus. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) serves as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai. SUPPORT: Become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/truthunites One time donation: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/truth... FOLLOW: Twitter: https://twitter.com/gavinortlund Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TruthUnitesP... Website: https://gavinortlund.com/ MY BOOKS: https://gavinortlund.com/mypublications/ PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/truth-unites 00:00 - Introduction 01:27 - Three Framing Remarks 06:12 - 1. Protestant Concerns in Historical Context 21:53 - 2. Purgatory in Church History 25:38 - Clement + Origen 27:49 - Cyprian 31:42 - Apostolic Fathers 33:27 - Tertullian 35:15 - Irenaeus 35:40 - Hippolytus 37:23 - Eastern Developments 39:03 - Council of Florence 40:17 - Western Development After Origen 41:27 - Lactantius 42:02 - Ambrose 43:24 - Jerome 43:55 - Augustine 44:50 - Ephrem + Aphrahat 46:46 - Ambrose on Theodosius 48:50 - Gregory of Nazianzus 52:38 - Pseudo-Justin 53:12 - Cyril of Alexandria 54:27 - John Chrysostom 1:03:51 - Conclusion from Church History 1:04:58 - 3. Purgatory in Scripture

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