Listen to this week's message "Honor in the Church" on 1 Timothy 5 by following this link
Care Group Video Update for Heritage Park & Felida campuses
Care Group Video Update for Heritage Park & Felida campuses
Summit View's middle school summer
camp Grit 2016 will have a special recap video next Sunday at both campuses. Come hear the stories of God's grace saving, transforming and empowering our kids.
Letters A Study in 1 & 2
Timothy - Week #5
Kyle Van Tine (HP)
Heritage Park Campus Summer BBQ -
Sunday July 17th
All-Church Baptisms - Sunday,
September 11th
Honor those in the church (5:1-2)
What is honor and why is it so important in the Bible? How does our culture understand and use honor?
What does it look like to honor an older Christian as a father or a mother? How can we honor older Christians as fathers and mothers when we disagree with them?
How do purity and honor relate to one another? What are some ways that the church can treat young women with all purity?
Honor those in need (5:3-16)
In ancient times there were no social safety nets, so without family support widows were truly destitute.
Who are those that are truly in need in our community and how can the church help?
Christian families were passing their God-given responsibility to care for their own relatives on to the church; what was Paul’s response to this situation?
Why is God pleased by families caring for one another? What can you do to show honor and love to your parents and grandparents?
Honor those in authority (5:17-25)
In what ways can you show honor to your spiritual leaders? How can you honor a leader when you disagree with them on a matter?
Why is it important to hold a standard of holiness in church leadership and throughout the church? Why can’t we just say that grace covers all so behavior doesn’t matter?
When a public rebuke is done well, what does the rebuke communicate to the people of the church about holiness, integrity and leadership standards?
What is the danger according to 5:22 of hurriedly appointing leaders without testing them? How might a church be affected when unqualified leaders are appointed?