Thursday, September 29, 2016

Round Table Podcast // Ravi Zacharias

Happy 4th Birthday to My Sweet Ellie-Rose!

Happy 4th Birthday to my sweet little Eliana! 

I can't believe you're already been four years since you were born. You have grown up so fast and I'm so proud of you. It seems like only yesterday you were a baby we were bringing home from the hospital. 

I love the incredibly little girl you are from your funny sense of humor to your creativity. I love your crazy dances, your incredible pictures, your laughter and your sense of wonder. Eliana means "Our God hears" and you were such an incredible answer to our prayers.  

I'm so proud of you and thankful to be your Dad. Can't wait to get home and celebrate with a big birthday dinner tonight!

Eternal Decree in Systematic Theology

Monday, September 19, 2016

Nehemiah: Vision, Leadership & Togetherness (Neh.1:1-12)

Nehemiah: Vision, Leadership and Togetherness 
Sunday, September 18th
Summit View Church: Felida Campus

"The Need: Human Flourishing and Prayer"
(Nehemiah 1:1-12)

Growing Deeper
What are you looking forward to as we begin this study on the book of Nehemiah as a church?
Have you ever read or studied Nehemiah before? If so, what did God teach you?
Read Nehemiah chapter 1 and answer the following questions:
Notice that Nehemiah (led by the Holy Spirit) is writing in a first-person active narrative. Why is understanding the genre of Nehemiah important? How can journaling be a healthy spiritual discipline? What advantages might a Christian find by taking time to journal?

What does Nehemiah’s emotional reaction to the news of Jerusalem’s destruction reveal about his character? What does his reaction show about his love for the Lord and his concern for God’s people? It has been said that the key to developing passion is to have a burden born out of awareness fueled by emotion, shaped in prayer, embraced by confession and addressed by God’s promises. Why is each one of these steps so important? How do you see Nehemiah taking each of these steps? What burdens has God put on your heart? 

Nehemiah goes to God in prayer. What do you notice about Nehemiah’s prayer (order, context, structure)? 

Nehemiah begins his prayer with adoration, calling God the Father “the great and awesome God who keeps covenant…with those who love him.” What is the importance of adoration in prayer? Why does Nehemiah start with adoration? How do you practice adoration in your prayer life and how does it shape your emotions?

Nehemiah confesses his own sin and the sin of his people in prayer. Why is confession so important? How do you practice confession with God and with other trusted people in your life?

Nehemiah specifically asks God for opportunity and favor with the king. What are you asking God for specifically? 


Is atheism a worldview? An atheist philosopher challenges the assumption

New Passion | Jeremy Bedenbaugh

What to Pray About | Walk in the Word TV Excerpt

Gender Fluid Enters the Oxford English Dictionary

The Vision of the Soma Family of Churches

Friday, September 9, 2016

CG Coaching Video - TOGETHER 2016 - Sunday, September 11th

CG Coaching Video for "Together 2016" Sunday, September 11th 2016

No questions for groups this week - please take time to plan finalize your CARE Group plans for the next 4 months until Christmas. If you're already meeting, feel free to have a BBQ, potluck, take a night off or enjoy an activity or game together. We will be starting the Nehemiah sermon series next Sunday, September 18th with lot of content for you! 

Volunteer Opportunities at TOGETHER 2016 this Sunday
(Please feel free to copy these and email them out to everyone in your Care Group this weekend)  
Parking volunteers meet with Pastor Bruce at 9:30am in parking lot
Inflatables volunteers meet with Pastor Bruce after 12am in the field near inflatables to sign up for half hour windows to supervise kids. 
Tear down volunteers meet with Pastor Charlie & Pastor Bruce at 2:30pm in the field to help clean up and pack up. 
Thank you all for your willingness to help serve your church family


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Is Faith Delusional - ep2

Pharaoh Serving God’s Purpose

Convergence Church + Culture Week #2 "Incarnational Ministry"

Convergence Church + Culture 
Sunday, September 4th - "Incarnational Ministry" (1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Preaching Pastors: Pastor Kyle Van Tine (HP)  Lead Pastor MIchael Hearn (Felida) 

Upcoming Events
Together 2016 - Sunday, September 11th (Both Campuses at HP)
Nehemiah Series Begins - Sunday, September 18th 
New At Summit View Class - Sunday, September 25th (HP) 

Growing Deeper (Small Group and Family Discussion Questions) 
Serve (Read 1 Corinthians 9:19)
During the Convergence Series, we have been looking at how the church relates to the culture around it. We looked at a scale of engagement, where at one extreme, there is separatism (avoidance), and the other is syncretism (conformity). Using this scale, how would you assess yourself, your family, your CARE Group, and Summit View Church as a whole?
Paul explains that God has given him freedom, not to be self-focused, but to serve others. Why did Paul have such a burning desire to serve others? How can the Gospel help us prioritize serving others in our life?
Relate (Read 1 Corinthians 9:20-22)
What are some examples of local cultures we interact with on a daily basis in the Portland Metro area?
What are some practical things from the culture surrounding us that we can either receive, reject or redeem?
What are some of the major differences between gospel contextualization and peer-pressure conformity?
Share (Read 1 Corinthians 9:23)
Think about some of your friends, family, coworkers, classmates or neighbors; how might their lives change spiritually, relationally and practically if they were won for Christ and share in His blessings?
Identify at least one person or family that you can focus your love and attention on during the month of September. What is their current view of God, what roadblocks are in the way of their faith journey and what experiences from the past shape them? Identify how can you pray for them and ways you and your family/care group can serve them.

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...