Friday, March 29, 2024

Were You There

The Crucifixion Destroys Islam.. Here's How! | Muslims Debate Live

Andrew Klavan: The Truth and Beauty Part Two

Writer and cultural commentator Andrew Klavan returns for an in-depth conversation with host Eric Metaxas on his nonfiction book, The Truth and Beauty. The two discuss the Romantic’s response to the collapse of European thought and belief and what that means for us today. To watch the extended interview, head to Socrates+ at

Will This Make You Believe in Jesus? The Isaiah 53 Prophecy.

Thomas Reid’s Common Sense Design Philosophy

The Crucifixion of Jesus: Luke 19-23

Easter Explains Relationships

Friday, March 29, 2024

Ten Reasons Jesus Came to Die

Davone Tines sings "Where you there?, arr. by H.T.Burleigh

Gracias Choir - Were You There

Three Mo' Tenors - Were You There - 7/17/2001 (Official)

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Easter is Not Pagan

Join us at: To help support this ministry click here: Every year around Easter we start hearing about Ishtar and how Easter is pagan. Well, this video refutes this nonsense. Sources: Frank Stenton - Anglo-Saxon England Carole Cusack - The Goddess Eostre: Bede’s Text and Contemporary Pagan Tradition Jacqueline Simpson and Stephen Roud - A Dictionary of English Folklore, Section: Easter Eggs Tanya Gulevich - *If you are caught excessively commenting, being disrespectful, insulting, or derailing then your comments will be removed. If you do not like it you can watch this video:    • For the Censorship Whiners   "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."

Forrest Mims: My Adventures As an Amateur Scientist (Part 2 of 2)

Shaykh Uthman Can't Find Historic Evidence for Jesus' Crucifixion!

Hero Wars | The Wade Show with Wade

Misunderstood Passages About the Christian Life

Christ is King, Yes, Yes He is!

"Navigating Pastoral Challenges and Possibilities" (A Panel Conversation...

Coram Deo Pastors Conference 2024 Recap

A New Challenge for Lee Cronin | James Tour Live at Champion Forest

The MYTH of Junk DNA (Long Story Short, Ep. 12)

Is the idea of junk DNA this one of the biggest mistakes in science in our lifetime? Only about 1% of our DNA codes for proteins, so what is the other 99% doing? Many evolutionary scientists over the years insisted that the non-protein coding DNA is largely junk, but intelligent design theorists predicted function will be prevalent throughout our genome. Guess which prediction turned out to be right? Learn how scientists have discovered that the vast majority of our genome has function in this installment of the “Codes of Life” mini-series produced as part of the "Long Story Short" show on YouTube. Find out more about scientific challenges to evolution. Download a free copy of the mini-book "Top 10 Scientific Problems With Evolution" here: This free digital mini-book reviews the scientific literature and shows there are powerful scientific challenges to core tenets of Darwinian theory. Watch all the Long Story Short episodes - ============================ The Discovery Science News Channel is the official Youtube channel of Discovery Institute's Center for Science & Culture. The CSC is the institutional hub for scientists, educators, and inquiring minds who think that nature supplies compelling evidence of intelligent design. The CSC supports research, sponsors educational programs, defends free speech, and produce articles, books, and multimedia content. For more information visit Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter: Twitter:   / discoverycsc   Facebook:   / discoverycsc   Instagram:   / discoverycsc   Visit other Youtube channels connected to the Center for Science & Culture Discovery Institute:    / discoveryinstitute   Dr. Stephen C. Meyer:    / drstephenmeyer  

RESPONDING TO LIGON DUNCAN on Theonomy & Cultural Engagement

In this episode, Dr. Michael Thiessen and Dr. Joe Boot respond to the recent controversial interview by Chancellor of Reformed Theological Seminary, Ligon Duncan, on the Room for Nuance podcast where he answers questions on theonomy, postmillennialism, and faithful cultural contextualization all while throwing barbs at unnamed parties and mixing up Scripture. YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WANT TO MISS THIS ONE! Episode Resources: "On Culture War: Doug Wilson and the Moscow Mood" by Kevin DeYoung | Clearly Reformed: "My Rejoinder to Kevin DeYoung" (VIDEO)| Doug Wilson via YouTube:    • My Rejoinder to Kevin De Young | Doug...   "My Rejoinder to Kevin DeYoung" by Doug Wilson | Blog and Mablog: End Abortion Now: For Ezra's many print resources and to join our newsletter, visit: Stay up-to-date with all things Ezra Institute: Subscribe to Ezra's YouTube Channel:    / @ezrainstitutecc   Fight Laugh Feast Network: Apple Podcasts: Spotify Podcast: Wherever you find our content, please like, subscribe, rate, or review it; it truly does help.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Responding to the "Boring Heaven" Objection with Jimmy Akin

The Marathon Ends: Final Road Trip DL (for Six Weeks Anyway)

Managed to pull off a solid internet connection from a slight wide spot in the road called Lordsburg, New Mexico (really sad little town...lots of abandoned buildings). We covered a wide variety of things, including announcing the upcoming debates, April 24th and 25th, in Lafayette, Louisiana, with Catholic Answers apologist Jimmy Akin (sola scriptura, and "How Does a Man Have Peace with God?"). We discussed conversion, anthropology, and more, looking at Ezekiel 36, Titus 2, and even an old article Robert Gagnon reposted about John 6:39.

