Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Monday, May 30, 2022
Debate: Does Science Show That Muhammad Was a True Prophet? (David Wood ...
Does science prove that the Quran came from Allah? Do physics and biology show that Muhammad was a true prophet? David Wood (Christian) and Nadir Ahmed (Muslim) debate the evidence!
1 Timothy "Rightly Using the Law" (1 Tim 1:8-11)
"Rightly Using the Law" (1 Tim 1:8-11)
Sunday, May 29th 2022
1 Timothy: The Blueprints for Life Together as God's Family
Week #3 "Rightly Using the Law"
What do you make of the Old Testament? There are a lot of laws about sacrifices. How is a Christian to understand and apply these things? There are a lot of rules about diets and clothing, are we suppose to dress and eat in those ways? How should we understand the Old Testament Law? What role does the Old Testament law play in our Christian Life? Can out this message from 1 Timothy 1:8-11 to learn how to understanding, delight and rightly use the law of God.
Discussion Questions
Rachel Held Evans wrote a book called Biblical Womanhood in which she jokes about the commands to women in the Bible by literally applying Old Testament law and not distinguishing between timeless Biblical principles and timely cultural methods of application. What is the difference between principles and methods and why does it matter?
Megachurch pastor Andy Stanley wrote a book called irresistable making the arugement that the evanglical church should "unhitch" itself from the Old Testament. What cultural pressures might push a pastor to want to unhitch from the Old Testament? What do we lose if we get rid of the Old Testament?
Why is it helpful to understand Old Testament Law as moral, civil, and ceremonial? What are some examples of each of these categories?
Are you more tempted to live in legalism (obeying God's law to earn/keep his favor) or in licence (disobeying God's law, because it's not necessary to obey to be saved)? In what ways?
How does Paul's teaching about the law here help you to try to obey it out of gospel power, motivation and acceptance? What is the difference between trying to keep the law in our own power vs. keeping the law in the power of the Holy Spirit?
Friday, May 27, 2022
Doug Wilson & Michael Brown: Are the gifts of the Spirit still in operat...
The charismatic church is the fastest growing part of the global church. But not all Christians believe gifts of tongues, prophecy and healing are for today.
Doug Wilson, pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho is a cessationist. He believes the charismatic gifts ceased with the closure of scripture. He engages with Michael Brown, host of the Line of Fire radio show and proponent of prophecy and charismatic gifts.
For Doug Wilson: https://dougwils.com/
For Michael Brown: https://askdrbrown.org/
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Thursday, May 26, 2022
Monday, May 23, 2022
Relocation Announcement
Relocation Announcement
Here is a standalone video reviewing the relocation announcement. If you're interested in serving on the relocation committee, please contact us so we can get you involved in the process. If you have ideas, connections or potential opportunities. Please forward those on to the elder team (@Steve Pratt, @Ken Sabalza, and @Kyle Van Tine)
Here is a standalone video reviewing the relocation announcement. If you're interested in serving on the relocation committee, please contact us so we can get you involved in the process. If you have ideas, connections or potential opportunities. Please forward those on to the elder team (@Steve Pratt, @Ken Sabalza, and @Kyle Van Tine)
Member's Meeting
RVC Members Meeting
Here is the video and slideshow from this quarter's RVC Members Meeting.
RVC Members Meeting Video (Audio Issues) - https://youtu.be/5qzNfBbSRPk
RVC Members Meeting Slideshow - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hapDf9cQ6PjLCMnWtPem0SCd_krF7rL5BqXkve-Y-_c/edit?usp=sharing
Here is the video and slideshow from this quarter's RVC Members Meeting.
RVC Members Meeting Video (Audio Issues) - https://youtu.be/5qzNfBbSRPk
RVC Members Meeting Slideshow - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hapDf9cQ6PjLCMnWtPem0SCd_krF7rL5BqXkve-Y-_c/edit?usp=sharing
1 Timothy "Guarding the Truth" (1 Tim 1:3-7)
1 Timothy: “Guarding the Truth” (1 Tim 1:3-7)
Sunday, May 22, 2022
1 Timothy: The Blueprints for Life Together as God's FamilyWeek #2 “Guarding the Truth”
Sunday, May 22, 2022
1 Timothy: The Blueprints for Life Together as God's FamilyWeek #2 “Guarding the Truth”
- Confront Lies (1 Tim 1:3-4) - What are some examples of things that are precious to you that you take time to guard and protect? What common lies must we confront in our lives? How do we recongize lies that we have believed?
