Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday

Holy Week: Good Friday: April 3, AD 33
The events of Good Friday begin in the middle of the night and go until sunset, as Jesus of Nazareth is betrayed, condemned, crucified, and buried. What looked to the world like a thirtysomething carpenter turned wandering Jewish teacher dying a humiliating death was actually the Son of God redeeming his people.
Here is what happened throughout the day:
Perhaps after midnight, Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested by the authorities (Matt. 26:47–56; Mark 14:43–52; Luke 22:47–53; John 18:2–12).
Jesus has an informal hearing before Annas (a former high priest and Caiaphas’s father-in-law) (Matt. 26:57; 59–68; Mark 14:53, 55–65; Luke 22:63–71).
As predicted, Peter denies Jesus and the rooster crows (Matt. 26:58, 69–75; Mark 14:54, 66–72; Luke 22:54b–62; John 18:15–18, 25–27).
After sunrise on Friday the final consultation of the full Sanhedrin condemns Jesus to death and sends him to Pilate (Matt. 27:1–2; Mark 15:1).
Judas changes his mind, returns the silver, and hangs himself (Matt. 27:3–10).
Pontius Pilate questions Jesus and sends him to Herod Antipas (Matt. 27:11–14; Mark 15:2–5; Luke 23:1–7; John 18:28–38).
Herod Antipas questions Jesus and sends him back to Pontius Pilate (Luke 23:8–12).
Jesus appears before Pilate a second time and is condemned to die (Matt. 27:15–26; Mark 15:6–15; Luke 23:13–25; John 18:38b–19:16).
Jesus is mocked and marched to Golgotha (Matt. 27:27–34; Mark 15:16–23; Luke 23:26–49; John 19:17).
Jesus is crucified between two thieves (Matt. 27:35–44; Mark 15:24–32; Luke 23:33–43; John 19:18–27).
Jesus breathes his last (Matt. 27:45–56; Mark 15:33–41; Luke 23:44–49; John 19:28–37).
Joseph of Arimathea buries Jesus in a new tomb (Matt. 27:57–61; Mark 15:42–47; Luke 23:50–56; John 19:38–42).
Historian Paul Maier and New Testament scholar Andreas Köstenberger walk us through this world-changing day.

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