Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Lord's Supper - Doctrine and Devotion

Union with Christ - Dr. J.I. Packer (Regent College)

3. Tactics in Defending the Faith | Great Koukl

CROSS 2016 | The Doctrine of Christ and the Call to Global Missions - Ke...

CROSS 2016 | You the Church and the Great Commission - Conrad Mbewe

CROSS 2016 | The Sending Gospel - Afshin Ziafat

CROSS 2016 | Christ Our Great Reward - David Platt

CROSS 2016 | You Were Built to Brag - Trip Lee

CROSS 2016 | Hell is Real. Time is Short. Jesus says, “Go.” - Thabiti An...

CROSS 2016 | The Role of the Holy Spirit in World Evangelism - John Piper

CROSS 2016 | Go, Send, or Disobey - J.D. Greear

A Time for Confidence - Stephen Nichols - Ligonier Ministries

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Summit View Church: Origins "Esther" Heritage Park and Felida Sermons

Refuge East - Steven Dowling "Homecoming"

Steven 1-18 Refuge from Summit View on Vimeo.

Recapturing the Wonder Ep. 1

Can I have 100% assurance of salvation?

Ways churches can apply the pro-life worldview to issues in their commun...

How to Fight Fear in Motherhood

Stewardship and the Creation Mandate

Does Working for Reward Ruin Being Motivated by Love?

Ask Doug: Peter Hitchens and Art as Evangelism

When we think about God | Analytic Theology in Practice

When we think about God | Analytic Theology in Dialogue

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Table Podcast Show [Rosaria Butterfield - Sexual Identity]

Sexual Identity Issues and Union with Christ

In this episode, Dr. Darrell Bock and Rosaria Butterfield discuss sexual identity issues and union with Christ.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Midweek Lectures: Interpreting the Bible's Creation Stories

Genesis chapters 1 and 2 contain some of the most explosive ideas about God and human beings that history has ever known, but they’ve been sadly overlooked due to the creation-evolution controversies in American history.  In this evening lecture, Tim Mackie will help us rediscover how ancient Israelites would have read and understood these stories, and explore how they contribute to the Biblical storyline as a whole. 

The Making of the Bible with Tim Mackie - Reality San Francisco

The Making of the Bible with Tim Mackie from Reality San Francisco on Vimeo.

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...