Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Problem in Practical Worship - Work

Why are there no worship songs involving work?

Its interesting to me that most of a man's life is spent in the workplace and yet so little of worship music has really used this fact. Is it because the worship pastor doesn't experience the grind of the typical 9-5? Does anyone know of any worship songs that involve work?
What is the reason for this staggering lack of diversity within the back catalog of christian music?

Looking forward to hearing your responses on this subject.
I also added my Amazon wish list for those that would like to support a poor student!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Official Traile...

This is was such a great book to read as a kid! I'm hoping the movie can capture that same feel of adventure!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Make War!!! (John Piper)

This is an awesome reminder by Piper to make war on our sin and never give up until we kill it!

Is There A God? Christopher Hitchens vs Pastor Douglas Wilson

This is an interview conducted after the movie Collision was released. It's a helpful clip to get the flavor of the debaters approaches and their unique personalities. Doug Wilson's presuppositional apologetics is very unique approve to defending the christian faith.

Christopher Hitchens vs. Douglas Wilson Debate at Westminster Theologica...

For those of you who have seen the movie Collision with Christopher Hitchens and Douglas Wilson will enjoy this full-length debate at Westminster. While the movie was exciting it cut away from the actual debates frequently so its helpful to watch the formal debate in its entirety.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

An Unrepentant Pastor and his Library of Books

This is a short video I made telling the story of an unrepentant Pastor, his wife, and his library of books. It's humbling to remember that theological knowledge doesn't mean obedience to Christ.

My hope and prayer is that this would be a valuable lesson to all of us. Book after book of biblical teaching doesn't equal a transformed heart that longs for obedience. Our culture longs for greater learning but to what end?

"There is no point in learning more then we have the faith to walk out in obedience."

My prayer is that God the Holy Spirit would allow are affections to rise to the massive truths we study so our hearts not just our minds would be forever changed.
Its a dangerous and flippant thing to study theology as though we can hold God under a microscope and study him.
Praise God for his grace towards us in the revelation of Christ Jesus so that we can know the Father and be changed!

Music to the Glory of God

I usually don't care for much christian music and find that label somewhat comical. I've found that any music that stirs your affections for Christ is real "Christian" music but labeled Christian music is typically just a niche market pandering to soccer moms.

"Any music that stirs your affections for Christ is real 'Christian' music"

During my travels around the internet I found a website through that features tons of different indie-bands with a desire to glorify God with their lyrics and any money they raise. I'm encouraged by this underground movement of musicians and their desiring to honor Christ. Check it out!

Listen to and download music for free at Come and Live Music

Craig Sanders Interview part 2 - "How do you live out the Gospel at your workplace?"

This is second part of a two part interview I did with Mars Hill Church Olympia's Summer Intern Craig Sanders. Craig is a student at North Greenville University with a passion for Greek and Hebrew studies. In this second question I ask Craig about how he goes about living out the Gospel in his workplace.

Interview with Craig Sanders - "How has God used Suffering in your Life?"

This is part one of a two part interview I did with Mars Hill Church Olympia's Summer Intern Craig Sanders. Craig is a student at North Greenville University with a passion for Greek and Hebrew studies. In this first question, I ask Craig about his experiences with Suffering and how God has used them to glorify himself.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Gospel at work! Part 1 There's Something Different About You?

The Gospel at Work...AT WORK!

Part 1 - There's Something Different About You?

If there is one preaching "strategy" that drives me crazy its the typical approach Pastors take to being a christian at work. The pastoral pitch usually goes something like this.. "Just go to work and people will see the difference, be drawn to you and say something like, there is something different about you?"

Has this ever happened to you?

While very few Christians have received the fabled "There is something different about you" line at their job, my guess would be that most anyone reading this can count on one hand the number of times this has actually occurred without having to use any fingers at all!

I think the problem is that most pastors have little to no experience working a regular job interacting with people that hate or are completely indifferent to God and his church. Most people honestly don't care what motivates you and are simply spiritually dead corpse trying vainly to find infinite delight in food, drink, friendship, wealth, fame and sex. While you may occasionally have a spiritually "seeking" co-worker, most people aren't looking for God but "politely" rebellion against him while going about everyday life. Your co-workers may dress nicely and be very professional while on the clock but its because they're already worshiping and chasing their idols by using this job either as a means to relationships, status, wealth, fame, etc, and they don't care about what makes you different so different because everyone is truly worshiping something, they just want to punch out and check out at five'O clock.

The truth is you're probably not as different as you'd like to think. But if you worship the triune God of scripture, your God is vastly different, infinitely superior and more captivating then your co-workers lifeless idols!

I think that anyone who is honest would agree that most people at work don't care about your motivations because they're just selfish and totally self-consumed. and in most cases they're completely happy(for now)with their false God.

My sin lately has been to scold and mock these people because of their indifference or disobedience towards God but I can no sooner do this then mock a blind man for not seeing! They're spiritually blind and can't see the goodness, beauty and infinite worth of everything God is for us in Jesus! Praise God that while I reflect him poorly in my workplace, Jesus reflects him perfectly in his incarnation documented historically in the eyewitness testimony of Holy Scripture!

So here are some thoughts I've had and lessons I've learned on the Job. That I will develop in the next few days.

Pray, Talk, and Pray Again!
Working for the Lord not for (Insert Here)
Lending, Without Expecting a Good Return?
Earning to Give and Give Some More!
Work as Worship!

The Defining Moment of ARC 2025

Glen Scrivener reacts to David Brooks' talk at the Alliance of Responsible Citizenship 2025. The moment David Brooks CHALLENGED world l...