Wednesday, December 31, 2014

"Great is thy Faithfulness" a sermon on the text Genesis 15:1-21

It's New Year's Eve and I wanted to post my last sermon on God's Faithfulness to encourage you as we come into the year 2015 of our Lord. This sermon comes from Abram's encounter and covenant with God in Genesis 15. You can listen to the sermon here.  

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Just About, Nearly, Almost Christmas! - Matthew 2:1-23

It's Christmas time and the decorations are going up, the music is playing, the lights are on and the Christmas movies are back in full force! Regardless of wither there is a Grinch, an Elf or Bing Crosby belting out "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas," all Christmas movies follow roughly the same formula. Christmas is coming but oh no, there is a problem! That problem almost causes Christmas not to happen but in the end the heroes come through and we celebrate every time!
This theme of the near misses of Christmas frames up our sermon series at Summit View Church this year. We’re looking at the near misses of Christmas in the Bible. 

This last Sunday I preached a message on Matthew 2 entitled "Jesus Overcomes" looking at the six aspects of how the classic Christmas story of the wise men, king Herod and the journey to Egypt shows the sovereignty, goodness and control of our triune God over cultural barriers, tyrants, indifference, evil and every circumstance.  My hope and pray is that this message blesses you and stirs you up to celebrate Christmas. 

  1.          Jesus overcomes cultural barriers 2:1-2
  2.          Jesus overcomes tyrants 2:3-6
  3.          Jesus overcomes Indifference 2:7-11
  4.          Jesus overcomes Evil 2:12-18
  5.          Jesus overcomes every circumstance 2:19-23   

Christmas Food Boxes - Over 50,000 meals!

Thanks to the generosity of God's people at Summit View Church, Vancouver, WA. Over 50,000 meals will be provided to families in need this Christmas in Vancouver, Washington
Praying for lasting impact beyond full stomachs.

Merry Christmas!

A Very Merry Christmas from the Elders, Pastors, Directors and Staff at Summit View Church! 

Recovering Scripture: Can anyone really know what the Bible actually says?

Why should I resist sin if God uses it for good?

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...