Monday, September 20, 2021

#3 Mark 2:1-3:6 "Jesus the Revolutionary"

The Gospel of Mark: Servanthood, Discipleship, and Following Jesus
#3 Mark 2:1-3:6 "Jesus the Revolutionary!"

The first Iphone was released in 2007 and utterly revolutionized how we find information, travel around, take pictures, and surf the web. Revolutions transform the world and change the way we understand everything. As we open the scriptures to Mark 2:1-3:6 we'll see that Jesus is a revolutionary. Love Jesus or Hate Him, everyone took him seriously. Jesus was revolutionary by forgiving, befriending, and healing sinners like you and me. Let's learn about what made Jesus so incredible!

How is everyone and what is one highlight from your week? Pastor Kyle opened his message talking about Jesus being revolutionary. What revolutions have you lived through and how have the changed technology, culture, and your life? What makes a revolution so powerfully transformative?
Let's open our bibles to Luke 2:1-3:6 and study how Jesus

Jesus Forgives Sinners (2:1-12) 
The four men carried their paralytic friend to Jesus despite the difficulties and challenges. Which friends are you trying to get to Jesus and what challenges are you facing?
Jesus forgives the paralytic instead of healing him and everyone is shocked and horrified, why is this action so revolutionary?
Why is sin the most important problem in the universe to Jesus?
How are we doing at living in the freedom that God has given us through the forgiveness of Jesus?

Jesus Befriends Sinners (2:13-22)
What's the difference between a crowd and a community, between a decision or a disciple? Why is Jesus calling Matthew the Tax Collector to be his disciple such a revolutionary action? How does Jesus demonstrate his friendship to Matthew? Why is Jesus eating with sinners so revolutionary? Unpack this statement: Sanctification isn't separation but imitation. How can we imitate our Rabbi Jesus as he eats with Tax Collectors and Sinners?

Jesus Heals Sinners (2:29-3:6)
Why is Jesus calling himself the Son of Man and the Lord of the Sabbath such a revolutionary statement? How is the Sabbath a healing gift of God? How do you practice the Sabbath? In what ways have you seen and experienced the healing of Jesus in your life or the lives of those you know?

Prayer Time
How can we be praying for one another? What bold moves do we need to make to get people to Jesus? Let's take some time to pray together.
(You can go popcorn prayer, have everyone pray over the person to their right or whatever works best for your group)

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