Friday, November 27, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
The Weaponization of Pornography / E Michael Jones / Man Rampant
Go watch this episode for FREE for a limited time only! Download the app and enjoy! https://canonpress.com/app/
Monday, November 23, 2020
Thanksgiving 2020
Thanksgiving 2020
No matter who you are, this has been a hard year from quarantines and restrictions to financial challenges and relational hardships, there is no shortage of bad news. It's easy to join the masses in complaining and wallowing in self-pity. But God has something else for his people, something that sets up apart and makes us distinct, especially in times of suffering and hardship, God is calling us to give thanks! Christian thankfulness is grounded in the Gospel so it's not dependent on our circumstances and situations. We are called to praise the Lord, to thank him, and to serve him with gladness. This call to thankfulness is the essence of worship and the secret to spiritual vitality in the midst of a global pandemic.
Community Group Discussion Questions
- What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving memories?
- Who is the most grateful person you know? What are some examples of how that person shows gratitude?
- Psalm 100:1-2 calls us to joyful noise, serve with gladness, and to sing in God's presence. How can we fulfill this call to worship this thanksgiving season?
- What are the reasons that the Psalmist gives in Psalm 100:3, for the joy, gladness and praise that we're called to give God?
- In what ways can we fall into the "snare to compare" and start becoming envious of others instead of thankful for them?
- In verse 5 of Psalm 100, the Psalmist praises God for his goodness, love and faithfulness. How have you personally experienced the truth of God's goodness, love, and faithfulness over this past year in the midst of lock-downs, closures, changed plans, and difficulties.
- Why is it difficult for most people to express gratitude, especially face-to-face? To whom do you owe a verbal debt of gratitude? How will you express gratitude to God and to others this thanksgiving season?
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
White Horse Inn 30th Anniversary!
Friends, can you believe we are celebrating our 30th Anniversary at White Horse Inn this year? A lot has changed over the years but our mission has always remained the same. To celebrate we have put together a new 30th Anniversary Collection. As a thank you for your gift of $100 we will send you 30 of the some of the best episodes of WHI over the past 30 years. To request this collection go to whitehorseinn.org/celebrate
Are the New Atheists Less Honest than the Old Atheists?
New Atheists like Sam Harris reject belief in God but want to retain values like compassion, tolerance, democracy, individual human rights, and equality. Older atheists like Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre, or Ivan Karamazov in Fyodor Dostoevsky's great novel The Brothers Karamazov, saw atheism as having grimmer moral implications. The question: which expression of atheism is more authentic?
Truth Unites is a mixture of apologetics and theology, with an irenic focus.
Gavin Ortlund (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) serves as senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Ojai.
Website: https://gavinortlund.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gavinortlund
Is Hell Real?
You’re in a conversation and someone says, “I don’t believe a loving God would send anyone to Hell. He wouldn’t even allow a place like that to exist.” What would you say?
It’s easier to believe in things like Heaven, redemption, and eternal joy with God – you know, the things we want to be true --- than those things that are hard to imaging and even stomach, like eternal punishment.
Hell is a hard thing to talk about, but the next time it comes up in conversation, here are three things to remember:
First, God doesn’t force anyone into Hell, but He doesn’t force anyone to love Him or be with Him either.
Second, Jesus taught that Hell is real, and talks about it more than anyone else in the New Testament.
Third, hell does not diminish God’s love; it displays it.
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Website: http://WhatWouldYouSay.org
Comment Policy: We encourage civil discussions. Please keep bad language, personal attacks, off-topic comments, and general bad behavior off our site.
Further Reading:
Chan, Francis and Sprinkle, Preston. Erasing Hell: What God Said About Eternity, and the Things We've Made Up. Colorado Springs, CO: David C. Cook, 2011
Building a Friendship with Your Spouse | Mark and Grace Driscoll
Backstage at the 2020 XO Conference, Mark and Grace Driscoll discuss the importance of dating your spouse and focusing on building a lasting friendship through every season of life.
XO Marriage exists to help couples have a healthy and strong marriage. We do this by hosting conferences, creating resources, and offering encouraging digital content. Our world-class speakers offer leading marriage advice to equip couples with the necessary tools for a successful marriage. We believe that every marriage can thrive.
