Monday, August 29, 2016

Convergence: Church + Culture | Week #1 | Acts 17:16-34

Convergence Church + Culture | Acts 17:16-34
Sunday, August 28th 
"Engaging the Culture" by Pastor Kyle Van Tine 
Engage the culture (Acts 17:16-21)
As Christians, we don’t want to separate from our culture or conform to it, we want to ENGAGE IT with love, grace and truth!
Paul is provoked by the incredible amount of idols all over Athens. As we survey our culture, what are some of the idols we see?
Discuss the simple technique that biblical characters like Nehemiah, Paul and even Jesus used to engage their culture: go, see, feel, do. 
What is the biggest challenge you face engaging the culture?
Contextualize the message (Acts 17:22-38)
What does it mean to contextualize the Gospel? Why is it so important to contextualize the communication of the message without altering its content?
How would you contextualize the Gospel as you explain it to a three-year old learning to read, a 60-year old college professor or a 32-year auto-mechanic?
Paul uses the alter to the unknown god as an entry point into the Gospel. What are some entry points you’ve seen used to contextualize the Gospel? 
Paul quotes from pagan poets to illustrate biblical truths. What “poets” can we use to help communicate the truths of the Gospel to our culture?
Challenge the worldview (Acts 17:29-34)
What have you observed to be the worldview of your neighbors, coworkers, classmates, family and friends?
What are the functional idols they worship? What will they give in the process of worshiping? What do they hope to get from their idols?
What do you believe is their biggest misunderstanding about God? What are the barriers keeping them from believing the Gospel?
What opportunities might God be giving you to contend for the faith in the lives of those around you? 

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