Thursday, November 2, 2017

Life Groups - Nations and Neighbors - Week #1

Sunday, November 5th 2017 is the international day of prayer for the persecuted church around the world. 
As Christians, why is important to pray for and reflect on the persecution of our brothers and sisters around the world?  This series is called nations and neighbors, why are both of these places important and which one do you think tends to take up most of your attention?
Read Romans 15:18-25. What is Paul’s purpose in writing the entire book of Romans?
Read Romans 1:1-17. How does Paul describe the Gospel in these verses? What is Paul’s motivation for his ministry efforts? In Romans 1:18-25 what unrighteous actions warrant God’s just response of wrath? According to verse 20, what can every single human being on the planet know about God? Why is getting the Gospel out so important?
What does it look like for us to see respond to Jesus’s Great Commission (Matt 28) with Paul’s sense of obligation (Rom 1:14) to those who are lost around the world?
There are three ways we can respond to the global need for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Prayer (Heb 13:3) in a global perspective, what missionaries, churches, nations and situations should we be pray for?   
- Partnering (Rom 15:24) What opportunities exist for us to partner with other believers around the world in helping to see the Gospel proclaimed, churches planted, disciples raised up, people served, and justice done?  
- Going (Matt 28:19-20) Have you ever served in a short or long-term mission trip? If so, what was your experience like? If not, why not? How we as individuals, couples, families, and Life Groups be a part of the global mission of God?  

Life Together at Summit View Church

Podcast on "Why does the Reformation Matters Today to Us Today?"

“Why does the Reformation Matter to Us today?” This is a questions I've been asked over the last week and I wanted to take some  time to responsd to it. The world of the reformers was 500 years ago, in age of Kings, Princes, and Emperors. This was before cars, telephones, airplanes and the internet. We don’t listen to 16th century ideas about medicine or technology, why should we care about seemingly irrelevantly minutia of medieval theologians? 
We live in a world of IPhones, Fake News and Twitter…We’re consumed with the present, the trendy and trending, breaking-news, latest headlines, right now, right now right now… What seems to give someone importance and value in 2017 is if it’s happening right now so why does the Reformation matter?    

 Resources for Nations and Neighbors

A new sermon series at Summit View Church
November 5th - November 26th  
Additional Resources

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