Friday, January 31, 2020

Kuyper's Public Theology

Dr. Jordan J. Ballor, senior research fellow and director of publishing for the Acton Institute, joins us to speak about Abraham Kuyper's public theology. Dr. Ballor is a general editor of Abraham Kuyper’s Collected Works on Public Theology published by Lexham Press. Kuyper was something of a polymath/renaissance man. Along with being an influential theologian and also a journalist, he served as Prime Minister of the Netherlands between 1901 and 1905. He established the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands, which upon its foundation became the second largest Reformed denomination in the country behind the state-supported Dutch Reformed Church.

Jordan J. Ballor (Dr. theol., University of Zurich; PhD, Calvin Theological Seminary) is a senior research fellow and director of publishing at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion & Liberty. He is also a postdoctoral researcher in theology and economics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam as part of the “What Good Markets Are Good For” project.

This is Christ the Center episode 631 (

Evangelism in the Workplace

As believers called to make disciples of all nations, Gloria Furman, Lauren Hansen, Jeany Kim Jun, and Regina Robinson discuss how we carry out the Great Commission in our workplaces. What kinds of sensitivities and clarity are biblical and effective? What is the role of the church? How can we shine the light of the gospel in our various places of work—whether an office, a kitchen, an artist’s studio, or a classroom?

Why are Christians So Uptight about Sex?

One of the biggest misconceptions about Christianity and sex is thinking that Christianity disapproves of sex. But did you know the Bible is actually far more comfortable and effusive talking about human sexuality than often we are? Sam Allberry talks more about this in his new book, "Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?"

Acts 2:39 in Context, Interpreted, Applied

Acts 2:39 should be thought of by Reformed believers right along with Acts 13:48 and other texts teaching and proclaiming the sovereignty of God in salvation, but it normally is not. Why? Tradition. Today we spent the entire program, basically, looking at this one topic, digging into the original languages and considering the message of Peter’s response to the inquiry, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Both a theological inquiry as well as an example of, hopefully, consistent application of exegetical rules and norms. Then at the end a little announcement about our intended trip up to Moscow, Idaho for some spirited debates! Check it out.

Why Children Matter Pt 2 / Introduction

Get Douglas Wilson's book, Why Children Matter, today in paperback (, or audio (!

David Wood and the Apostate Prophet LIVE (8:00pm Eastern Time)

David Wood and the Apostate Prophet will be LIVE at 8:00pm (Eastern Time) answering questions about Islam.

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#DavidWood #ApostateProphet

Should We Call Female Leaders ‘Pastors’? // Ask Pastor John

The New Testament doesn’t apply the term “pastor” to any leader in the church, but only to qualified men who oversee and teach the flock.

Today we jump feet first into a boiling debate over whether female church leaders should be called “pastors.” The question comes to us from a listener named Nick. “Hello, Pastor John! My church is changing its view on the use of the word ‘pastor’ to include women, saying Ephesians
4:11 is the only place in the Bible where the Greek word for ‘pastor’ is ever used, and that it doesn’t have any specific qualifications there. Women could fill this role and still be under male headship and a male elder board, almost more like a deacon or deaconess who leads specific ministries in the church — like a pastor over worship, or a pastor over women’s ministry. But would this change in title be in line with other parts of Scripture?”

Read or listen to this interview at our website:

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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Habbits: Sabbath

Community Group Discussion Questions
Sunday, January 26th 2020 
Habits - Week #3 “Sabbath” (Exodus 20:8-11) 
STOP - How can work become an alternative source of the deepest meaning, value, and significance? What day have you designated as your Sabbath and how do practice stopping work on this day?  REST - Why is it important to set-up clear boundaries between your work week and your sabbath? What major distractions, habits or hang ups might prevent you from resting on the Sabbath? How can resting help us to work more effectively?DELIGHT - Make a “happy list” of things you do to make the Sabbath a time of joy, refreshment, and renewal. How is slowing down to enjoy friends, fellowship, worship, and the fruits of our labor aWORSHIP - In what ways does a believer have rest in Jesus? How do these Gospel truths give us weapons to fight against anxiety, fear and insecurity? What ways is the busyness of our lives coming from a need for approval and importance? How can practicing Sabbath be an active, worshipful resistance to the pattern of this world?

Bible Project Video on the Sabbath
This is helpful overview from the Bible Project on the topic of the Sabbath.
On page one of the Bible, God orders a beautiful world out of chaotic darkness within a sequence of six days. And on the seventh day, God rests. This introduces the major biblical theme of patterns of seven that conclude with God and humans resting together as partners. In this video, we explore the theme of seventh day rest and the biblical concept of Sabbath. We also look at why Jesus adopted this idea as a major part of his own mission to bring God's Kingdom to earth.
Explore Sabbath page here:
Sabbath podcast series here:

Recommended Reading on the Sabbath

Sunday, January 5, 2020


Habits - Week #1 Prayer
Exodus 33:12-20
  • If you could wave a wand and make this year different from last year, what two or three things would you magically change?
  • What’s one new habit you want to start? What’s one old habit you want to stop?
  • Which is more difficult for you: making a habit or breaking a habit? Why do you think that is?
  • What’s a positive habit you do occasionally that you’d like to do consistently? 
  • Use three words to describe the kind of person you want to become.

  1. Pray to Receive God’s Instruction (33:12-14) How have you received God's instruction, correction, and guide in prayer? 
  2. Pray to Experience God’s Presence (33:15-17) How have you experienced God's presence through prayer? 
  3. Pray to See God's Glory (33:18-20) Why is seeing and savoring God's glory so important? 

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...