Sunday, December 8, 2019

Advent Week #2 "Peace" (Luke 2:8-20)

Discussion Questions for The Songs of Christmas #2 "Peace" Luke 2:8-20
What makes you anxious, nervous, and fearful? Most people deal with consistent, daily, low-grade anxiety. Wrestling with the "What Ifs" of life. At Christmas we remember that Jesus came as the prince of peace. Learn how the good news of Jesus' incarnation gives us a peace that transcends our circumstances, a peace that surpasses understanding. Watch, listen or download the latest message at
Big Idea: “In Jesus Christ we can have peace with God, with other people, and in our circumstances.” What sorts of things make you anxious in the world, in your relationships, and in your current circumstances? How does anxiety manifest in your life? (Short-tempered, stressed out, fearful, lonely, angry, etc?)How does the Hebrew word Shalom differ from the way our cultural understanding of peace?Read Mark 2:8-20. Shepherds were filled with anxieties and fears and they were not at peace with God since they couldn't go to the temple, they were not at peace with others since they were looked down on, and they were not at peace with their circumstances because they had no economic or social mobility to change their circumstances. What might be some modern equivalents to the shepherds? Are there ways that you feel like you can relate to the shepherds circumstances and lack of peace?The angel appears to the shepherds, what is God illustrating by sending the angels to a bunch of ordinary, no name, anxious shepherds? The angel announces good news for all people. What is the content of the good news and how does the good news impact those who are wrestling with anxiety? How do Jesus title of savior, Christ, and Lord minister to our current anxieties? What song do the angels sing together? What is the connection between God’s glory and peace?The song of the angels reminds us of three different kinds of peace that God establishes through the birth of Jesus.
  • Peace with God - What does Romans 5:1-2 tells us about the eternal peace that we can have with God? In Matt 11:28-30, Jesus calls all to come to him for peace because his yoke is easy and his burden is light. How have you experienced Jesus peace in this season?
  • Peace with Others - How does Christmas establish the truth of Ephesians 2:14-22. How have you personally experienced this peace that tears down ethnic, cultural, generational, gender and socioeconomic barriers between people?
  • Peace with Circumstances - How does Christmas reflect the truth of Romans 8:28? In Phil 4:6-8, Paul specifically encourages prayer and thanksgiving as a response to anxiety? As you reflect on 2019, what are some things you’re thankful to God for and how can we pray for one another to have our emotions and our thoughts protected by the peace of Jesus in this season?

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