Friday, July 30, 2021

Knowing You Know God #5 "Knowing You Are A Child of God"

The 2021 Olympics have begun in Tokyo, Japan. Christians can learn much from these incredible athletes who have had their identity, activity, and community shaped by goal for Olympic Gold.

As Christians, we have our identity, activity and community shaped by the cross of Jesus Christ.

Open your Bibles to 1 John 2:283:10 and let's learn what it means to grow as disciples of Jesus.

Let's sing, study, and partake in the Lord's Supper together as Jesus' People!

Paul and the Old Testament : Why Study the Old Testament? Session 4

In our prior session we saw that Jesus affirmed the Old Testament’s relevance for all believers. In this session, we’ll see that the apostle Paul loved the Old Testament and wanted all Christians to understand and apply it to their lives. At the same time, he strongly opposed those in Israel who treated the Old Testament like a legalistic path to salvation by human works. Grasping this distinction is critical to discovering how relevant the Old Testament is for our lives and how important it is for us to study it today. For more videos like this, visit our channel: To find out more about our content or view transcripts and study guide material for this series, visit our website: Website: Kingdom, Covenants & Canon of the Old Testament series: Why Study The Old Testament? lesson materials: Follow us on social media: Facebook: Instagram: #BibleCurriculum #ReformedTheology #OldTestament

Why Many People Hate On #UrbanApologetics ! (My 2 Cents)

Why do many people hate on #UrbanApologetics?! In this short video I give my perspective on what I think is a MAJOR factor. Y'all check it out and lemme know what you think in the comment section. What I say in this video may not be for everybody, but it's for somebody. 🔽🔽🔽SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST🔽🔽🔽 (Also on Itunes and other podcast outlets) 🔽🔽🔽SUPPORT OUR MINISTRY🔽🔽🔽 🔽🔽🔽BLOG SITE🔽🔽🔽 🔽🔽🔽SOCIAL MEDIA🔽🔽🔽 Facebook: realadamcoleman Twitter: @scottlane7 Instagram: Truid_Podcast For Booking:

Thursday, July 29, 2021

A Homosexual, Pro-Choicer, & Pastor Having a Chat

Join us for this special episode of Apologia Radio in which Pastor Jeff Durbin engages in a dialogue with some friends who disagree with him. You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:

REACTION | Abraham Piper’s VIRAL Anti-Christian TikToks (John Piper’s Son?)

Abraham Piper's (John Piper's son) anti-Christian TikToks have made him a TikTok start with over one million followers. Are Abraham's arguments good? Let's take a look at some of his more interesting TikToks. With Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Greg Bahnsen, and R. C. Sproul. Hello! These videos take a lot of work to put together and edit. To support this (demonetized) channel, just subscribe, like, comment, and share! You can also check out the patreon page at Your support and encouragement motivates me to keep making videos!

Voddie Baucham Answers Questions on Social Justice and Christianity

Why @Russell Brand is WRONG about Religion

@Russell Brand, popular actor and social commentator, talks about how he believes that all religions are true, and they all basically teach the same core message. In this video, I quickly respond to that claim. Support our videos! Patreon (thank you!): One time donations on Paypal (thank you!): Subscribe Star: YouTube Channel Membership: Be in Our Videos! If you want to be in one of our videos, record a clip of you saying “Whaddo You Memeeeee?” and send it to Try to get creative. If using a cellphone to record, hold it sideways to be sure it fits the screen dimensions. On the email, please list your name, your youtube handle name, and where are recording from if you want that information put on the video as well. More videos you may like!! My disability and God: Is Christianity unfair?: What I wish I knew before: R Kelly and the 1st Christians: I’m giving up: Reading MEAN Comments: Top 3 Myths People believe about science and religion: Blaire White, Detransitioning, and Transgender Parenting: Cult leader thinks he’s Jesus: Is TB Joshua a False Prophet?: Our kids and Religious Future: Ricky Gervias and Jacklyn Glenn Response: My wife and I’s argument about religion: Response to viral Buzzfeed video: How to read the Bible: 1st Response Video on Ricki Gervais: 3 Reasons some don't see evidence for God: Thanks, Science!: Top 3 Science & Religion Myths debunked: Worldview contradictions: athiesm Subscribe by clicking here: Translate our Videos! We love to connect with YOU, no matter what language you speak. Help Whaddo You Meme?? create captions in your language and reach more people by clicking here: Find us on Other Platforms! #apologetics #christianity #

Greg Thompson Can't Stop Misrepresenting Kevin DeYoung!

Former PCA elder Greg Thompson, co-author of the book "Reparations: A Christian Call for Repentance and Repair" with Duke Kwon, makes false statements about Kevin DeYoung's critical review of the book on the Holy Post podcast with Skye Jethani. Source video: Kevin DeYoung's review of Greg's book with Duke Kwon: Where to find and support WPC:

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Helping Students Answer the Big Questions of Life

Students today are asking three big questions: (1) Who am I? (2) Where do I fit? (3) What difference can I make? In this video, I interview Dr. Kara Powell about the latest research on student culture and how to help students follow Jesus. READ: 3 Big Questions that Change Every Teenager, by Kara Powell ( WATCH: How Do We Understand and Reach Gen Z? GET A MASTERS IN APOLOGETICS OR SCIENCE AND RELIGION AT BIOLA ( USE DISCOUNT CODE [SMDCERTDISC] FOR $100 OFF THE BIOLA APOLOGETICS CERTIFICATE PROGRAM ( FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter: TikTok: @sean_mcdowell Instagram:

