Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Reilly Justice Sproul and the Grace of Adoption

After Darkness, Light: 2015 National Conference

The Lost Art of Biblical Meditation

What is Christian Meditation?
Christian Meditation is the action of intently focusing on a section of scripture and allowing the Holy Spirit to take it from your head to your heart. This intentional focus and reworking of the text allows us to see God's truth from various angles as it sinks into our hearts.

Christian Meditation isn't emptying ourselves like Eastern Religion but filling ourselves up with God's Word. The Holy Spirit uses the Word, like a rock sharpening a knife, to right our affections, strangle our sins, reshape our hearts and move us!  

Austin Stone's series on Sexual Sin: What does it look like to repent?

Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt - Acts 29 Conference on Discipleship

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Jesus Reveals Reality (Mark 8:1-10)
Jesus shows the compassionate heart and power of God by feeding another massive crowd of people.
  • How have you experienced the compassion of God and His people in your life?
  • How can you be like Jesus and show compassion to others?
  • Where are the needs? How can you and your Care Group meet those needs?

Pharisees Resist Reality (Mark 8:11-13)
The Pharisees demand Jesus gives them specifically a unique miraculous sign to authenticate His ministry.
  • In what ways do we try to make God look like us, work on our timeline, play by our rules and follow our desires?
  • What is the difference between unbelief and doubt, and how is that distinction important to the Christian Life?

Disciples Remember Reality (Mark 8:14-21)
Jesus tries to teach His disciples; but they’re too concerned about practical needs, so Jesus reminds them of His provision.
  • How have worry and spiritual dullness caused you to miss what God is doing?
  • How does remembering God’s faithfulness and blessing in the past encourage you in the midst of fearful uncertainties?

The State of Theology: New Findings on America’s Theological Health

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Gospel of Mark: "Jesus & Religion" Mark 7:1-23

The Gospel of Mark 7:1-23

1. Jesus against Religious Traditionalism (Mark 7:1-5) 
What kind of religious traditions have you seen or experienced that actually go beyond the scriptures or even contradict God’s Word?
Why is it easier to see disobedience in others instead of ourselves?
In what specific ways do you have a condemning and judgmental spirit towards others (not lovingly, graciously correcting)?

2. Jesus against Religious Hypocrisy (Mark 7:6-13)
What is involved in the process of moving from honesty to hypocrisy? What might be gained by religious hypocrisy?
Where do you see areas of justified contradiction between what you claim to believe and how you really live?

3. Jesus against Religious Externalism (Mark 7:14-23)
What’s the difference between external conformity and internal heart-transformation? How do you personally know if your obedience is from the heart or only external pressure?
Apart from the gifted righteousness of Jesus, in what areas do you try to find your value, significance and worthiness in the eyes of God or others?

You can listen to Jesus and Religion here. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

"Jesus & Religion" - Gospel of Mark CG Coaching

The Gospel of Mark: "Jesus & Miracles" Mark 6:30-56

Big idea: Jesus shows His kingdom through miracles of provision, power and passion. 

Jesus’ Provision
1. How have you seen God provide for you in the past?
2. How does understanding Jesus’ provision build your faith?
Jesus’ Power 
3. What are the current storms in your life?
4. How has Jesus used storms in your life to show this glory?
Jesus’ Passion 
5. How have you seen or experienced the compassion and healing power of Jesus in your life?
6. What areas of your life (past, mind, family) need healing?

You can listen to "Jesus & Miracles" here

"Jesus & Miracles" - Gospel of Mark CG Coaching

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...