Thursday, June 30, 2022

Tullian Tchividjian & Carl Lentz | The Sexual Vanity Of False Teachers

Beholding the Glory of Christ – Timothy Keller [Sermon]

Roe Reversal Rainbow Month | Doug Wilson

Should Christians Use Satire? A Conversation with Kyle Mann (Babylon Bee)

When does satire go too far? What is the biblical basis for satire? Sean talks with Babylon Bee Editor in Chief Kyle Mann. They also discuss the latest book from the Babylon Bee: The Postmodern Pilgrim's Progress. READ: The Postmodern Pilgrim's Progress ( WATCH: Babylon Bee: The Inside Story ( READ: A Rebel's Manifesto, by Sean McDowell ( *Get a MASTERS IN APOLOGETICS or SCIENCE AND RELIGION at BIOLA ( *USE Discount Code [SMDCERTDISC] for $100 off the BIOLA APOLOGETICS CERTIFICATE program ( *See our fully online UNDERGRAD DEGREE in Bible, Theology, and Apologetics: ( FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter: TikTok: @sean_mcdowell Instagram:

We Have Seen & We Remember | Toby Sumpter (ROE OVERTURNED)

The War Against Nature | Doug Wilson & Michael Foster

Monday, June 27, 2022

1 Timothy "Gendered Sins & Sanctification" (1 Tim 2:8-10)

1 Timothy: The Blueprints for Life Together as God's Family “Gendered Sins and Sanctification" (1 Timothy 2:8-9) Sunday, June 26, 2022 Men and women are different. Men and women are biologically, relationally, emotionally, motivationally different. Men and women have different chromosomes, different hormones, different behaviors and desires. All this use to be common sense only a few years ago but now, here in Seattle, it's insensitive, "hurtful" and some would say it's borderline hate speech. Yet God didn't create us as people in general but as men and women specifically. If you are a man, it’s good to be a man and it feels good to act like a man, to be strong, to provide and protect. (It's powerful!) If you are a woman, it’s good to be a woman and it feels good to act like a woman, to be helpful, to be beautiful and nurturing. (It’s wonderful) We cannot transcend nature, we’re creatures made by a creator God. Cicero said “Custom will never conquer Nature; for it is always invincible” and Horace wrote “Drive nature out with a pitchfork, yet nature hurries back, And will burst through our foolish contempt and triumphant over us” Men and Women are DIFFERENT and also have different struggles. Men are over-represented alcohol and drug-abuse. Women are over-represented in depression and anxiety. Because man and woman are different and because we have different struggles, this means that our spiritual growth, growing to be more like Jesus, it isn’t a gender-natural undertaking. The Apostle Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, gives Gender-specific instructions or if you like, sex-specific commands (Gender is a recently coined term that might be better described as temperament or behavior. Sex is a biological reality.) So Paul is giving specific commands, some for men and some for women. God made men strong and this strength can be twisted into anger. We need to move from angry-debate to passionate-devotion. God made women beautiful and this strength can be twisted into vanity. We need to move from self-focus to God-focused life. Questions for Discussion and Further Study Men Must Move From Anger and Contention to To Prayer and Devotion (1 Tim 2:8) Why does Paul highlight the men of the Church in Ephesus as having hard time praying? Why do men typically have a harder time praying? How does holding onto anger and bitterness interfere with prayer? How can we encourage men to grow from being quarrelsome to being prayerful? Women Must Move From Provocative and Flamboyant to Respectful and Modest (1 Tim 9-10) Why would Paul highlight the women of the Church in Ephesus as having immodest and disrespect attire? Why is it important for women to focus on bringing attention to God instead of themselves at Church? How does shifting the focus from external beauty to the beauty of good works change our priorities? How can we encourage women to grow from being immodest to being modesty, respectful and know for good works?

To Hell With "Womb to Tomb" (And Other Rhetorical Scams)

Is God Present or Absent in Hell?

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Pilgrim Faith (Episode 67: Taking Inclusivity Back From Satan)

Burning Cities, Sulfur Balls: Excavating Sodom & Gomorrah (with Joel Kra...

Q&A w/ James Rayment, Doug Wilson, Francis Foucachon, & Csaba Leidenfros...

