Monday, January 18, 2016

Christians are the world’s biggest micro-aggressors.

"We Are Worshipers" -(Isaiah 6:1-8)- Sunday, January 17th 2016

Sunday, January 17th - Pastor Kyle Van Tine
"We Are Worshipers" (Isaiah 6:1-8)

CARE Group Coaching "We Are Worshipers"

Questions for Growing Deeper

We are worshipers responding to Jesus’ holiness. (6:1-5)
  • We are all wired to worship. How do you see this around you both in religious and non-religious ways?
  • How can we become aware of the difference between loving and appreciating something or someone and actually worshiping that person or thing?
  • Why is Jesus’ holiness a motivation for worship?
We are worshipers being transformed by Jesus’ grace. (6:6-7)
  • Discuss this statement: We become like what we worship.
  • How have you seen people becoming like what they worship?
  • How have you personally and specifically been transformed by worshiping Jesus lately?
  • If the underlying heart issue is always worship, which idols do you find your heart drawn toward?   
We are worshipers being  sent on Jesus’ mission. (6:8) 
  • How have you seen or experienced a worship lifestyle function as a form of evangelism?
  • What does it look like for you practically to worship at work, at school or in the home? What might need to change in your belief, behavior, words, attitudes or actions?

An Atheist Asks “What Am I Missing?”

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Choosing 'S.M.A.R.T.' Fitness Goals

Goal Setting for Beginners - Michael Hyatt Podcast S04E08

Letting Christmas Define our Lives (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12)


Sunday, December 27th - Pastor Kyle Van Tine - (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12)  

Questions for Personal/Family/Group Study

Work Backwards
How do you define your life; as primarily proactive or reactive, and why?
How do you want to be remembered by your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors?  
What would it look like to finish well in your marriage and leave a godly legacy for your family?
Are your daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals and habits consistent with what you believe?
Live Consistently
Where are the areas of inconsistency in your life? (Examples: self-discipline, church vs private life, marriage, family, work, private life?) Are you honest about your inconsistency?
What are the major lessons you’ve learned from your failures in 2015?  What are you need to do to keep from making the same mistakes?

Make Resolutions
If hoping alone is not a viable strategy for growth and change, how will your 2016 be different than 2015?
What areas in your life need to change in 2016? What projects and goals do you want to accomplish in 2016? Use the S.M.A.R.T method for help (Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound).

Be Intentional
Where have you seen a disconnect in your life between good intentions and good actions?
Who will you pour into and invest in during 2016? How will you encourage, cultivate and challenge them this year?
As the saying goes, “Find your misery and you will find your ministry”, what breaks your heart, makes you angry, provokes you; what will you do about it in 2016?
What season of life are you in and how does that season (e.g. singleness, retirement, etc.) shape your ministry? 

Stay Faithful
How have you personally been enriched by the faithfulness of others?
Who will your faithfulness impact, encourage and guide?

How can you cultivate faithfulness and long obedience in the same direction? 

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...