Monday, October 26, 2015

How Can We Communicate? (Darrin & Amie Patrick)

Transforming Prayer Week #6 "Expectation" (2 Kings 19:14-19)

Sunday, October 25th sermon by Pastor Kyle Van Tine 

Transforming Prayer Week #6 "Expectation" - 2 Kings 19:14-19

Summit View Church Announcements 10/25/15

CG Coaching for Week #6 "Expectation"   

Growing deeper

Ice Breakers
Share a funny story from a situation when reality was completely different than your expectation.
How can expectations be helpful or harmful?
Pray expectantly to the God who CREATES (2 Kings 19:14-15) 
What was your view of prayer growing up (tradition, ritual, lucky charm, solution)?
What is the role of expectation when it comes to praying biblically?
Do you have a “place” (room, park, backyard, coffee shop) that is your primary prayer spot? How would this benefit your prayer time?
Why do biblical prayer stories almost always start with the prayer praising God before making requests?
Pray expectantly to the God who HEARS (2 Kings 19:16-18)
How does it change our expectations of prayer to know that God hears everything we pray?
How is it practically encouraging to know that God doesn’t just listen to our prayers, but actually sympathizes and feels our heartaches?
Pray expectantly to the God who ANSWERS (2 Kings 19:19)
Share stories of times God has answered your prayers.
Do you have any examples of a time God didn’t answer your prayers the way you asked because He had something better in mind?

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"The Great Shepherd of the Sheep" A message Presented by Dr. R. Albert M...

God Hears and Answers Prayers!

I had a great time at "SEVEN" last night praying with other churches. Its pretty awesome that we specifically prayed against sex trafficking in the Portland Metro area and I woke up this morning to see the news that the FBI had broken up a trafficking ring in Portland and rescued 3 kids!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

SEVEN Clark County - Speaking at New Heights Church tonight!

I'm really looking forward to speaking at "SEVEN" tonight at New Heights Church. Hoping to see a ton of Evangelical Christians from Vancouver, Battle Ground, Camas, Ridgefield and all around Clark County come together to pray and intercede for the good of our cities and the glory of God!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Transforming Prayer Week #4 "Request" - (1 Sam 1:9-18;20:17)

Sunday, October 11th sermon by Rick Hooks 

Transforming Prayer Week #4 "Request" - 1 Sam 1:9-20:17 

Listen to Sunday's sermon by following this link 

 Luke and Sarah Glassett's Prayer Story

Summit View Church Announcements 10/11/15

CG Coaching for Week #4 "Request" 



Ice Breakers
What were some of your childhood wishes or dreams (to fly, to have pet, to run fast, etc.)?
What kinds of things do you do to prepare to travel?
Topic  Questions:
Do you believe that God works for the good of those who love him? (Romans 8:28)
Hannah runs to the Lord in her bitterness and anguish. Where do you go in your pain?
How is prayer an ongoing journey with an almighty God?
How does Bible study prepare you for your journey in prayer?
How is it comforting in your prayer life to know that God knows your needs, thoughts and desires before you speak them? (Psalm 139: 1-6)

Monday, October 5, 2015

How to Know the Will of God

Transforming Prayer Week #3 "Relationship" - (2 Sam 7:18-29)

Sunday, October 5th sermon by Pastor Kyle Van Tine 

Transforming Prayer Week #3 "Relationship" - 2 Sam 7:18-29 

Summit View Church's Announcements 10/4

CG Coaching for Week #3 "Relationship" 



Ice Breakers
Share an awkward moment when you thought a stranger was actually a friend or family member.
What sort of things could you ask a close friend or family member that would be ridiculous to ask someone else?
What is have you identified as your "Transformating Challenge" that you will consistently pray about over the next six weeks? 
What do you think about God when you approach Him in prayer? (e.g. Almighty, Sovereign, Therapist, Butler?)
What things do you usually pray for?
If you were going to make a list of the things you typically pray about, what would that list show others about your understanding of the character and nature of God?
What are some of the privileges of the New Covenant Jesus established for us by His death on the cross?
How should being in a covenant with God as our Father shape our prayers?

NT Wright: "Simply Good News" | Talks at Google

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...