Watch all of the XO 2020 Conference moments on XO Now: https://xomarriage.com/now
XO Conferences are a live environment for couples to come together, be encouraged, and learn from leading marriage experts. Conferences offer a Biblical perspective on marriage and allow couples to connect and grow in a fun and encouraging setting.
XO Publishing, founded in 2019, exists to create marriage books and resources for couples in every stage of their relationship. Our vast library of content offers a more in-depth learning experience for couples, small groups, and churches.
Through podcasts, videos, blog posts, and more, we create engaging and relevant content for people to connect with online. Our content is centered around providing couples with tools and teachings to establish and maintain a strong foundation for their marriage.
Monday, November 16, 2020
The Reformation Changed the Family | Dr. Glenn Sunshine
Professor Glenn Sunshine spoke on the Reformation's effects on the family. Using Martin Luther's and John Calvin's lives as examples, he reminds us of deep humanity within the Reformation's greatest figures.
The talk was during the annual Reformation Banquet at New Saint Andrews College.
Sabbath: Receiving the Gift of Limits
Shalom: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Week #6 - "Sabbath: Receiving the Gift of Limits"
Community Group Discussion Questions
Week #6 - "Sabbath: Receiving the Gift of Limits"
Community Group Discussion Questions
- STOP - How can work become an alternative source of the deepest meaning, value, and significance? What day have you designated as your Sabbath and how do practice stopping work on this day?
- REST - Why is it important to set-up clear boundaries between your work week and your sabbath? What major distractions, habits or hang ups might prevent you from resting on the Sabbath? How can resting help us to work more effectively?
- DELIGHT - Make a “happy list” of things you do to make the Sabbath a time of joy, refreshment, and renewal. How is slowing down to enjoy friends, fellowship, worship, and the fruits of our labor an act of worship?
- WORSHIP - In what ways does a believer have rest in Jesus? How do these Gospel truths give us weapons to fight against anxiety, fear and insecurity? What ways is the busyness of our lives coming from a need for approval and importance? How can practicing Sabbath be an active, worshipful resistance to the pattern of this world?
Sabbath As Rhythm (Genesis 2:1-3) God doesn’t rest due to physical fatigue; why does He rest, and what can we learn from it? God’s blessing of the Sabbath day sets it apart as a day for both rest and worship. Using the framework of rest and worship, which activities do you find most restful and most worshipful?Sabbath As Remembrance (Deuteronomy 5:14-16) How is taking a day to Sabbath an exercise of your faith? How can taking a nap be an act of worship? What major distractions, habits or hang ups might prevent you from resting on the Sabbath? How can resting well help us to work more effectively?Sabbath As Resistance (Matthew 12:1-8) What does Jesus mean when He declares Himself to be the Lord of the Sabbath? In what ways does a believer have rest in Jesus? How do these Gospel truths give us weapons to fight against anxiety, fear and insecurity? What ways might busyness be coming from a need for approval and importance? How can practicing the sabbath be an active resistance to the overwhelming busyness of our world?
Friday, November 13, 2020
Ploductivity in a World Gone Mad | Douglas Wilson
Drawing from his book Ploductivity, Doug Wilson gave theological and practical advice on how to be productive. Specifically, he addressed the question, "How does our technological wealth aid us in our mission to redeem the days with maximum effect?"
This talk was hosted by the New Saint Andrews Alumni Association and was delivered to local and distant alumni.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
I've met many Jews who had no idea that a Godhead was part of their theology once. I have since discovered, as an academic, that what we're going to talk about today was sort of looked at as forbidden knowledge. There were certain passages in the Old Testament that you shouldn't be reading. And you shouldn't be studying without a rabbi with you to steer you from one direction to the other. To give you the standard interpretation or denial of what the text was actually saying. Check it out!
Joe Boot: Sphere Sovereignty and State Absolutism
Because the state is, by nature, a coercive institution, when it oversteps its boundaries, tyranny and oppression are the inescapable result. Ezra Institute Founder Joe Boot explains the limits Scripture places on the institution of civil government?