Roundtable: Brown & Storms vs. Peters & Osman

Every book in the New Testament, with the exception of Philemon, contains warnings about false teachings. Wolves in sheep's clothing pose a real threat to believers, and Scripture teaches us to mark and avoid them (Romans 16:17-18). However, there is substantial disagreement within the church regarding the biblical definitions of a "false teacher" and "false prophet". This debate is tied to differing views on the nature and continuation of the Holy Spirit's gifts, particularly the gifts of healing, prophecy, and tongues. In a four-hour roundtable discussion, Justin Peters, Jim Osman, Michael Brown, and Sam Storms sit down to discuss these disagreements in person for the first time. We trust that this conversation will edify the body of Christ and provide clarity on these divisive, yet critical, issues. Note: This roundtable discussion was recorded on April 1, 2023, six months before the news related to Mike Bickle's sexual abuse became public. Sam Storms' and Michael Brown's joint-statement can be read at 53:25. Playlist for more videos providing more context for this discussion:    • Roundtable: Brown & Storms vs. Peters...   For more information:

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Scott Atlas: The Fight to Stop COVID-19 From Destroying America

Medical doctor, public health policy expert, and senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute Dr. Scott Atlas joins host Eric Metaxas to share details from his time on the White House’s COVID-19 Task Force.

To watch the full interview, head to Socrates+ at

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

IHOP: A House Divided #mikebickle #ihopkc

We first addressed the allegations against Mike Bickle with the International House of Prayer on November 7, 2023. You can watch that initial episode here: In this second episode, we'll confront the undeniable evidence that has since come to the forefront. We've interviewed key figures intimately acquainted with Mike Bickle, shedding light on the stark realities of the situation. We'll navigate the complexities of confronting egregious sin and wrongdoing within the Church. Amidst the turmoil, we'll also witness the armor of God being wielded within the body of Christ, as the church body behind IHOP stands firm in demanding righteousness and accountability. The sword of truth has rightly divided, separating wickedness from the core of a ministry once revered for its devotion to prayer and worship. As we bear witness to this heartbreaking chapter, let's draw lessons and insights that guide us forward, as we strive to uphold the honor and integrity of the Church in every circumstance. #remnantradio #ihopkc #mikebickle 🌐📧 Visit our Website & Subscribe to our Newsletter:

The Secret Ingredient that Unlocks a Radical Church Community | Pete Sca...

The Gentleness Of Christ | Travis Allen

Purgatory Debate - White vs Horn 2/17/2024

In February of 2024 James White and Trent Horn did two, back to back debates at First Lutheran Church in Houston. The first night was on sola scriptura, and the second on purgatory. It was the conjunction of these two debates that was most informative and useful. We invite our viewers to listen to both debates and compare the assertions concerning the “deposit of faith” and “apostolic tradition” in the first with the argumentation in defense of purgatory in the second. It is very enlightening!

Shepherds Conference 2024 Wednesday Morning

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Danny Akin | 75 Theses For Preaching in the 21st Century | Adams Lecture...

Dr. Akin, President of Southeastern Seminary in Wake Forest, NC is the speaker for our Adams Lecture Series where he will give his lecture entitled "75 Theses For Preaching in the 21st Century" in two parts. -- To learn more about Southeastern visit: - Southeastern Seminary: - The College at Southeastern: -- Social Media -- Southeastern Seminary - X: - Facebook:   / sebts   - Instagram   / sebts   The College at Southeastern - X: - Facebook:   / collegese   - Instagram:   / collegese  

Comparing Christianity vs. Open Spirituality

Webinar with Bill Dembski and Winston Ewert on The Design Inference

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Ken Ham is Tweeting About Me Again

In this video Gavin Ortlund responds to Ken Ham about the interpretation of Genesis 1. Is the Young-Earth Creationist reading of Genesis 1 the only faithful reading? Do all other views "start outside the text?" Ham's post:   / 1763067659036573772   Truth Unites ( exists to promote gospel assurance through theological depth. Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is President of Truth Unites and Theologian-in-Residence at Immanuel Church. SUPPORT: Tax Deductible Support: Patreon:   / truthunites   FOLLOW: Website: Twitter:   / gavinortlund   Facebook:   / truthunitespage   MY ACADEMIC WORK: PODCAST: DISCORD SERVER ON PROTESTANTISM Striving Side By Side:   / discord   CREATIVE DIRECTION: Clau Gutiérrez (https://www CHECK OUT SOME BOOKS: 00:00 Introduction 02:04 Nothing New Under the Sun 04:00 The Core Disagreement 10:35 Athanasius 11:08 Augustine 18:04 A Slippery Slope? 20:49 Final Implications

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...