As Waters Cover the Sea | Douglas Wilson (Missions Conference 2022)

Good News for Cultures Built on Guilt, Shame, & Fear | Francis Foucachon...

Engaging Islam | James Rayment (Missions Conference 2022)

Understanding Islam | James Rayment (Missions Conference 2022)

Contextualized Presuppositionalism | Douglas Wilson (Missions Conference...

Why Pastors Need Accountability: Interview with Dave Harvey

REBUILDERS: From the Great Acceleration to the Great Slowdown

God’s Love and My Sickness

Monday, June 20, 2022

Welcome to Pride Month

Pink Hair & Boys Wearing Girls' Underwear | Toby Sumpter

Deleting My Channel

Considering deleting my channel. With Acts17Apologetics, Voddie Baucham, and Joel Osteen. Reasons to subscribe: 1) help spread biblical truth 2) beautiful handcrafted leather Bible giveaway every week (details: 3) help this channel pass Kenneth Copeland in subscribers to show that truth wins over false teaching (we're growing faster!)

Why I Don't Use the Hero's Journey

What Did We Learn From C0V!D? | Doug Wilson

The Real Reason Behind Carl Lentz’ Sexual Sin

Pastors do not randomly commit sexual immorality. There are always signs that can be detected, if you know what to look for. In this video, Justin Peters (@Justin Peters Ministries) and Pastor Joel Webbon reveal some of the marks of a pastor in sin. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content like this! Watch the full episode here: To support Right Response Ministries, visit: Subscribe to Theology Applied full episodes below: Apple podcast: Spotify podcast: If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: #hillsong #carllentz #justinpeters _________________________________________________ Keywords: theology, Reformed theology, podcast, Christian podcast, theology podcast, theology show, Christian show, the gospel

Defending Jesus' Resurrection (LIVE with Dr. Jonathan McLatchie, 8:00pm ET)

David Wood and Jonathan McLatchie will be LIVE at 8:00pm (Eastern Time), discussing the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. Dr. McLatchie's website: Doubts ministry: YouTube channel: Article on Dr. McLatchie's case for the resurrection:

Medieval Courtesy Books

The Big Moment at SBC22

Crucial Texts for Our Hardest Battles

Do miracles go against logic?

Thursday, June 16, 2022

40 Day Fast—Transformed by Fasting: One Pastor's Fasting Journey

Watch our services live at Free Downloads of Pastor Shane's E-books at https://westsidechristianfellowship.o... Donate to Westside Christian Fellowship here: https://westsidechristianfellowship.o... Free speech is being severely compromised. This new FREE SPEECH platform is amazing - many solid voices are moving over. You can follow Pastor Shane here on Parler As of now, we're still on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Westside Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational Christian church that meets every every Sunday at 9:00 am & 11:00 am in Leona Valley, California (9306 Leona Avenue). For more info, or to read our statement of faith, visit

My Thoughts on All Things SBC

Addressed the shameful situation with the treatment of the Bucks, the absurd claim by Karen Swallow Prior that she is "afraid" of Tom, and my predictions for the future of the, I think, soon to be renamed Southern Baptist Convention.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Joe Rogan's Making a MISTAKE Rejecting Christianity

Joe Rogan talked about his views on Christianity, the Bible, and the origins of the Christian Faith once again in a recent podcast. But the reasons he gives for rejecting Christianity, aren't very solid. Here is my response from a Christian perspective. Support our videos! Patreon (thank you!): One time donations on Paypal (thank you!): Subscribe Star: YouTube Channel Membership: Be in Our Videos! If you want to be in one of our videos, record a clip of you saying “Whaddo You Memeeeee?” and send it to Try to get creative. If using a cellphone to record, hold it sideways to be sure it fits the screen dimensions. On the email, please list your name, your youtube handle name, and where are recording from if you want that information put on the video as well. Subscribe by clicking here: Translate our Videos! We love to connect with YOU, no matter what language you speak. Help Whaddo You Meme?? create captions in your language and reach more people by clicking here: Find us on Other Platforms! #apologetics #christianity #JRE

Tell Better Stories.