What About Old Testament Genocide?
You’re in a conversation and someone says, “If God is so good, how could he command genocide in the Old Testament?”
What would you say?
In Old Testament passages such as Deuteronomy 7, God commands the Israelites not only to drive out the people who lived in the land of Canaan, known as the Canaanites, but also to take over their land and destroy them all.
If God is so good, how could He command His people to do such a thing? The next time you’re in a conversation and that question comes up, remember these 3 things:
First, God’s command for Israel to drive out the Canaanites was not race-based, but behavior-based, as the Canaanites engaged in acts that would be considered criminal in civilized societies.
Second, God is willing to work with people where they are, not where they ought to be. He works within messy human cultures to move them towards redemption.
Third, the Old Testament’s mention of many Canaanite survivors shows that its “total-kill” language is simply Ancient Near Eastern exaggeration or hyperbole.
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Website: http://WhatWouldYouSay.org
Comment Policy: We encourage civil discussions. Please keep bad language, personal attacks, off-topic comments, and general bad behavior off our site.
Sources and Further Reading:
Copan, Paul. Is God a Moral Monster?: Making Sense Of The Old Testament God. Ada, Michigan: Baker Books, 2011.
Immorality of the Canaanites: Lev. 18, 2 Kings 16:3; Dt. 18:10-12; 1 Kings 14:24; Dt. 23:17-18; Gen 38:21-22.
God’s concern with the immoral worship and culture (not race-based): Dt. 7:1-5
Israel’s comparative military weakness: Dt. 4:38: cf. 9:1.
God doesn’t desire judgment or afflict willingly: Jer. 18:8; 27:12-14; Lam. 3:33; Ezek. 18:31; 33:11; Jonah 4:2.
The dominant language of “driving out” and “thrusting out” the Canaanites, indicating further that “extermination” passages are hyperbolic (cf. Exod. 23:28; Lev. 18:24; Num. 33:52: Deut. 6:19; 7:1; 9:4; 18:12; Josh. 10:28, 30, 32, 35, 37, 39; 11:11, 14). Israel was to “dispossess” the Canaanites of their land (Num. 21:32; Deut. 9:1; 11:23; 18:14; 19:1).
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Slow to Anger
What does it mean to say that God is slow to anger? In the Bible, God’s anger is a just response to human evil, which is motivated by God’s justice and love. In this video, we’ll explore God’s anger and justice in the biblical story and see how it all leads to Jesus.
View more resources on Slow to Anger:
- Explore Character of God: https://tbp.xyz/characterofgod
- Study Notes: https://tbp.xyz/slowtoangerstudynotes
- Blog: https://tbp.xyz/slowtoangerblog
#BibleProject #CharacterofGod #SlowToAnger
Baptism Sunday 2020
Baptism Sunday 2020
YouTube Video of Baptisms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef9Or4ziNDc&t=3358s
ITunes Sermons https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rainier-valley-church-seattle/id1365367477
Sermon RSS Feed https://rainiervalleychurch.libsyn.com/rssStandalone Message
"Baptism Sunday 2020"
Community Group Discussion QuestionsWhat stood out to you during the baptisms last Sunday?
Share the story of your baptism(s) with your Community Group.Read Romans 6:1-4
How would you explain Romans 6:1 in your own words? When you have shared the Gospel with friends and loved ones, what kind of questions do they have about grace?
What does it mean that a Christian has died to sin and how should this impact our daily Christian life?
In what ways have you seen newness of life in those who have been baptized and how can we support and serve those who have been recently baptized to grow into Christian maturity?
In the Great Commission, Jesus told his church to go into all the world baptizing new disciples and doing on other activity. What is that activity and how do we as brothers and sisters in Christ do this for new believe?
Let's take some time to pray together as a Community Group
YouTube Video of Baptisms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef9Or4ziNDc&t=3358s
ITunes Sermons https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rainier-valley-church-seattle/id1365367477
Sermon RSS Feed https://rainiervalleychurch.libsyn.com/rssStandalone Message
"Baptism Sunday 2020"
Community Group Discussion QuestionsWhat stood out to you during the baptisms last Sunday?
