I've been thinking about the following statement; "We always do that which we most want to."
It's true, isn't it? The highest, deepest, strongest affections of our hearts really do control us. We never do anything, no matter how difficult, that ultimately isn't motivated by our strongest affections. At the core of all of our actions, even if it warrants momentary discomfort or displeasure, is a desire for infinite satisfaction.
When I sin, it's because I believe a the lie that twists my affections and causes me to commit divine treason by attempting to find satisfaction in those things which are only created as pointers, mirrors and shadows of the infinity beautifully, powerful, awe-inspiring, desire satisfying God almighty.
What I've learned is that when I don't pray humbly that God the Holy Spirit would change my heart so my deepest affections are to cherish and be satisfied in God. I begin to crossover into cruel, heartless, passionless, religiosity because I'm only operating on a knowledge level of what I "should" be doing while my affections or for sin. Without any deep abiding passion to delight in the law of God I will always ultimately sin because I do what I most want to. It's simple but I'm realizing the fuller significance of the difference in out comes between duty and delight.
Our life is constantly driven by desires seeking complete and infinite satisfaction. Join me in looking to Christ, the Author and Perfecter of our Faith!
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