UNWOKE! Martin Luther Sees Right Through The Winsome NuanceBros Of His Day

Famed reformer Martin Luther sounds very much like an uncharitable discernment blogger in this sermon preaching on Matthew 7:15-23, "Beware Of False Prophets." He doesn't even...he doesn't even assume the best intentions from people who teach false doctrine and put on an outward show of holiness! —TRANSCRIPT— We should not suffer ourselves to be deceived by the sheep's clothing, for then we would have to accept and hear the devil in place of God. He comes to us in his schismatics, fanatics, and heretics not like a wolf but in sheep's clothing. These will make use of the word of God or the scriptures, speak much to the praise of Christ and the Holy Ghost, pretend to know everything better than others, and in all this assume a form by which they draw many people to do a great deal of harm. And besides this, they lead a strict, externally praiseworthy life on account of which some might be ready to take an oath that all about them is holiness and that their intentions are right and good, whilst in fact it is all the miserable devil, as we see in the Anabaptists, sacramentarians, and others. ... Furthermore, the fact also that false prophets make a good external appearance and lead a blameless life belong to the sheep's clothing. This is seen in some of the Anabaptists. They use no profane language. In dress, eating, and drinking they are modest. The word of God they use constantly. They pray much, are patient in tribulation, and are not revengeful. In itself, there's nothing wrong in this. Yea, it would be desirable that, in this respect, all men were like them. But we must not on that account regard their doctrine as right, nor follow them, because Christ says beware of them. Beneath the sheep's clothing, you will find a wolf. For the Anabaptists, like the monks, rest their hopes on their own righteousness and works. ... They lay unnecessary burdens upon Christians. They rend family ties, say it is wrong to hold property, and despise civil government as un-Christian. They thus pervert and undermine all three institutions of God: namely, of the church and the state and the family. Source audio:

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Stephen Nichols: Books from the Life of R.C. Sproul

Countless Christians have grown in their knowledge of God through the influence of Dr. R.C. Sproul, founder of Reformation Bible College and Ligonier Ministries. Dr. Sproul was a lifelong student himself, and his personal library provides us with glimpses into how the Lord prepared him for decades of faithful service as a theologian, teacher, and Christian apologist. Watch Books from the Life of R.C. Sproul, a special online streaming message from Dr. Stephen Nichols. In this message, Dr. Nichols highlights the R.C. Sproul Collection, featuring books that had a foundational influence on Dr. Sproul, his personal Bible, and several of his own seminal writings on the holiness of God and the truth of His Word. This message is part of the Rare Book Room Series, a series of academic lectures and interviews from distinguished speakers. Each message highlights featured books from the Hansen Rare Book Room on the campus of Reformation Bible College

