It's time for your spiritual check-up! How do healthy Christians continue to grow and mature?
Pastor Kyle teaching on Ephesians 4:1-16, explaining the healthy churches grow through Membership (Spiritual Unity 4:1-6), Ministry (Spiritual Diversity 4:7-12) and Maturity (Spiritual Maturity 4:13-16).
Sunday, August 23rd Week #8
"How Churches Grow" (Ephesians 4:1-16)
Reflect and Discuss
- Where is my life out of alignment with what I believe? Where am I know walking in step with the Gospel? How can I humbly allow this scripture to give me a spiritual check-up?
- Why is unity important in a local church?
- Describe a typical church that models unity and one that demonstrates division.
- What do all believers share in common?
- What should all believers pursue?
- Who can you grow in Christlike character?
- How are believers different? Is this good or bad or something else?
- Explain the relationship between the ascension of Jesus and the distribution of gifts to the church.
- Explain the relationship between leaders in a local church and members of a local church.
- What responsibilities do you have as a member of a local church?
- Which of the marks of spiritual maturity (13-16) impacted you the most?
- Explain the importance of doctrine for growing in spiritual maturity How would you describe the health of your local church? Stop and pray for your church family.
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