- Grow in the Truth (1 Tim 1:5) - How can we grow in purity of heart? What are the benefits of a pure heart? What are examples of consciences being weak, seared or defiled? How can we protect, train, and maintain a good conscience? What is the importance of having a sincere faith? How can we grow in having a sincere and not double-minded faith?
- Don’t Get Distracted (1 Tim 1:6-7) - How can Christians begin to wander away from their faith? What are the results of someone who wanders away? Using the ten questions to diagnose your spiritual health, what area do you need to grow?
Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health from the book by Donald S Whitney1. Do you thirst for God?
Meditate on Scripture. Pray. (Am I in an on-going two-way conversation with God?) Pray through Scripture. Read thirst-making writers (Puritan devotions, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, AW Tozer, John Piper…)2. Are you governed increasingly by God’s Word?
Deepen your desire for God’s Word – listen regularly to heartfelt preaching. Make time for God’s Word: read the Bible daily and with focus. Search the Scriptures to discover or consider what God says about specific areas or aspects of life. (What is the Holy Spirit teaching me through Scripture?) Train yourself to ask “How does the Bible speak to this idea?” God’s Word is intended to delight us, direct us, define us, disinfect us and defend us.3. Are you more loving?
Meditate on love as described in the Word (1 Cor 13…). Warm your heart in the fire of God’s love for you. Imitate God: love as He loves, demonstrating that He is your Father. Consider those relationships where you need to grow in love and take initiative, especially where you have little or no expectation of love in return. (How is the fruit of the Spirit becoming more visible in my life where I live and play?)4. Are you more sensitive to God’s Presence?
Go often to the Scripture, where God has revealed Himself most clearly. Acknowledge His presence with you by talking TO Him. Seek God in congregational worship. (How am I connecting with God in Worship, both personally and corporately?) Continually reaffirm the truth that God is omnipresent.5. Do you have a growing concern for the spiritual and temporal needs of others?
Ask God, who gives sight to the blind, to enable you to see the earthly AND heavenly needs He wants you to meet. Look for the hurt in every heart and home. Don’t try to do everything, but do something for the gospel and the good of others. (Who am I investing in relationally who is different from me or doesn’t know Jesus? In what ways am I living a life of generosity and service?)6. Do you delight in the Bride of Christ?
Jesus delights in His Bride; grow to see beauty in the church globally and in your church locally – in the people and in their work for the Kingdom. Demonstrate your delight in the Bride of Christ in ways that will make a real difference. (Have I given and received encouragement and accountability within the Body this week?) Pray for and work for growth in the areas that trouble you.7. Are the Spiritual Disciplines increasingly important to you?
Devote yourself to the pursuit of Christlikeness, enjoying God through active spiritual disciplines. Resist temptations towards “efficient” exercises, to-do lists (except for this one…), microwave spirituality, or shortcuts. Discipline is a long obedience in the same direction. Stoke the fire of your spiritual life with at least one real perceptible poke.8. Do you still grieve over sin?
Make sure you understand the gospel: write it out. Ask God to show you with mercy the reality of your sin and its cost. Confess the sins that the Spirit reveals to you. Pray slowly through Psalm 51 as your own heartfelt prayer. (Am I humbly confessing my sin and asking God to change me?) Meditate on your sin that nailed Jesus the holy, sinless One from Heaven to the cross. And preach the gospel to yourself every single day (Col 1:21-23).9. Are you a quicker forgiver?
Trust God. Train your heart to forgive quickly without request. Learn to ask for forgiveness. Look for opportunities to forgive. (Have I recently shared with someone what God has done and is doing in my life?) Remember the many ways God has forgiven you (Mt 6:14-15).10. Do you yearn for heaven and to be with Jesus?
