Monday, June 29, 2015

Compelled to Serve 2 Corinthians 4:1-15 Summit View Church

CG Coaching for Week #4 - 2 Corinthians 4:1-15
Sunday, June 28th  -  Pastor Kyle Van Tine  -  2 Corinthians: A Church Compelled
"Compelled to Serve" (2 Corinthians 4:1-15)

Being exposed to God has a compelling transformative power. As Moses’, face was physically transformed to shine when exposed to God’s glory, likewise, our hearts are transformed. For us, though, it is a permanent glory that does not fade. When we accept Christ as Lord our lives are forever changed. Daily, as we think on the gospel, God is doing a heart-work in us, sculpting us and unveiling to us His truth so that we do not lose heart when we see the word of God being distorted and watered down. We must be bold in our faithfulness to the gospel and in our prayers for those whose hearts are veiled to the truth. We must not be tempted to change our message for the hearers. John Calvin clarifies that “the blindness of unbelievers in no way detracts from the clearness of the gospel, for the sun is no less resplendent because the blind do not perceive it.” We must continually point the blind to Christ as the light they need in their lives to rid themselves of their blindness. We are fragile clay vessels that show, from our joy in the face of suffering, the everlasting power of the Creator God who does not abandon us but sustains us with his Word. God’s light grows as our weakness does. It is a strange and magnificent paradox that our weakness invites the strength of God. In our weakness we can reveal God’s light of grace into a dark and perishing world.

Read Revelation 7:9-10
  • Paul’s boldness and joy in suffering for the gospel comes from his focus on the future hope of eternity with God. Do you live today with a future hope that sees eternity as our ultimate destination?
  • How have the Scriptures come alive and been life changing to you? What might need to change in your life to allow this to happen?
  • How have you personally experienced the unique challenges of the Christian life that Paul highlights in verses 8-9?
  • How are you being daily transformed by Christ?
  • How has your weakness glorified God and displayed his power? (John 12:24-26)
  • How have you seen or experienced the spiritual blindness that Paul mentions in verse 4 either in yourself, your family or in the world?

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