Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Does John Piper Hate “Fun”? // Ask Pastor John

What Is The Bible?

Can you do a devotional in 5 minutes?

Productivity and Leadership in the 21st Century: A Live Interview with T...

Tim Challis is a thoughtful writing and blogger. He book of productivity was very helpful to me. He will be speaking on Productivity and Leadership today and I've included a link to the live-stream below. 

Kid's Catechism from Pastor Alex Early

Daddy's can write catechisms for their kids, too, right?
Q: Who made all this?
A: The only God (Gen. 2:2).
Q: How bad is my sin?
A: Blacker than the blackest hole (Rom. 6:23).
Q: How far away are my sins from me?
A: "A great gulf has been fixed." "As far as the east is from the west" (Lk. 16:26, Ps. 103:12).
Q: How clean am I in the presence of God?
A: You are as clean as Jesus Christ. (2 Cor. 5:21)
Q: How disappointed is God in me?
A: “You are the apple of my eye.” “You are my darling child.” “Please refer to me as ‘Abba.’” (Ps. 17:8, Jer. 31:20, Rom. 8:15, Gal. 4:6).
Q: How many times will Jesus forgive me?
A: At least 70x7 (Matt. 18:22).
Q: Will God bring up my past?
A: "You are hidden with Christ in God" and "your sins are on the bottom of the ocean floor" (Col. 3:3, Micah 7:9).
Q: Precisely how many good works do I need to do to go to heaven?
A: Zero. Jesus did them (Eph. 2:8-9).
Q: Exactly what can stop the love of God from getting to me?
A: "Nothing in all creation" (Rom. 8:37-39).
Q: How sure can I be that I’ll finish the race?
A: "He who starts a good work in you WILL complete it"(Phil. 1:6).
Q: “What if I fall asleep in when I pray?”
A: “I’ll never leave you” (Deut. 31:8).
Q: One last question… “How long can I stay in heaven?”
A: Eternity on top of eternity (John 3:16).

If You’re a Christian, You Are in Christ

Restoring the World as a Garden-Sanctuary

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Engaging Culture or Engaged to Culture? PDX Culture Conference 2017

Dr. Ken Myers from Mars Hill Audio will be the keynote speaker at the 2017 Culture Conference hosted by Hinson Baptist Church.

Some of the families at my church have helped to organize this excellent event and I wanted to pass on the info if you're interested. Follow the link below to register.

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...