Sunday, July 26, 2020

Jesus Saves! (Eph 2:1-10)

Week #4 Jesus Saves
Epehsians 2:1-10 

Reflect and Discuss
  1. How does Paul describe our pre-Christian status in 2:1-3? 
  2. How do you think a typical unbeliever today would respond to this description of a non-Christian: “dead,” a slave of Satan, dominated by appetites, and destined for wrath? 
  3. What was the consequence of our Pre-Christain status? 
  4. Why are the words “But God” so sweet? 
  5. Why did God make us alive?
  6. What does this passage teach about our union with Christ? 
  7. What is the believer’s future? How should this impact our daily lives?
  8. Why should God’s salvation humble us? 
  9. Is faith a gift? Explain. 
  10. What is the relationship between grace and works (2:10)?

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