Thursday, April 28, 2011

Soma Community Church in Tacoma Washington

Soma Communities - Tacoma, WA from Verge Network on Vimeo.

T4G08 DAY 02 Panel Discussion

Connect Your Church to an Overseas Community

Connect Your Church to an Overseas Community

An Interview with N.D. Wilson on Screenwriting The Great Divorce

An Interview with N.D. Wilson on Screenwriting The Great Divorce

Driscoll with DL

The Trellis and the Vine Reviewed by Mark Dever

Horton on Pastoral Education

What is the Great Commission?

What is the Gospel? by Michael Horton

The Gospel Coalition Conference - Carson

Getting Excited About Melchizedek - Don Carson - TGC 2011 from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.

The Gospel Coalition Conference - Keller

Getting Out - Tim Keller - TGC 2011 from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.

The Gospel Coalition Conference - Chandler

Youth - Matt Chandler - TGC 2011 from The Gospel Coalition on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Interning at Mars Hill Has Nearly Killed Me | The Mars Hill Blog

This is a short blog by my fellow Retrain student Ross Lester on what he learned while interning at Mars Hill Shoreline away from his home church in Johannesburg South Africa.
Interning at Mars Hill Has Nearly Killed Me | The Mars Hill Blog
Enjoy the short blog and please be praying for Ross and his family as they begin to transition back to South Africa and the next few months.

Just Stop and Think

What made it OK for God to kill women and children in the Old Testament?

This is one of most common complaints against Christianity.
What made it OK for God to kill women and children in the Old Testament?
Pastor John Piper responses with the authority of God as the supreme judge.

My Own Resurrection by Francis Chan

Audio from Keller on Exodus 14

Excellent sermon from Tim Keller on finding Jesus in the Old Testament from the Gospel Coalition.
Great sermon but also an excellent example of preaching the entire bible in a passage.
Audio from Keller on Exodus 14

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jokes About Gay People?

This is a great clip from the Elephant Room with several pastors addressing the issue of homosexuality.
Jokes About Gay People?

Live-Streaming The Gospel Coalition 2011 National Conference

Check out the live-stream of all the main sessions at the Gospel Coalition Conference.
Live-Streaming The Gospel Coalition 2011 National Conference
Listening to Albert Mohler talk about the Old Testament. Loving it!

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...