Set your heart and your mind on things above (Col 3:1-2). Purify yourself in anticipation of
seeing your King (1 Jn 3:2-3).
Meditate on Scripture. Pray. (Am I in an on-going two-way conversation with God?) Pray through Scripture. Read thirst-making writers (Puritan devotions, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, AW Tozer, John Piper…)2. Are you governed increasingly by God’s Word?
Deepen your desire for God’s Word – listen regularly to heartfelt preaching. Make time for God’s Word: read the Bible daily and with focus. Search the Scriptures to discover or consider what God says about specific areas or aspects of life. (What is the Holy Spirit teaching me through Scripture?) Train yourself to ask “How does the Bible speak to this idea?” God’s Word is intended to delight us, direct us, define us, disinfect us and defend us.3. Are you more loving?
Meditate on love as described in the Word (1 Cor 13…). Warm your heart in the fire of God’s love for you. Imitate God: love as He loves, demonstrating that He is your Father. Consider those relationships where you need to grow in love and take initiative, especially where you have little or no expectation of love in return. (How is the fruit of the Spirit becoming more visible in my life where I live and play?)4. Are you more sensitive to God’s Presence?
Go often to the Scripture, where God has revealed Himself most clearly. Acknowledge His presence with you by talking TO Him. Seek God in congregational worship. (How am I connecting with God in Worship, both personally and corporately?) Continually reaffirm the truth that God is omnipresent.5. Do you have a growing concern for the spiritual and temporal needs of others?
Ask God, who gives sight to the blind, to enable you to see the earthly AND heavenly needs He wants you to meet. Look for the hurt in every heart and home. Don’t try to do everything, but do something for the gospel and the good of others. (Who am I investing in relationally who is different from me or doesn’t know Jesus? In what ways am I living a life of generosity and service?)6. Do you delight in the Bride of Christ?
Jesus delights in His Bride; grow to see beauty in the church globally and in your church locally – in the people and in their work for the Kingdom. Demonstrate your delight in the Bride of Christ in ways that will make a real difference. (Have I given and received encouragement and accountability within the Body this week?) Pray for and work for growth in the areas that trouble you.7. Are the Spiritual Disciplines increasingly important to you?
Devote yourself to the pursuit of Christlikeness, enjoying God through active spiritual disciplines. Resist temptations towards “efficient” exercises, to-do lists (except for this one…), microwave spirituality, or shortcuts. Discipline is a long obedience in the same direction. Stoke the fire of your spiritual life with at least one real perceptible poke.8. Do you still grieve over sin?
Make sure you understand the gospel: write it out. Ask God to show you with mercy the reality of your sin and its cost. Confess the sins that the Spirit reveals to you. Pray slowly through Psalm 51 as your own heartfelt prayer. (Am I humbly confessing my sin and asking God to change me?) Meditate on your sin that nailed Jesus the holy, sinless One from Heaven to the cross. And preach the gospel to yourself every single day (Col 1:21-23).9. Are you a quicker forgiver?
Trust God. Train your heart to forgive quickly without request. Learn to ask for forgiveness. Look for opportunities to forgive. (Have I recently shared with someone what God has done and is doing in my life?) Remember the many ways God has forgiven you (Mt 6:14-15).10. Do you yearn for heaven and to be with Jesus?
Set your heart and your mind on things above (Col 3:1-2). Purify yourself in anticipation of
seeing your King (1 Jn 3:2-3).
Monday, May 16, 2022
Postmillennialism | Dealing With “Problem” Texts
One of the most common passages of Scripture used against Postmillennialism is 2 Timothy 3. In this brief video, Gray DeMar demonstrates how to simply exegete this chapter of the Bible within a Postmillennial framework. “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more content like this. Watch the full episode here: https://youtu.be/RjnVUG6IUtg To support Right Response Ministries, visit: https://rightresponseministries.com/d... Subscribe to Theology Applied full episodes below: Apple podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyapplied Spotify podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedspotify Google Play podcast: https://bit.ly/theologyappliedgooglep... *If you live in the Austin area, Pastor Joel just started planting a brand new church called Covenant Bible Church in Hutto, Texas. He would love for you to come visit on a Sunday. Check out the church’s website for details: https://covenantbible.org/ #endtimes #Postmillennialism #Postmillennial
The Nigerian Genocide the Media Won’t Talk About
Hundreds of Nigerian Christians were killed for their faith during the first quarter of 2022. Since the Government of Nigeria is doing nothing to prevent the attacks, the violence is sure to continue. Some are even wondering if Nigerian leaders are complicit in carrying out a genocide against Christians.