Monday, June 6, 2022

How Complementarians Fall Short | Doug Wilson & Michael Foster

1 Timothy “Christ Came to Save Sinners" (1 Tim 1:12-17)

Our sincerest apologizes for not being able to host the live-stream of the worship service this morning at church. We had unexpected technical difficulties but we were able to record the service and it is now live on YouTube. I apologize again for the inconvenience. 1 Timothy: The Blueprints for Life Together as God's Family “Christ Came to Save Sinners" 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Sunday, June 5, 2022 Do you believe people can change? We live in a culture that is deeply skeptical and even cynical about personal change. Many believe in a sort of biological determinism. "I'm an anxious personality, it’s just who I am. That’s just the way it is. A leopard can’t change its spots, an old dog can’t learn new tricks. The die is cast, the lot is fixed, That’s just the way it is, I was just born like this. " Lady Gaga’s 2nd album “Born This Way” has sold 11 million copies and become the 8th best-selling digital album in history and in many ways “Born This Way” has become the philosophical anthem of a generation. We’re born the way we our and just need to accept it. If you really are born this way the mature thing is to accept yourself, to celebrate yourself and be proud of yourself. Any thought about deep personal change is viewed with serious suspicion. Change is naive at best and destructive at worst. If I’m born this way then change is demeaning, repressive and dangerous, a sinister tool of manipulation and control. The truth is even though we’re told to just have more self-esteem and more pride in ourselves, we don’t always like everything about us. We’re dissatisfied with ourselves and without the possibility of change a sort of helplessness sets in. We really do want to change. This is what the last few presidential elections were all about. Doesn’t matter that the societal change of each party was completely different, they were tapping into a deep reality of dissatisfaction. We do more than vote for a different party. Reality TV has capitalized on our desire to watch shows about change, change in anything from remodeling, extreme makeovers, flipping house, contests to marrying someone, to lose the most weight, etc. We want to see real change We love! As an evangelical Christian church, we’re a people of change, a people of conversion! The good news of the Gospel is that Jesus saves, sanctifies and ultimately glories everyone who will repent and believe. Christianity is a converting religion. We must be born again! Big Idea: Christ Came to Save Sinners! 1. Jesus Strengthens the Unequipped (1 Tim 1:12) What service has God called you to and how do you need God's strength to fulfill your callings? Is God’s strength fueling your service? How do you know when you are trusting God's strength or when you are trusting your own strength? 2. Jesus Appoints the Unqualified (1 Tim 1:13-14) What is the value in remembering what you were before you were saved? How has God shown you mercy and how are you living in the mercy that God has shown you? 3. Jesus Saves the Unworthy (1 Tim 1:15) How would you explain the Gospel concisely to a 6-year old girl, a young man in the tech industry or an older retired military veteran? What might change in the way you describe what Jesus has done and what it means to each of these people? What would change in your perception of yourself and your perception of Jesus if you took verse 15 onto your own lips and into your own heart? Are you growing in your awareness of God’s holiness and your sinfulness? 4. Jesus Forgives the Undeserving (1 Tim:16-17) How have you grown in your appreciation of Christ's patience? Are you ever stirred or even overwhelmed by thoughts of God's grace in your life? What types of study, meditation, or worship produce the greatest response in you? Are God’s perfect patience and overflowing grace fueling your worship?

Thursday, June 2, 2022

The Still Small Voice – Timothy Keller [Sermon]

Atheist v Christian DEBATE: Which Gives a Foundation for Living? (Ankh T...

The Glory of Marriage | Toby Sumpter

Invincible Joy Confirms Our Election: 1 Thessalonians 1:2–7, Part 3

What Jesus Taught About Conversion, Part IV

The Worst Year of My Life - Dr. Jason Wiesepape - Jason Wiesepape

Why We CAN'T SEE When We're WRONG (Amber Heard Verdict)

The Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Trail is over, and Amber Heard has released a statement explaining that she thinks she won and the trail was unfair. Here are my thoughts on why that is, from a Christian perspective. Support our videos! Patreon (thank you!): One time donations on Paypal (thank you!): Subscribe Star: YouTube Channel Membership: Be in Our Videos! If you want to be in one of our videos, record a clip of you saying “Whaddo You Memeeeee?” and send it to Try to get creative. If using a cellphone to record, hold it sideways to be sure it fits the screen dimensions. On the email, please list your name, your youtube handle name, and where are recording from if you want that information put on the video as well. Subscribe by clicking here: Translate our Videos! We love to connect with YOU, no matter what language you speak. Help Whaddo You Meme?? create captions in your language and reach more people by clicking here: Find us on Other Platforms! #christianity #johnnydepp #amberheard

John Crist - What Are We Doing (Full Comedy Special)

From the frustrations of ordering at McDonalds and waiting in line at CVS, to the perplexities of expectant mother's parking spots and getting baptized in the Nile river, John Crist has been there to observe it all and ask simply...What Are We Doing? Filmed at the historic Lyric Theater in Birmingham, Alabama. John Crist on tour now! Official Website: Pre-save the official audio on Apple Music now: Subscribe to John Crist's YouTube channel: Facebook: TikTok: Instagram: Twitter:

Biblical Criticism and Correction

0:00 Introducing Larry • 1:52 Gospel culture and criticism • 5:37 Blessed by correction • 8:40 Correction is a two-way street • 13:22 Reasonable and biblical • 16:22 Gentle restoration • 19:14 Conflict aversion • 21:01 Recommended resources: “ESV Devotional Psalter” and “In the Lord I Take Refuge” by Dane Ortlund. ( To reach out directly to Ray and Sam with questions or prayer-related requests, please email Subscribe to this channel: PODCAST SPONSORSHIP We want to thank Crossway for helping to make this podcast possible. For more gospel-centered resources and Bibles visit SUBSCRIBE TODAY Apple Podcasts: Spotify: Google Podcasts: Stitcher: TGC Website:

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...