Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Most Excellent Way to Lead Interview with Pastor Mark Driscoll

Interesting conversation between my former pastor and Perry Noble. I'm eternally grateful for Mark Driscoll's bible teaching ministry but I would have appreciated some more direct and challenging questions from Perry Noble on the actual reasons for Mark's "transition" like mismanaging global fund money, plagiarism, leadership abuses, etc. 

I'm cautiously optimistic about Mark coming back into ministry because of the incredible impact of his teaching but nervous for his new church because of his past leadership failures, sins and refusal to walk through the process of restoration at Mars Hill. Instead being restored and raising up new leaders, he abandoned the church and Mars Hill was shut down completely. Mark choose to leave the area altogether and just completely start over. 

If Mark only seeks outside advise from other celebrity pastors for his new work in Arizona at Trinity Church and if he doesn't create a biblical elder board made up of qualified equals, not yes man, that he is actually willing to submit to functionally then I don't think Trinity Church is a safe or healthy community to join. The teaching might be edifying but the leadership root is unhealthy to the point that history may very well repeat itself again, God forbid. 

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