For the International Christian Concern article quoted in this video ("Nigeria is World’s Scariest Country to be a Christian"), click here: https://www.persecution.org/2022/05/1...
#Nigeria #Christians #Genocide
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Friday, May 13, 2022
Deconstruction, Progressive Culture, Emerging Church, and the Need for M...
6 views May 13, 2022 Dan Kimball is the author of several books on leadership, church, and culture. He was one of the founders of Vintage Faith Church in Santa Cruz, California where he still serves on staff. He is also a faculty member at Western Seminary and leads the ReGeneration Project, which exists to equip and encourage new generations to think theologically and participate in the mission of the church. He has a master’s degree from Western Seminary and a doctorate degree from George Fox University.
In this conversation, we talk about pastoring in a super progressive city, why people are deconstructing at a seemingly higher rate than before, what unbelievers think of Christianity, the need for intellectually honest missional theology, and why loving our neighbors is so crucial to the gospel.
If you've enjoyed this content, please subscribe to my channel!
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For questions about faith, sexuality & gender: https://www.centerforfaith.com
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Was Jesus Actually Resurrected? Why the Story WASN'T a HOAX! Dr. Justin ...
14 views May 13, 2022 http://apologeticsguy.com In episode 7 of the Accessible Apologetics Show, Drs. Justin Bass and Mikel Del Rosario discuss the resurrection of Jesus, focusing on how historical and cultural evidence shows that the disciples didn't make up the story about a Messiah rising from the dead.
➡️ Justin Bass, The Bedrock of Christianity: The Unalterable Facts of Jesus' Death and Resurrection
➡️ Martin Hengel, Crucifixion: In the Ancient World and the Folly of the Message of the Cross
➡️ Unbelievable? Podcast - Justin Bass & Dale Allison: Is there evidence for the bodily resurrection of Jesus?
➡️ Download the Accessible Apologetics Curriculum (For Churches and Small Groups)
FREE LESSON! http://apologeticsguy.com/lessons
#mikeldelrosario #apologeticsguy
Disclaimers: Amazon affiliate links above (I may receive a small percentage at no cost to you).
Comments Policy: Please keep your comments kind, charitable, respectful, and free from ad hominem attacks, name-calling or bullying. Any comments which do not abide by the spirit of this policy will be hidden or deleted. Here's why: https://youtu.be/-hPvj27LmUw
🤔 Question of the day: What's the top question you have or get asked about the resurrection of Jesus? Let me know in the comments. ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️
Thursday, May 12, 2022
If You Like Science, You Should Hate Naturalism w/ Dr. Tomas Bogardus
In this interview, I sit down with Dr. Tomas Bogardus to discuss a new forthcoming paper he wrote entitled, "If Naturalism is true, then Scientific Explanation is impossible."
Dr. Bogardus' paper: https://philpapers.org/archive/BOGINI...
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I get a lot of questions about what gear I use, so here's a list of everything I have for streaming and recording. The links below are affiliate (thank you for clicking on them!).
Camera (Nikon Z6): https://amzn.to/364M1QE
Lens (Nikon 35mm f/1.4G): https://amzn.to/35WdyDQ
HDMI Adapter (Cam Link 4K): https://amzn.to/340mUwu
Microphone (Shure SM7B): https://amzn.to/2VC4rpg
Audio Interface (midiplus Studio 2): https://amzn.to/33U5u4G
Lights (Neewer 660's with softboxes): https://amzn.to/2W87tjk
Color Back Lighting (Hue Smart Lights): https://amzn.to/2MH2L8W
Recording/Interview Software: https://bit.ly/3E3CGsI
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#Apologetics #Science #ExistenceofGod
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