Share the story of your baptism(s) with your Community Group.Read Romans 6:1-4
How would you explain Romans 6:1 in your own words? When you have shared the Gospel with friends and loved ones, what kind of questions do they have about grace?
What does it mean that a Christian has died to sin and how should this impact our daily Christian life?
In what ways have you seen newness of life in those who have been baptized and how can we support and serve those who have been recently baptized to grow into Christian maturity?
In the Great Commission, Jesus told his church to go into all the world baptizing new disciples and doing on other activity. What is that activity and how do we as brothers and sisters in Christ do this for new believe?
Let's take some time to pray together as a Community Group
- Pray for those who have been baptized, that minds and hearts would be stamped with this symbol of their new identity in Christ.
- Pray that those who have been baptized would continue to be discipled, that they would be prepared to fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil, and that they would be strengthened to walk with Jesus for a life-time.
- Pray for our church family that watched and celebrated the baptisms, they we would come alongside these new believers to train, encourage, support and love them well.
- Pray for our church as we finish up the Shalom: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality series. Pray for conviction, clarity, and growth.
- Pray for our church as we enter into the Christmas season that we can rejoice in the hope that we have in Christ and be a witness in this city.
What Is a Leader's Top Priority When Facing a Crisis? | Pete Scazzero
Are you constantly struggling with paying attention to your own feelings, anxieties, and worries in life? It’s challenging for leaders to hold on to their individuality while staying connected to others – especially in times of crisis. In this video, Pete discusses why living out your true self is essential for every leader.
Watch this.
At Emotionally Healthy Discipleship, we serve churches and leaders by confronting the crisis of shallow Christianity. Through books and courses, we help church leaders build a mature model of discipleship that deeply changes lives.
Take a free, 15-minute assessment to identify your emotional and spiritual maturity at https://www.emotionallyhealthy.org/ma....
Discover why your past shapes your present and how this affects your leadership when you explore our Team Transformation Videos: www.emotionallyhealthy.org/team.
Access our free eBook on “Why Leadership Matters,” and learn a powerful spiritual practice in building healthy structures and rhythms in your life and leadership: www.emotionallyhealthy.org/leadershipmatters.
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Follow Pete Scazzero!
Instagram: www.instagram.com/petescazzero/
Twitter: twitter.com/petescazzero
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Friday, November 6, 2020
25: Preparing For Church
Being Prepared for Worship on Sunday
- Nancy Wilson use to loath going to church on Sundays because she had little kids that were difficult to handle and a lot of hard work to prepare and supervise at church.
- Nancy was convicted when a friend of her's told her how much she loves and looks forward to church on Sundays and Nancy realized that she didn't have that same outlook.
- The best preparation for Sunday is to walk with God all week so we need to stay in fellowship, ask for forgiveness, prepare our hearts for worship.
- Be reading the Word all week long so you know your way around the Bible. Read ahead in advance of Sunday and take a moment to pray for your heart to receive what God has for you.
- Prepare in advance for Sunday worship services by laying out your outfit, getting bible and journal ready, have breakfast figured out or just a plan for what to eat on Sunday morning.
- What seems to be the challenges and troubles that you might have each Sunday morning and how can you prepare for Sundays so that you can come to worship on the Lord's day with a joyful, grateful, prepared and ready heart.
- Pray for the Sunday morning service throughout the week. Pray for the pastor, his sermon, and his preparation, pray for the worship team, the board of directors, the community groups. Pray for new people to visit and watch online, pray for ears to hear and hearts to be transformed.
- In the midst of these crazy and uncertain times, we know who we are, we have anchor in the midst of the stormy and each Sunday we remember and celebrate that anchor, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Muslim Girls’ School Teaches Students How to Behead Blasphemers
A Muslim girls' school in Pakistan responded to news of Muhammad cartoons in France by demonstrating how to behead blasphemers. The girls at the school are being actively encouraged to seek martyrdom by shedding their blood for Muhammad. David Wood discusses the issue.
