Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Care Groups 8-6-17

Title: “A Summer in the Psalms - Psalm 23”
Key Verse: “Psalm 23:1-6

Growing Deeper
How has your summer been so far? What is your favorite
summer activity (camping, hiking, traveling, swimming, etc.)?
Psalm 23 is one of the most famous passages in the entire
bible and it deals with fear. As a child, how were you taught to deal with
fear? How did your parents model this for you?

In Psalm 23 David use the analogy of God as our shepherd?
What does the Shepherd do according to this text? (Lead, Feed, Protect) In
Psalm 23:3, why does God lead us in paths of righteousness? What is the
connection between God’s guidance and his name?
In Psalm 23:4 David finds comfort and both the shepherd’s
rod and staff? What is the purpose of these objects and how do they show the
character of God?
Psalm 23:5 describes a banquet in the midst of enemies. God
does not promise to remove all the dangers or sadness
of life. How, then, can we have peace and live without fear?
How does God “anoint” us as Christians? In what ways does a Christian “dwell in
the house of the Lord forever” because of the New Covenant?

How would you define trust? In what ways is trust built and
what ways is trust undermined? In what areas do you have the hardest time
trusting God? God as our shepherd is one of the most poetic and powerful
passages of all of scripture. What are other analogies of our relationship with
God that you deeply appreciate and why?
What “valley of the shadow of death” has God walked your
through and what creative ways can you express your praise, trust and reliance
on him?

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