Ephesians 4:1–6 // Part 2 // God Calls the Spiritually Dead to Life

God calls us out of the tomb, out of death, out of condemnation, and out of slavery to sin. We are called into life in Christ. #LookAtTheBook

'I don't regret hugging a mourner... I think that's what Jesus would do'

Rev. Charlie Boyle, vicar at All Saints Brankscome, is facing disciplinary action and potential dismissal for allegedly not following strict Covid regulation ‘guidance’ at his Dorset church. He could be disciplined and lose his job and vicarage home for hugging a mourner and singing 'Thine be the glory'. In this video he talks to BBC News about his case. The Christian Legal Centre are supporting Charlie. Learn more:

Basics of Intelligent Design: Darwin’s Nightmare

When Charles Darwin published “On the Origin of Species” in 1859, he was painstakingly aware of the fact that the fossil record diametrically opposed his theory. Ever since Darwin’s time, paleontologists have put their finger on the so-called Cambrian explosion. The term describes the fact that within one single geological era called the Cambrian era, a wide variety of fossilized animal forms shows up suddenly and without any evidence of intermediate forms preceding them in Precambrian strata. This state of affairs is hard to reconcile with Darwin’s idea that species evolved slowly and gradually over long periods of time. Darwin himself acknowledged this problem and admitted that if we assume the theory of evolution to be true, we should find an interminable number of intermediate forms in the fossil record. However, at Darwin’s time, those countless transitional forms were nowhere to be found. The leading figures of paleontology didn’t hold back with their criticism of Darwin, who, in turn, described their objections as potentially fatal to the entire theory of evolution. Yet, instead of dealing with the paleontological evidence as it presented itself to him, Darwin explained away the absence of paleontological evidence for evolution by asserting that future discoveries by paleontologists would eventually unearth those countless intermediate forms that his theory needed in order to be vindicated. Have his hopes come true? No, they haven’t. In fact, as the science of paleontology has, like any other scientific discipline during the 20th century, made huge leaps forward, the evidence that has emerged has put the theory of evolution into even greater trouble. Find out why in this very first episode of my new series on the basics of Intelligent Design. 0:00 Intro 0:52 Darwin's Theory 2:16 A Troubling Conundrum 4:42 A Milestone Discovery 5:09 Phyla and Fossils 6:38 The Blink of an Eye 7:28 Amazing Trilobite 8:22 Stubborn Paleontology 9:05 Darwin's Problem Amplified 11:23 Wrapping Up & Looking Ahead This is the first video of an ongoing series on the Evolution vs. Intelligent Design debate. My aim is to make the basics of Intelligent Design and of critical thinking about evolutionary theory available to the uninitiated viewer. I will unpack, in a step-by-step fashion, why the complex, specified information we find in organisms of the animal kingdom is better explained by the theory of Intelligent Design than by Neo-Darwinism. The videos in these series are based on the New York Times bestseller “Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design” by Stephen C. Meyer (Revised ed. Edition, San Francisco: HarperOne, 2014). In fact, the videos can be thought of as summaries of the most essential points of Meyer’s book. This video in particular relates to the content of chapters 1-2. However, my videos are not officially endorsed by Stephen Meyer. Stephen Meyer heads the Center for Science and Culture of the Discovery Institute, the leading Intelligent Design think tank ( The Discovery Institute is sometimes accused of advancing Biblical creationism disguised as science. This is an ad hominem attack that does nothing to address the actual arguments that are being put forward by Intelligent Design theorists. Besides, the accusation reveals ignorance of the fact that there is a wide range of atheist and agnostic scientists who consider Intelligent Design a legitimate scientific hypothesis. Nevertheless, one of my videos will talk about how the hypotheses advanced by Intelligent Design and creationism are fundamentally different. I have not received formal training in evolutionary biology. However, I have spent a great amount of time studying Neo-Darwinism and Intelligent Design over the last three years. I am mentioning this for two reasons: First, this is simply a matter of transparency and intellectual honesty, which are, I believe, key, as we’re dealing with a controversial topic. Second, I’m aware that the fact of me not being an evolutionary biologist will be used by critics in the attempt to undermine the credibility of the arguments I offer here. However, the validity of an argument is not affected by the question of who advances it. Therefore, questioning my content because I’m not an evolutionary biologist (or, a scientist, for that matter) is logically fallacious. In addition, the following may be pointed out: Unless the person who offers such criticism is him or herself an evolutionary biologist, advancing such criticism is at best hypocritical and at worst self-defeating. For if the credibility of my arguments is supposedly questionable due to me not being an evolutionary biologist, why should the critic’s criticism of my arguments be any more credible, given that he or she isn’t an evolutionary biologist either? As always, I'm thankful for feedback!

Summer Ep. 8: What Happens to People When They Die? | Bible Reading Chal...

In Part 3 of our series on eschatology, we answer some questions about the afterlife: What happens to people when they die? Where do they go? Are they awake or asleep? What is Sheol, Hades, Gehenna, and Tartarus? Join the Bible Reading Challenge: Download the ChristKirk app:

Balkan Apologetics Q&A

Ilija Lazarov of Balkan Apologetics interviews Dr. Craig on a range of topics from evil and suffering in the world to creation and evolution. For more resources visit: Special thanks to Ilija Lazarov. Find out more at and _______________________ We welcome your comments in the Reasonable Faith forums: Be sure to also visit Reasonable Faith's other channel which contains short clips: Follow Reasonable Faith On Twitter: Like the Reasonable Faith Facebook Fan Page:


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Monday, July 26, 2021

What Do We Do with Textual Variants: with Dr. James White

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The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...