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#Pakistan #MuhammadCartoons #DavidWood
Yasir Qadhi's Copyright Quiz
Yasir Qadhi is false flagging YouTube channels for replaying an embarrassing live stream he was featured in earlier this year. Here's my restored video: https://youtu.be/d225z-Yn0vk.
How Are the New Testament Books Independent & Reliable if the Writers Ar...
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Dr. Craig and Dr. Russ Hemati engage questions from live viewers in a dialogue on the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth with Cameron Bertuzzi.
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Thursday, November 5, 2020
Christian Reaction to the Election
I know everyone’s been biting their nails with this election, and I just wanted to offer up a quick word to you guys. I don’t know if the guy you’re voting for is losing the election or already lost the election or if they won. At the time I’m recording this, it’s really right and hard to tell. But I just wanted to say no matter who wins and no matter what happens with the election, I hope that those of us that are Christians remember to be the light in the darkness. That’s what we’re called to do, and that's where the real change in our culture starts. It’s easy to not do much for 4 years and just vote, but we were called to do more than that. We need to continue to work in our families and in our neighborhoods, and continue to disciple and make disciples. And in this, we pray that it’s not our will that gets done, but we pray that with this election, God’s will be done. No matter who wins, we need to pray for the president, and pray they make the best decisions for our nations, and that Godly men will guide them, and give them wisdom and direction. But no matter what happens, Christ is king!
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The Curious Case of ibn Shanabudh
This short video looks at the figure of ibn Shanabudh, who was flogged for using some of the readings of Muhammad's companions.
How Do You Become a Good Parent If You Come From a Bad Home?
What's the key to learning how to be a good parent if you don't have a good example? In this short video, I interview my father about his experience of growing up with an alcoholic father, but learning how to be a great dad.
READ: So The Next Generation Will Know (https://amzn.to/2GvdJyg)
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RightNow Conference 2020 | Live Event | RightNow Media 2020
**Our support hotline is available at 214-281-3386 from 8am-5pm CST on Wednesday, November 4 and Thursday, November 5 to answer any questions about streaming RightNow Conference.**
This stream will be available until Monday, December 7.
Session 1: 9:00 AM–10:15 AM – Kyle Idleman, Bianca Juárez Olthoff
Break: 10:15 AM–10:35 AM
Session 2: 10:35 AM–12:00 PM – Lucas Leys, Jenni Catron, Léonce Crump Jr.
Lunch Break: 12:00 PM–1:00 PM
Session 3: 1:00 PM–3:00 PM – Bryan Loritts, J.D. Greear, Jennie Allen
Break: 3:00 PM–3:20 PM
Session 4: 3:20 PM–4:30 PM – Tony Evans, Matt Chandler
RightNow Media's mission is to work with the global church to inspire people to love others before self and Christ above all. We serve a global audience of over 18,000 churches, ministries, and schools with the world's largest library of biblical on-demand video resources available anytime, anywhere.
Are you a church leader looking to equip your people beyond Sundays? Schedule your demo today! https://www.rightnowmedia.org/get-access
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Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Should We Try to Erase Economic Inequality?
You’re in a conversation and someone says, “In America, the richest 1% have 40% of all the wealth. This kind of inequality shouldn’t be tolerated.”
The wealth gap between the upper class and everyone else is almost always framed in terms of inequality and fairness. But that doesn’t present the whole picture.
The next time you’re in a conversation and someone suggests that economic inequality is inherently unjust or unfair, here are 3 things to remember:
Second, economic inequality is often the mark of a truly free society, one that respects that the diversity of our choices and gifts often have unequal outcomes.
First, because there’s not a fixed amount of wealth in an economy, the wealth of some doesn’t necessarily cause the poverty of others.
Third, focusing on inequality and wealth gaps distracts from the real problem of poverty.
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Website: http://WhatWouldYouSay.org
Comment Policy: We encourage civil discussions. Please keep bad language, personal attacks, off-topic comments, and general bad behavior off our site.
Further Resources and Reading:
For more on capitalism and economics, see: Richards, Jay W. Money, Greed, and God: Why Capitalism is the Solution and Not the Problem. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2009.
Thank you to Dr. Jay Richards for serving as the consultant for this video.
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