Monday, April 24, 2017

Missio Dei -"The Spirit, The Church, The Mission"


CARE Group Training - Sunday, May

Heritage Park Campus - Second Floor
- Loft Room 

1:00-2:30pm Lunch Provided

CARE Group Leaders, please save the
date for the next CARE Group leaders' training event on Sunday, May 7, from
1:00-2:30pm in the Loft Room at the Hertiage Park Campus. Lunch will be
provided and you're welcome to invite key folks from your group (potential new
leaders, hosts, etc). 


Sunday, April 23rd

"Missio Dei: The
Spirit, the Church, the Mission"

Growing Deeper

Have you ever been on a mission trip? What was the experience like? How is
being on a mission different than regular life? 

Why do you think Luke felt it was important to record that during the 40
days after his resurrection Jesus presented “many proofs” to his disciples
(Acts1: 3)? 

The disciples seemed confused by what Jesus’ purpose was after his
resurrection. What did they think he was going to do? How do we miss Jesus’
purpose in our lives? 

Why do you think Jesus told the disciples to wait together in Jerusalem?
What were they waiting for? 

Once the disciples received the Holy Spirit what was their commission? What
is our commission today? 

What is the Holy Spirit’s purpose in our lives (Acts 1:8)? How does the Holy
Spirit fulfill God’s promise in the Old Testament (Acts 2:33)? 

What is the mission of the church? 

How does the Holy Spirit help the church fulfill its mission? 

Act Sermon Series Recommendations 

Acts Book Recommendations

Other Resources to Study the Book of Acts 

Missio Dei Sermon Series Schedule 

Week 1: Missio Dei:  The Spirit, The Church,
The Mission      Acts 1:1-8; 2  

Week 2: Miracles and Messages     Acts 3 - 4:4

Week 3: The Inclusive Exclusivity    Acts 4:1-21

Week 4: Warning: The Church’s Sin and God Amazing Grace
   Acts 4:34 - 5:14

Week 5: Stephen: Faithful to the End    Acts 6-7

Week 6: Conversion 101: When God’s Mission Becomes Yours
      Acts 9

Week 7: Racial Integration   Acts 10:34 - 11: 17

Week 8: Prayer Powers the Mission   Acts 12: 1-18

Week 9: When Drinking, Politics, Cussing, and Circumcision
Divide a Church      Acts 15

Week 10: Starting Point: Sharing Your Faith Where People Are
      Acts 17:16-34

Week 11: When Things Consume: The Gospel and Idolatry  
 Acts 19:11-41

Week 12: Epithet: What Does Your Life Say? Acts 20:17-38

Week 13: The Last Lecture: Four Lessons Acts Still Has to
Teach to Live On Mission    Acts 25:22; Acts 26:27-29; Acts 27:
21-26; Acts 28: 30-31

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