Monday, October 4, 2021

#5 Mark 3:20-35 "Jesus: Liar, Lunatic or Lord"

The Gospel of Mark: Servanthood, Discipleship, and Following Jesus
#4 Mark 3:20-35 "Jesus: Liar, Lunatic or Lord"

Everyone believes something about Jesus. Gandhi believed Jesus was an innocent man who voluntarily sacrificed himself for the good of others. Martin Luther King Jr. described Jesus as “an extremist for love.” Muslims believe Jesus was the second most important prophet, after Muhammad, and Judaism labels Jesus as a false prophet. Buddhism teaches that Jesus was an enlightened man, and Hinduism suggests Jesus was a holy man akin to a saint. A very popular opinion widely held in our culture and almost universally believed in New Age spiritual movements is that Jesus was a wise moral teacher but would such a great teacher say the sorts of things Jesus did about himself?

Did you have a nickname growing up and if so what was it and who gave it to you? If you could pick a nickname what would it be?
How does giving someone a nickname help us to understand them?

  • The Crowds thought Jesus was Interested - Read Mark 3:20. Where is home for Jesus and why does Mark say that the crowds have gathered “again”? (See 2:1)
What does the presence of so many people permit Jesus and His disciples from doing? The crowds thought Jesus was interesting but as the author C.S. Lewis rightly comments, “…A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic – on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg – or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is , the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse.”
What would you say to a statement that says Jesus Christ was a great moral teacher and certainly a great leader, but nothing more (John 10:30-33)?
What other alternatives do we have to Jesus being either a liar, a lunatic or Lord?
Does it make any sense for Jesus to have been a liar or just someone who was sincerely wrong about who he was? Why or why not?
Why would someone not be able to accept Jesus as Lord if they clearly believe He was neither a liar or lunatic?
  • The Family thought Jesus was Deluded - Read Mark 3:21. What does His family do when they hear what’s happening? What do they say in verse 21?
Why would his family say to others that “He is out of His mind”? What ways is Christianity seen as being crazy to your family and friends?
  • The Leaders thought Jesus was Demonic - Read Mark 3:22-30. Who came from Jerusalem just to see Jesus? What did they claim in verse 22?
This was significant because according to the Mosaic Law false teachers should be punished by death (See Deuteronomy 13:15, 18:20). So how did Jesus respond to this charge in verses 23-29? What does He say to them? What does He accuse them of in verse 29?
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is a serious charge. Blasphemy is defined as “defiant irreverence.” Here the scribes were claiming that Jesus’ power was from Satan. So how were they guilty of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Why would Jesus accuse them of this and describe this as an eternal sin?
  • The Family Thought Jesus was Deluded -  Read Mark 3:31-35. Who calls for Jesus in verse 31? What does Jesus say in response?
What is the new identity that people who believe Jesus is Lord should walk in? How should viewing your church like your family change the way you interact with and care for others?
  • Prayer Time
Take a moment to share what your next step of discipleship will be and how others can be praying for you and supporting you.

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