Monday, August 28, 2017

Is Technology Good or Bad?

Reviving Integrity Technology and Secret Sin

Sunday, August 27th

Faith and Technology

Week #2: "Reviving Integrity: Technology and Secret Sin"

(Topical Message - 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 and Various Passages) 

Growing Deeper
What app on your phone do you use the most? What productivity app do find most helpful and why? What is your favorite mobile game and why?
According to 1 Thessalonians 4:2, what is God’s will and how should it affect the way we use technology?
In 1 Thessalonians 4:4-5, what ways does Paul call the believers to live differently than unbelievers? What is the connection between knowing God and sexual self-control? What does holiness and honor look like practically? Paul urges believers in 1 Thessalonians 4:6-7 to remember their Christian calling isn’t just about past sin or future joy but present holiness. What are modern ways that Christians might justify impurity? Why should holy living be a necessary and natural outworking of the Christian faith?
How can new digital technology enable secret sin to thrive? Why does sin always thrive in secrecy and isolation? What are some practical ways that we can use technology together instead of privately? How can we build trust with our loved ones; how might we be unintentionally undermining that trust?  Why is sexual impurity uniquely toxic to the soul? What practically steps must we take to build a healthy spiritual immune system against sexual temptations? Who do we need to give full access to on all of our devices, accounts, etc.? How can we be praying for and encouraging one another to be men and women of integrity?

A Healthy Disciple

Flaunt Your Love, Not Your Looks - John Piper

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Is There Evidence of Jesus' Miracles?

Pastoring in the Dark?: Engaging a Secular Generation - Jonathan Worsley...

Caring for God's Flock - Brian Davis | First Five Years 2017

Pursuing God in the Pursuit of Godliness - Jeremy Yong | First Five Year...

Preaching and Practicing Repentance - John Onwuchekwa | First Five Years...

Take Heart: Preaching to Encourage - Bobby Jamieson | First Five Years 2017

Be Strong and Courageous, Young Leader - Thabiti Anyabwile | First Five ...

15 Ways to Cultivate a Gospel-Centered Church - Mark Dever | First Five ...

How Western Methods Have Affected Missions in India - Harshit Singh | Fi...

How to Have a Word-Shaped Sunday Gathering - Trip Lee | First Five Years...

Why a Biblical Doctrine of Conversion Is Important - Ken Mbugua | First ...

Beware the Dangers of Pragmatism — Thomas White | First Five Years 2017

Grace without Compromise - Nathan Knight | First Five Years 2017

Panel #5 - Bobby Jamieson, Thabiti Anyabwile, Garrett Kell and Mark Deve...

Panel #4 - Trip Lee, Jonathan Worsley, Nathan Knight, Harshit Singh and ...

Panel #3 - Trip Lee, Thabiti Anyabwile, Mark Dever and Brian Davis | Fir...

Panel #2 - Thabiti Anyabwile, Brian Davis, Jeremy Yong and Mark Dever | ...

Panel #1 - Ken Mbugua, Thomas White and Mark Dever | First Five Years 2017

Loving Your Family While Leading God's Church - Garrett Kell | First Fiv...

What are the greatest needs in missions today? | Mack Stiles

Ben Shapiro Interviews Google Memo Guy James Damore

A Christian Response to Google’s Intolerance

Un-Hooked: Increasing Focus in the Age of Distraction

The B.A.R. Podcast: H.B. Charles Jr

#89 Gender Identity Questions, a Shame Culture and Compassionate Account...

Why We Need Personal and Congregational Disciplines // Ask Pastor John

Are the Spiritual Gifts Still for Today?

How do you do family worship?

The Death Knell on Legalism

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Care Groups 8-6-17

Title: “A Summer in the Psalms - Psalm 23”
Key Verse: “Psalm 23:1-6

Growing Deeper
How has your summer been so far? What is your favorite
summer activity (camping, hiking, traveling, swimming, etc.)?
Psalm 23 is one of the most famous passages in the entire
bible and it deals with fear. As a child, how were you taught to deal with
fear? How did your parents model this for you?

In Psalm 23 David use the analogy of God as our shepherd?
What does the Shepherd do according to this text? (Lead, Feed, Protect) In
Psalm 23:3, why does God lead us in paths of righteousness? What is the
connection between God’s guidance and his name?
In Psalm 23:4 David finds comfort and both the shepherd’s
rod and staff? What is the purpose of these objects and how do they show the
character of God?
Psalm 23:5 describes a banquet in the midst of enemies. God
does not promise to remove all the dangers or sadness
of life. How, then, can we have peace and live without fear?
How does God “anoint” us as Christians? In what ways does a Christian “dwell in
the house of the Lord forever” because of the New Covenant?

How would you define trust? In what ways is trust built and
what ways is trust undermined? In what areas do you have the hardest time
trusting God? God as our shepherd is one of the most poetic and powerful
passages of all of scripture. What are other analogies of our relationship with
God that you deeply appreciate and why?
What “valley of the shadow of death” has God walked your
through and what creative ways can you express your praise, trust and reliance
on him?

#87 The Gospel & The Fear of God

Don't Cower. Preach the Good News.

Next Week w/Jeff Durbin: PREMIER EPISODE!

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